Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 796 Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 796 Heavenly Punishment
A strange look flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, this Juedan real person was really decisive, he took off Xiao Yu's two arms almost without thinking.

"I don't know if you are satisfied." Master Juedan said lightly.

"Satisfied!" Li Xiuxian nodded, let go of his right hand, and Xiao Shan limply fell to the ground.

Master Juedan took a look at Li Xiuxian, took out a pill and poured it into Xiao Yu's mouth.

I saw the flesh and blood at the place where Xiao Yu's broken arm squirmed, and two brand new arms suddenly grew out. Even Li Xiuxian was startled by the rapid recovery.

"This elixir." From the scent in the air, Li Xiuxian concluded that this elixir was at least a rank eight elixir.

It is really rare for Xiao Yu to be reborn with a single pill.

If this kind of thing happened to Li Xiuxian or the wood spirit clan, it wouldn't be so surprising. After all, Li Xiuxian's own resilience is amazing, even if his arm is cut off, it only needs to consume a little spiritual power to grow back.

But this Xiao Yu was just an ordinary human being, and he didn't have any special power in his body. The rebirth of a severed limb depended entirely on that elixir.

It's no wonder that the Jue Dan Taoist would remove Xiao Yu's two arms so simply, it turned out that it was because of having such a pill.

But using an eighth-grade elixir to treat a Xiao Yu who is like a useless person, this immortal person is really willing to use it.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Xiao Yu who was lying on the ground, his eyes were full of hatred.

Li Xiuxian really didn't have any intention of entangled with this kind of dandy, even giving him 1000 years with Xiao Yu's aptitude might not be able to threaten him.

"Fellow Daoist, I see that you have a lot of middle-grade Longli Pills on you. I wonder if you can sell them?" Daoist Juedan looked at Li Xiuxian.

"Yes, as long as you can pay the starting price." Li Xiuxian nodded.

Longli pills are not of much use to the current Li Xiuxian, and there are several top-grade Longli pills in the alchemy room in the Wanhua Pearl. This middle-grade Longli pill is really nothing to Li Xiuxian effect.

However, Li Xiuxian doubts whether this Jue Dan sect has such a large financial resources to eat the mid-grade Long Li Dan in his hands.

The head of the Juedan Sect took out a bowl of transparent liquid.

"This is Qingfeng Linglu. Adding a drop of Qingfeng Linglu during alchemy can increase the success rate by [-]%. It is the most precious treasure of our alchemists."

There are at least a hundred drops in this small bowl, and the value of this small bowl of Qingfeng Linglu is barely comparable to ten middle-grade Longli Pills.

This transaction went smoothly, unexpectedly the two guys Xiao Shan and Xiao Yu didn't make trouble.

"Master, this guy must still have middle-grade pills, why did you let him go like this?" Xiao Shan couldn't help asking, his tone very dissatisfied.

"You can get it if you have the ability?" Master Juedan gave Xiao Shan a cold look.

Although Xiao Shan is the number one alchemist in the Jue Dan sect, he is becoming more and more arrogant. Even he, the master of the Jue Dan sect, is no longer in his eyes.

"You know what to do with these ten middle-grade Longli pills." Master Juedan handed these ten middle-grade Longli pills to Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan nodded, he has been trying the mid-grade Long Li Dan, but refining the mid-grade pill requires not only powerful alchemy skills but also a bit of luck, and he has never refined it.

Although he was dissatisfied with Master Jue Dan for removing his grandson's two arms, this mid-grade Long Li Dan was related to the future of Juedan Sect, so instead of saying anything to stop him, he stopped his grandson instead.

As long as these ten middle-grade Longli Pills are presented, the glory of his Absolute Pill Sect will be just around the corner.

In the alchemy of Jue Dan gate, Xiao Shan carefully arranged several fairy crystals in several grooves.

"Om!" The spiritual light flashed, and a beast with a very strange appearance appeared in front of Xiao Shan.

"Roar!" The soul-deep roar made Xiao Shan, a cultivator in the tribulation period, a little scared.

"It's been too long, haven't you got it yet?" A low voice came from the beast's mouth.

"I found it, I found it, Master Pheasant Snake, these are ten middle-grade Dragon Power Pills!" Xiao Shan hurriedly offered the middle-grade Dragon Power Pills in his hand.

"Put it in, come in!" the pheasant snake urged.

"Yes!" Xiao Shan put these ten middle-grade Longli Pills in the formation, and then disappeared.

"Ah Shu Tan!" Pheasant Snake moaned from the other side of the formation.

"Very good, it's this kind of elixir, as long as it absorbs my power, it will be enough to break through this barrier!" Pheasant Snake laughed.

There was also a trace of surprise on Xiao Shan's face: "Master Pheasant Snake is finally able to come out!"

"Boy, you are very good, this is your benefit." A cloud of black mist came out from the other end of the formation.

"Thank you, Mr. Pheasant Snake, thank you, Mr. Pheasant Snake!" Xiao Shan thanked repeatedly, holding this cloud of black energy as if he had obtained some kind of treasure.

Juedan Daoist who was far away on the other side saw the black air in Xiao Shan's hands with jealousy but more fear.

Thousands of years ago, Xiao Shan was just an ordinary elder in the Juedan Sect, but because of absorbing this black energy, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and he can practice everything very easily. The number one master, the number one alchemist.

