Chapter 686
"Brother Li, slow down..." Wen Li who followed was about to speak when Li Xiuxian covered her mouth.

Li Xiuxian pointed to the tree!

Wen Li's face changed, only then did she realize that her reckless actions almost killed three people just now!
At first glance, these two giant beasts looked like two giant apes, but they were covered with strangely long green hair and had three black eyes. When they turned at the same time, they looked extremely alert.

Li Xiuxian quietly watched the two long-haired beasts pass under the tree, and gradually disappeared, before reappearing under the giant tree in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the direction where the giant beast disappeared, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

These two things that seem to be patrolling are naturally not dead wood, but why did they appear in the dead wood forest.Looking at the huge copper forks carried on their shoulders, it is obvious that they have extremely high spiritual intelligence.

Could it be another unknown alien race?

Li Xiuxian thought for a while, then couldn't help shaking his head.

As far as he knew, the Witherwood tribe was extremely xenophobic, and under normal circumstances, it was impossible for foreigners to act so swaggeringly within their sphere of influence.Could it be a war beast trained by the Wood Clan?
Li Xiuxian thought so.

The so-called war beasts are actually the same existence as spirit beasts, they just have a different name.Similar to the human monsters who used various secret techniques to sacrifice spirit beasts, other alien races also knew how to use medicine or other methods to train some ancient beasts so that they could be used by them.

As for the Wood Clan, as far as he knows, there were no war beasts before. Could it be that they have been successfully trained recently.

Li Xiuxian thought for a long time with doubts, but finally decided not to think about it any more.

Since these two long-haired beasts were not even spotted by him, they were probably of the rough-skinned and thick-skinned type, so they were nothing to be afraid of.

With a plan in mind, Li Xiuxian's figure flickered and disappeared as a phantom.


A day later, under a big tree in the forest, Li Xiuxian looked at the eight long-haired beasts in front of him with a gloomy expression.

These giant ape-like beasts are different from the previous two. Not only are they smaller in size, but they are also fiery red in color. What they hold in their hands is not a copper fork, but eight black and shiny maces.

The eight giant beasts all stared at Li Xiuxian with bared teeth and mouths, looking menacing.

The corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth twitched.

Originally thought that this kind of long-haired beast should be extremely slow in spiritual perception, but when the group of long-haired beasts passed by just now, they discovered him hiding behind the tree and immediately surrounded him.

When Li Xiuxian looked at the third eyeball on the foreheads of the eight monsters that kept flickering black, he frowned, and faintly realized something.

When I met those two green-haired beasts, the third eyeball on their heads seemed to be tightly closed.

At this time, the eight red monsters let out a low growl, jumped up, and swung the mace in their hands at the same time.

Immediately, a layer of green glow appeared on the surface of these murder weapons, and at the same time several gusts of wind rushed straight to Li Xiuxian and smashed them head-on.

Li Xiuxian raised his eyebrows.There was no dodge, just a sleeve robe calmly flicked into the air.

Eight small golden swords appeared in a flash, and in a flash they turned into eight golden threads and shot out around the eight long-haired beasts.

After a few "puff puffs", the eight huge heads rolled down like chopping vegetables.

When the eight golden threads turned back into small swords with a flash of light, and flew back with a tremor, the eight corpses mixed with emerald green blood had already fallen heavily to the ground.

Li Xiuxian's other long sleeve shook the corpses again, and eight red fireballs flew out and hit the corpses.

After a few soft sounds, they were immediately reduced to ashes in the crimson fire.

"Brother Li is so powerful, you just took care of these monsters!" Wen Li chuckled, and directly put these corpses into the magic weapon of space.

Li Xiuxian nodded, Wen Li's type is more able to live, as for the other one, he obviously doesn't like the corpses of these monsters, and he doesn't even have the intention to do anything!

"Brother Li, these things don't seem to be strong, but how can they see through your and my concealment techniques. My snakeskin cloak can't be seen through even a monk of the same rank." Wen Li couldn't help asking after finishing cleaning up the corpse.

"Probably has something to do with their third monster eye. Generally speaking, multi-purpose monsters will have some special supernatural powers. If this is the case, you and I should be more careful." Li Xiuxian also had some surprise on his face, but his mouth said replied like this.

A place in the Black Leaf Forest is heavily restricted.In an extremely secret place, under a small silver tree six or seven feet high, there were several dark figures sitting cross-legged. One of them suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of golden green eyes, and suddenly said something in his mouth. There were a few strange short sounds.

The other nearby figures also opened their eyes at the same time, and one of them, who was taller than others, suddenly uttered a majestic voice, as if asking something.

