Chapter 793

The origin of the wood, I don't know what kind of luck it is that the wood spirit manifests itself to be able to form the origin of wood in the body, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for the wood spirit to manifest its current strength.

As for why Mu Xun'er has such a powerful wood origin Muyin in Mu Xun'er's body, it is not clear, but as long as he can snatch this wood origin, not to mention curing the mother tree, even he himself can reach the general state of the wood spirit manifesting .

But Mu Yin only discovered now that besides the little girl Mu Xun'er, Li Xiuxian also has the origin of wood in his body, and it is independent of the body.

The majestic source of wood was continuously absorbed by the mother tree. After absorbing a large amount of the source of wood, the mother tree also regained its vitality, and its size continued to expand, growing from more than two feet to more than 200 feet.

The smaller size is just a self-protection measure of the mother tree, which can minimize the loss of vitality in the body.

Now, under the restoration of a large number of wood roots, the vitality in the mother tree has stopped losing, and it is increasing at an extremely fast speed, so the size of the mother tree will naturally continue to grow.

Li Xiuxian also felt that it was about the same after crushing two birth beads in a row. He could clearly feel that the vitality in the mother tree was gathering at an extremely fast speed. If there were no accidents, the mother tree could survive for millions of years.

"Huh?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but glance at Mu Yin. In just a few short breaths, Mu Yin's breath was several times stronger. Although it was only the early stage of Mahayana, it was already a world away from before. .

"The strength has skyrocketed. It seems that the stronger the mother tree is, the stronger the strength of these dead wood monks will be. This increase is not 01:30." Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing.

"Hahaha, I've recovered, I've finally recovered, and I've finally recovered to the cultivation level of my heyday." Mu Yin shouted excitedly.

"It was only this little strength in its heyday. It seems that the Deadwood clan is not very good." Ziyue curled her lips.

"Hmph!" Mu Yin turned his face and stepped forward with one step. The terrifying coercion of the Mahayana monks pressed down on Li Xiuxian like overwhelming.

Li Xiuxian's expression changed slightly, he took a step back, and with a wave of his right hand, this terrifying coercion was immediately blocked.

Seeing that Li Xiuxian easily blocked his own pressure, Mu Yin smiled coldly: "You have some skills, but how can you, a little cultivator of refining the virtual world, compete with me? Spit it out, and hand over all the beads on your body, maybe I can leave you with a whole body."

"It's up to you?" Li Xiuxian snorted.

"Death! Withered Wood Palm!" A withered palm immediately caught Li Xiuxian's eyes.

As expected of a Mahayana cultivator, the speed of this palm was only slightly slower than Li Xiuxian's Kuaizhi Sword.

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian crossed his arms, forcibly blocking the dry palm, and his whole body was firmly nailed to the floor.

The stone slabs under Li Xiuxian's feet are all blessed by formations, and casual attacks can't leave even the slightest scar on the slabs, but this palm forcefully smashed half of Li Xiuxian's body into the floor among.

"Hahaha, good, good! My strength has multiplied five times, boy, you are dead!" Mu Yin laughed loudly.

Li Xiuxian twisted his stiff neck, this palm was powerful, even stronger than Li Xiuxian's full blow, but Li Xiuxian was not bad, after so many tempering of Xuantian Lingbao, his body was already stronger than entering the treasure house. It was stronger than before, otherwise even if the palm just now couldn't kill him, the huge impact was enough to displace or even shatter Li Xiuxian's internal organs.

But now, Li Xiuxian only felt a little pain, and there was no real harm.

"How is it possible?" Mu Yin saw Li Xiuxian break free from the floor like a normal person, as if he saw a ghost.

"You are just a Void Refining cultivator, even a sword cultivator can't block this blow!" Mu Yin roared.

"You tried it, then it's me!" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

Mu Yin's face changed, and a blue dragon claw was directly placed on his chest!
"Qinglong Xiaoyue!" Li Xiuxian yelled, and a huge green dragon drilled out of this dragon's claw!

"Boom!" The entire space began to tremble, and after the green dragon penetrated Mu Yin's body, it bit Mu Yin's body and soared into the sky.

"Boom!" Qinglong's jaws merged, and Mu Yin's body was bitten into two like a piece of dead wood!
"Ah!" Mu Xun'er's face turned pale when she saw the two corpses that fell on the ground, and she didn't dare to look at them at all.

"I won't die, I will definitely not die, I want to revitalize the Deadwood Clan!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help admiring Mu Yin's tenacious vitality, even though his body was broken in two, he still didn't die.

Mu Yin was muttering something, and suddenly, the mother tree, which was still full of vitality, was knocked back to its original shape in an instant. It was only about ten feet away, and the huge vitality in its body was extracted in an instant.

"No, it was extracted artificially!" Li Xiuxian was surprised.

"That's right, we won't die if the mother tree doesn't die!" Mu Yin, whose body was broken into two, stood in front of Li Xiuxian intact at this moment.

