Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 798 The Reunion of the Two Kunpengs

Chapter 798 The Two Kunpengs Meet Again

Shenshan Kunwu, Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing when he looked at the huge mountain in front of him.

The thousand-year agreement between myself and the Kunpeng family is to collect a hundred kinds of rare treasures for the Kunpeng family in the three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds within a thousand years.

Over the years, Li Xiuxian had good luck. After traveling through several small worlds, he successively obtained the Soul Devouring Orb and the Zuxian Pill.

Although it has been a few years since I returned to the spirit world, it happened to coincide with the opening of the Chunyang Immortal Palace, which delayed this matter.

Moreover, the Thunder Crystal on him is almost used up, and Xiao Lei's strength has reached a bottleneck period, and it is time to enter the Thunder World again.

After Li Xiuxian showed his identity token, the guards of Kunwu Mountain let Li Xiuxian go.

"How did you meet her?" Li Xiuxian met a familiar figure just after entering Kunwu Mountain.

Li Xiuxian still remembered that arrogant girl in white who had a feud with him, and there were two huge sharks as guards by her side.

Although the white-clothed girl didn't reveal her identity at the beginning, but from the shouts of the two shark princesses, it seems that the white-clothed girl is the princess of the Neptune clan, so it's no wonder she is so arrogant.

However, Li Xiuxian planted Moyou's death mark on the body of this white-clothed girl back then, as long as he had a single thought, he could wipe this girl out.

This white-clothed girl can be regarded as sensible, and she didn't make any troubles.

When Li Xiuxian saw the girl in white, the girl in white also saw him!

"It's you, why did you appear here?" The girl in white was startled, and her expression became unnatural.

Even the ancestors of the Neptune clan couldn't undo the Moyou death seal that Li Xiuxian set in his body back then.

"It's been a long time, but you're pretty smart, otherwise the Moyou death mark in your body would explode." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

Li Xiuxian doesn't care about the identity of the girl in white now, so what about the Neptune clan, no matter how strong the Neptune clan is, they are only a vassal of the Kunpeng clan, and Li Xiuxian currently has some status in the Kunpeng clan. will allow it.

The girl in white snorted: "What exactly do you need to remove the Moyou death mark in my body?"

"No matter what, it won't be resolved. As long as you don't come to trouble me, you will be fine." Li Xiuxian snorted.

"You..." the girl in white stomped her feet angrily, and a white ribbon under her feet carried her into Kunwu Mountain.

Although the Sea King Clan is a vassal of the Kunpeng Clan, the little princess of the Sea King Clan also has a good status among the Kunpeng Clan, and she can come and go freely in Kunwu Mountain.

Li Xiuxian didn't bother with this little girl, and directly entered the world of thunder, and began to hunt and kill thunder creatures.

This time, Li Xiuxian no longer has any scruples. The speed of hunting is as fast as possible. Every time he kills a thunder-type creature, the power in the thunder-type creature will be absorbed by Xiaolei. The aura of the thunder system is transformed into pure thunder crystals and stored.

"Pa" Li Xiuxian slapped a thunder creature with his palm.

"Boom!" As soon as the body of the thunder-type creature softened, Xiao Lei pierced the body of the thunder-type creature with a sword, and the power of the thunder-type creature was instantly absorbed by Xiao Lei.

With Li Xiuxian's current strength, he doesn't have much fear even if he meets some ancient lightning-type creatures. Instead, he now hopes to meet these ancient thunder-type creatures. In this way, he can earn merits and condense the speed of thunder crystals. will be greatly improved.


"Hurry up, work harder, this Thunder Leopard won't be able to survive. This is a Thunder creature in the late stage of Void Refinement, and it can earn a lot of Merit Points!" Not far away, four monks from the Kunpeng clan were besieging A thunder leopard can kill it within a moment.

"Roar!" This thunder leopard roared, and the lightning-type spiritual power in its body suddenly gathered.