The figure who opened his eyes first, immediately prostrated himself on the ground, and replied a few words respectfully.

After the latter person finished listening, he immediately gave an order in a deep voice.

The other people immediately got up and stood around the small silver tree.

The tall figure shouted loudly, pointed at the little tree with one hand, and suddenly a green line shot out, sinking into the silver little tree in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, the little silver tree trembled violently, and suddenly opened its silver light eyes all over its body, and at the same time shot out several bowl-thick silver light beams in a flash, each of which hit every figure.

An incredible scene appeared.

The figures hit by the beam of light became slightly blurred and then disappeared.

Li Xiuxian on the other side naturally didn't know that his whereabouts had fallen into the eyes of others, and he was still moving quietly in the forest flickering.

The rest of the journey became surprisingly smooth.Along the way, except for a few long-haired beasts that were left alone occasionally, the Witherwood tribe didn't even meet a single one.

While this made Li Xiuxian happy, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

But after thinking about it, with the vast area of ​​the Deadwood Forest, it seems not surprising that they haven't encountered the Wood Clan in this short period of time.

Two days later, Li Xiuxian stopped on a slender branch, his body swaying in the wind as if nothing was there.But his eyes were fixed on a small hill hundreds of feet high not far away.

The forests on the hills are extremely sparse, except for a few ancient trees with a long history, there are no other vegetation.

After Li Xiuxian observed the hill for a long time, he turned it over with one hand, and suddenly there was an extra black triangular magic plate.

At the center of the Dharma plate, a milky white spot flickered.

He lowered his head to look at the Dharma plate for a while, and then looked at the hills in the distance. He made a tactic with one hand, and shot a blue light at the Dharma plate.

Immediately, the black light of the Dharma plate flashed, and the milky white light flew out, and after spinning around on the plate, a slender white thread spewed out, pointing to an ancient tree on the hill.

Li Xiuxian's eyes moved.

This tree is actually a half-dead tree among the ancient trees.It is about thirty feet high, the upper half is scorched black, as if it has been struck by lightning, but the lower half is yellowish, and the place near the root is slightly green.

Li Xiuxian looked at it for a while, then suddenly closed his eyes, slowly released his spiritual thoughts, and searched carefully in the vicinity.

After a long while, he opened his eyes with a hint of peace of mind.

There was indeed no one around, and there was nothing unusual about it.

After finishing these, Li Xiuxian flicked on the storage bracelet with one hand, and there was another stack of green flags in his hand, and he threw it forward without saying a word.

Seven or eight green lights shot out.It disappeared into the surrounding hills at once.

Li Xiuxian made a formula with both hands, and whispered a few incantations.

Immediately, a layer of green aura appeared around the hill, but immediately after being urged by Li Xiuxian's Fajue, it flickered several times, then disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiuxian let out a sigh of relief, and jumped down from the branch in a long figure. After a few flashes, he reached the edge of the hill.

With a flash of green light, the whole person disappeared without a trace.

"Let's take a rest here first, the long journey has put a lot of burden on our bodies!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

In fact, he doesn't care, the key is that the two people who follow him seem to be unable to hold on anymore.

"As expected of a martial artist, we are not comparable to those of us!" Chi He chuckled.

It is not an easy task to go to Kurong Mountain. Millions of monks die in this dead wood forest every year.

Li Xiuxian didn't say much, and sat aside and began to close his eyes and meditate.

There are weirdness everywhere in this dead wood forest, and the third eye on the forehead of those monsters also made Li Xiuxian a little afraid.

Along the way, Li Xiuxian killed many three-eyed monsters, but every time it seemed as if he was being watched by someone, this feeling was very uncomfortable!

"Brother Li, there seems to be something wrong here!" Wen Li looked a little weird.

"What's the problem?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Wen Li palmed, and Wen Li's palm suddenly turned blue-red!
"What is this?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

He knew that Wen Li belonged to the snake family, but he didn't know which one.

"There is a very strong wood attribute force nearby, and it's much stronger than that!" Looking at the green and gentle face that occupied seven points of his palm, his expression was a bit ugly.

The loud sound of "rumbling" came from all directions, and the illusion restriction imposed by Li Xiuxian collapsed in an instant under the action of an invisible force.

But once the illusion was gone, everything around the hill suddenly appeared.

An incredible scene appeared!

I saw where the green light passed, the nearby trees all turned into tall long-haired beasts in the green light, holding various weapons in their hands, and the colors of their fur were even more different. A gust of evil wind blew up and flew directly into the sky.

At such a rough glance, there are thousands of them, and the densely packed hills are completely surrounded by water.

When Wen Li and Chi He saw this scene, their faces turned pale.