"So that's the reason, that's the reason, if the mother tree of your withered tree family doesn't die, it's really unreasonable." Li Xiuxian sneered.

This Muyin is so familiar with the road, it is obvious that this kind of thing has not happened once or twice, and it seems that the whole Deadwood clan is doing the same thing.

No matter how strong the vitality in the mother tree is, it can't hold so many moths.

"The source of wood, the source of wood, I finally have the source of wood!" Mu Yin looked at the small green dot in his dantian in surprise, although it was small, it was the source of extremely pure wood.

"I'm going to break through, I'm going to break through!" Mu Yin suddenly looked up.

"You're dead, you're dead, it's your death when I enter the middle stage of Mahayana!" Mu Yin laughed crazily.

Li Xiuxian snorted: "In the middle stage of advanced Mahayana, then you must have this ability!"

"Drink!" Li Xiuxian gave a low voice.

"Lei Gong!" Li Xiuxian's divine beast appeared a statue of Lei Gong.

"Lei Gong Dharma, and it is Dacheng's Lei Gong Dharma, what is the origin of this kid!" Mu Yin suddenly had a bad premonition.

Even though he was a Mahayana monk, he didn't condense a Dharma image, but a small alchemy monk on the other side managed to condense a Thunder God image, and it was a Dacheng Thunder image.

"What kind of evildoer is this, what a strong talent is needed!" Looking at the thunderous figure behind Li Xiuxian, he was fascinated.

"Lei Yan!" With the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in his hand, Xiao Lei also lent all his strength to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian also did not hesitate to integrate all the Leiyan condensed from his body into the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

Even the Xuantian Spirit Treasure might not be able to withstand the horror of Jindi Fentianyan, but the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is made from Fentianlei dragon bamboo, so it can be said that it is of the same origin as Jindi Fentianyan, so it can naturally be bear.

Li Xiuxian already had murderous intentions towards this Muyin. If this Muyin knew his mind, he could still take advantage of it and leave, but now Li Xiuxian has changed his mind. Get it in the bag!
"Overestimating one's own strength, a little refining the void" Lei Yan flashed past, and the space returned to calm.

The Mahayana cultivator died just like that, his mind and soul were completely wiped out!
"It's terrifying, the power of this Lei Yan is really terrifying, even stronger than the Divine Eye of the Electric King!" Ziyue couldn't help exclaiming.

Killing a Mahayana strongman with one sword, even among the Mahayana strongmen, few can do this.

Although Mu Yin is said to be the bottom of the Mahayana monks, there are too many strong Mahayana monks who can defeat him.

But defeating and killing are two completely different concepts, let alone killing with one sword!
This sword is fast, so fast that Mu Yin can't dodge it!

This sword is strong, so powerful that Mu Yin died completely the moment he was bombarded by this thunder flame.

Otherwise, with the tenacious vitality of the strong in the Mahayana period, they would not die so quickly.

Lei Yan, this is Li Xiuxian's strongest attack now, even "Electric King God's Eye" is not as good as this Lei Yan.

The only flaw is that the consumption of Lei Yan is so great that Li Xiuxian only has one blow.

"There are also two Mahayana strongmen in this dead wood family, one early Mahayana and one middle Mahayana, but they happen to be neither in this dead wood forest, otherwise I will be in trouble." Chu Yin left behind After putting away the object ring, Li Xiuxian returned to the treasure house.

"Take them all for me." Li Xiuxian's figure suddenly appeared in the treasury, Wan Huazhu ransacked the dead wood clan's treasury in an instant, leaving not even a single hair behind.

In front of Li Xiuxian, who has hundreds of millions of space to hide, these restrictions are child's play.

In the spirit world, there are indeed restrictions that cannot be penetrated by billions of dimensional cloaks, but they are definitely not within the grasp of the Deadwood Clan.

"I've made a lot of money. I've made a lot of money. This time, I'm going to divide the dirt!" Ziyue said excitedly.

"No problem!" Li Xiuxian was also very excited after looting a treasure house that existed for hundreds of millions of years.

"Since they don't treat you well, I'll just accept you, at least you don't have to live so miserable by my side!" Li Xiuxian flicked his sleeves, and this magical plant called the mother tree by the Deadwood clan was moved into it by Li Xiuxian. into the Wanhuazhu.

"Boom!" As soon as this spirit tree entered the Wanhua Pearl, its figure expanded rapidly, and it didn't stop until it reached six hundred feet. It became the tallest spirit tree in the Wanhua Pearl except Jianmu.

"What a powerful vitality." Li Xiuxian sighed.

"This is the soul imprint!" Li Xiuxian found a soul imprint in this spirit tree.

"What a powerful soul pressure, the owner of this soul imprint is at least at the level of the Three Emperors!" Li Xiuxian's heart trembled.

However, Li Xiuxian found two words "dead wood" on this mark.

This soul imprint turned out to be left by a strong man of the Deadwood Clan. Although I don't know who it is, this strong man is definitely gone, otherwise, how could the Deadwood Clan decline to such an extent!
(End of this chapter)

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