The Pheasant Snake, I don't know what kind of creature it is, but the founder of the Juedan Sect accidentally communicated with the space where the Pheasant Snake was. Since then, the Juedan Sect has established a link with the Pheasant Snake.

The Juedan Sect provided Pheasant Snake with a large amount of pills to help him recover his strength, and Pheasant Snake would use this black energy as a reward every time, and after absorbing it, his strength would increase greatly.

This kind of black gas also has side effects, it can be addictive, as long as you take it once, you will never be able to get rid of it, and if you don't take it every hundred years, your life will be worse than death.

There are already several elders in the Jue Dan Sect who died in pain because they did not have this kind of black energy inhalation!

Although power is good, but knowing that this kind of power has a price, there are still a large number of monks in the Jue Dan sect who are willing to accept it.

Daoist Juedan is one of the few cultivators among the Juedan who do not rely on and cultivate with black energy.

"Hahaha, I broke through, I'm going to break through, the late stage of crossing the tribulation, the late stage of crossing the tribulation!" It's just that he absorbed a cloud of black energy, but this Xiao Shan is going to break through again, and it's only a hundred years since his last breakthrough.

"Huh? Heavenly Tribulation?" Li Xiuxian looked in the direction of Juedan Gate.

A vortex of aura formed in the sky above Jue Danmen, and all the aura around it was sucked into it.

"The middle stage of the tribulation is entering the late stage of the tribulation? How can you cultivate so fast?" Li Xiuxian was also a little surprised.

He is naturally familiar with this breath, it is Xiao Shan's.

But they had just fought against each other, the spiritual power in Xiao Shan's body was not yet stable, and he hadn't entered the middle stage of the tribulation for a long time, how could he break through again so quickly.

"The late stage of crossing the tribulation, hahaha, the late stage of crossing the calamity, the Mahayana stage is one step ahead, and my Jue Dan sect can become a giant in the spirit world." Xiao Shan laughed wildly.

After successfully advancing, the first thing Xiao Shan did was to seek revenge on Li Xiuxian. This was his great shame and he had to get it back.

But when he saw that Li Xiuxian was still looking at him calmly, Xiao Shan felt a beating in his heart.

"Why, you want to take revenge after breaking through?" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"No reason, I have no reason to be afraid of him, he is just a warrior, as long as I keep a distance from him, I will definitely win." Xiao Shan kept comforting himself.

"So what, I just want you to die!" A flash of inspiration appeared at Xiao Shan's feet, and he appeared hundreds of feet away in an instant. .

"Keep the distance" Li Xiuxian smiled coldly.

"Shua!" After pulling out the sword and returning the sheath, Li Xiuxian stood up and left Juedan City with Mu Xun'er.

Juedan Daoist was shocked when he found out that Xiao Shan was going to seek revenge from Li Xiuxian, and hurried over.

Li Xiuxian is really too mysterious, even if Xiao Shan breaks through, Daoist Juedan is still a little worried.

When Master Juedan arrived, he found that there was already a sea of ​​flames below, Xiao Shan stood quietly a hundred feet away, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Scared me. It seems that Li Xiuxian is dead. After all, Xiao Shan is already an existence in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe. It is still possible to deal with a Martial Emperor. I really have nothing to worry about." Juedan Zhenren couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Elder Xiao Shan, let's go, don't be here with a dead person. Elder Xiao Shan, elder Xiao Shan!" Suddenly, Master Juedan realized that something was wrong, he couldn't detect Xiao Shan's aura.

"Dead. Dead!" Juedan Daoist searched Xiao Shan's whole body, but found a very small line of blood on his neck.

"What a fast sword!" Master Juedan looked at the dead Xiao Shan in disbelief.

Killing him with a single sword strike was so close that even Xiao Shan, a cultivator in the late stage of the tribulation, couldn't avoid it.

"Crack!" A crack suddenly appeared above the Jue Dan Gate!
"It's a pheasant snake, it finally came out!" Master Juedan was shocked.

A more terrifying aura descended from the sky, Jieyun, it was Jieyun, Jieyun actually appeared in the sky above Juedan Gate.

"Crossing the catastrophe, isn't it? It's the Mahayana period. It's the catastrophe that only monks in the Mahayana period will encounter!" There was a hint of joy in the words of the Juedan real person. The stronger the pheasant snake, the more beneficial it is for his Juedan sect.

The Juedan Sect and the Pheasant Snake have cooperated for tens of thousands of years. As long as the Pheasant Snake is out of the predicament, the Juedan Sect will be able to flourish.

"It's such a strong aura, there is such an existence in this Jue Pill Sect?" Li Xiuxian who left the Jue Pill City was also a little surprised after discovering this aura.

"Heaven's punishment, what can mere heaven's punishment do?" The pheasant snake opened its mouth wide, and the Jieyun in the sky seemed to be entangled by some force.

"Gulu!" Swallowed, the pheasant snake directly swallowed Jieyun.

"This is not a catastrophe that happened when a monk advanced. This is a punishment from God. This is God's punishment!" Ziyue was shocked.

Heavenly Tribulation is a test for monks, but Heaven's Punishment is God's punishment for monks. The power of the two cannot be compared in the same breath.

"Who the hell is it that would trigger Heaven's Punishment!" Ziyue said in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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