Li Xiuxian looked at the appearance of these figures.The pupils suddenly shrank.

At first glance, these people seem to be somewhat similar to the human race, but all of them have green skin, and their facial features are the same as those of the human race except for the slight purple eyes. It is even clear that two of the slender people are women. look.

These figures are the people of the Deadwood Clan.

These Witherwood clansmen looked at Li Xiuxian and the other three with a sneer smile: "No matter how many years have passed, there will always be so many monks coming to this Deadwood forest to die!"

A cold light flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes: "You guys go first!"

Suddenly he opened his mouth, and a stream of crimson blood spewed out, which suddenly turned into several streaks of red blood, shooting straight towards the Witherwood Clan members.

The few Deadwood clansmen were startled, or a wooden armor shield appeared with green light flashing on their bodies, or they also opened their mouths and spewed out a cloud of green clouds, trying to block the bloodshot.

But these blood streaks were transformed by the blood spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body, and they pierced through these defenses like phantoms, and fell into the body of the dead wood clan in a flash. Covered under it, he couldn't break free for a while.

Li Xiuxian pointed with one hand, and a red beam hit the Witherwood Clan standing at the end!

I saw the dead wood tribe, and rushed at it casually.

Immediately, two beams of silver light shot out in a flash, just hitting the red glow.

There were two muffled "boom booms", and the red light burst open, and countless red lights splashed in all directions, covering the monk of the Witherwood clan under it.

With a loud roar, a magic circle composed of golden runes suddenly appeared around that dead tree, and surrounded the dead wood monk in a burst of spiritual light.

I saw the man's purple light shrank, and when he closed his hands, a glaring silver light appeared in his palm, and then countless silver lights shot out in all directions.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the silver and gold runes intertwined and flickered. Those golden runes had some strange magical powers, but they forcibly blocked the blow of the monks of the dead wood group, and only a small part of the runes were blown away.

"The eight-door golden lock talisman is still useful!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

"It's just a human race, don't be too complacent!" The wood spirit monk snorted coldly, and without thinking, silver light appeared between his hands again, and the condensed light cluster was far more dazzling than last time. Li Xiuxian didn't have the slightest intention of running away, he just waved his hand, and Chu Xia, a pitch-black saber, was in his hand, and he didn't see any tricks, he just pointed the blade in a certain direction and waved it lightly.

Immediately, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the nearby space trembled for a while, and a gray knife light of more than a hundred feet long, like a giant pillar of the sky, emerged from the void and slashed down slowly.

Where the knife light fell, the wood ape beasts shrouded under it fell into chaos, and they all wanted to escape from the place in panic.

With one blow, hundreds of wood apes were robbed of their vitality and turned into ashes!

Such a terrifying knife also shocked these Deadwood clansmen. The Woodling clansman who had been wrestling with Li Xiuxian for a long time snorted coldly: "I have some strength, report your name, I can't bear to kill the unknown person!"

"Fool!" Li Xiuxian sneered, and swung the Shura Demon Knife in his hand again!
Mu Nin's eyes flashed, and with a pinch of his hands, a silver-white ball of light greeted him directly!

"Thump, thump, thump!" The huge counter-shock force forced Li Xiuxian back a few steps.

I don't know what kind of magical power this silver ball of light is, but its power is definitely not ordinary.

Fortunately, what Li Xiuxian was holding was the Xuantian Lingbao Shura Demon Knife. If it were any other treasure, it would most likely be blown up by this silver ball of light.

"You are still loyal enough, let your companion run first!" Mu Nin sneered.

"Loyalty? Don't make a mistake, I let them go first just because I don't want them to get in my way!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"What a big tone, do you think you can deal with me, Mu Nin, by yourself?" Mu Nin laughed, and the coercion of the later stage of fusion immediately pressed on Li Xiuxian.

"If you are a strong Void Refiner, maybe I would still be afraid of it, but if you are only in the late stage of fusion, it's not enough!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"You're looking for death!" Mu Ren was furious, Li Xiuxian dared to be so arrogant in this dead wood forest, he really didn't know how to live or die!
"The dead wood tribe, right? I'll make your place really become dead wood!" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed brightly.

"Black Water Profound Snake, don't hesitate this time, just kill it!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

"Just waiting for your words!" A black shadow flashed past, and the Asura Demon Knife in Li Xiuxian's hand fell into the hands of this black shadow.

Li Xiuxian sneered coldly, he naturally wouldn't be idle, as soon as he turned the black ball in his hand, the lifeless power condensed into a long sword in an instant! "Hey!" In an instant, all the trees within a hundred feet were withered!

(End of this chapter)

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