"No, this bastard is about to blow itself up. Hurry up and kill him, otherwise you won't get any benefits." The monks of the Kunpeng clan were shocked.

They have been besieging this leopard for a while, if the leopard is allowed to explode, then they really have nothing!
"Death!" The four Kunpengs showed their bodies one after another, piercing the Leibao's body with their wings one by one, and instantly smashed the Leibao into a sieve.

Although this will affect the value of this Thunder Leopard, it's better than blowing yourself up and getting nothing.

What these few Kunpeng monks didn't notice was that a large amount of thunder energy was gathering within a radius of a hundred miles.

These monks from the Kunpeng tribe were obviously entering the Great Thunder World for the first time. Those who had entered the world a few times would surely know that this was a sign of thunderstorms approaching.

This time the thunderstorm actually covered a radius of a hundred miles, and it was considered a relatively rare large-scale thunderstorm.

But instead of noticing these people, these people dealt with the Leibao's body leisurely.

"You guys are dying, you dare to break into the thunderstorm area!" Li Xiuxian's figure flashed.

"Thunderstorm!" The faces of these little guys changed. Sure enough, the surrounding lightning aura has reached a critical point. It is obviously too late to go out at this time. With their strength, once they are hit by a thunderstorm, it is likely to be a dead end. .

"Don't move around!" Li Xiuxian clasped his hands together, and tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords filed out in an instant, and they were arranged around them. Suddenly, a golden light curtain enveloped the five of them.

"You are." The Kunpengs obviously didn't know Li Xiuxian.

"The same is from the Kunpeng clan, but I'm from a foreign clan." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

These Kunpengs nodded. There are not a few monks from other races in Kunwu Mountain, and it is not strange to encounter them in this thunderous world.

And it seems that the strength of this foreign monk is not bad, even if he encounters a thunderstorm, he still looks calm and relaxed.

These Kunpengs didn't know that the thunderstorm that made countless Kunpeng monks turn their faces was what Li Xiuxian had been looking for. The thunderstorm that everyone avoided was no different than a treasure in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

His meritorious service in the Thunder Great World is still second. He just wants to let Xiao Lei's strength go further and refine the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

How can beheading thunder creatures and refining thunder crystals with the unrestrained mahamudra be faster than directly tempering them with thunderstorms?
"Crash!" The thunderstorm started, and thousands of thunderbolts fell at the same time. This power seemed to destroy the whole world.

"What a terrifying thunderstorm. If it were us, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to survive even a single breath."

"That's right, no wonder those old people said that the thunderstorm in this world of thunder is the scariest."

"Thanks to this big brother this time."

Thousands of thunderbolts were immediately blocked by the golden light curtain when they fell, and the terrifying thunderbolts were absorbed instantly, and then dispersed into tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords. After being transformed and absorbed by Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords, This kind of tempering speed is much faster than beheading the thunder creatures.

Xiao Lei's body also left the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword and directly faced the thousands of thunders in the air. He would not return to the formation until he couldn't bear it anymore. After refining the power of lightning in his body, he went out again, and then came in again. So back and forth.

"You also absorb a little bit, which is good for your cultivation!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Well, thank you!" These kunpeng were not polite, they all sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the spiritual energy of the thunder system to practice.

This thunderstorm lasted for three full months, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword became sharper and sharper under the tempering of this thunderstorm, and the flashing lightning made people feel chilling just looking at it.

After being tempered by this thunderstorm, Xiaolei's strength has also greatly increased, and now he is comparable to a monk who refines the void, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is only one step away from becoming a Xuantian Lingbao.

This time, it was also because of the thunderstorm that the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword could be tempered so quickly. It is unknown when it will happen again if it wants to encounter a thunderstorm again.

"This big brother has a good name, this time it's all thanks to your care, otherwise the few of us would be really unimaginable!"

"Li Xiuxian."

"It turns out that you are Li Xiuxian, that foreign monk who has mastered hundreds of millions of space to hide. No wonder, I should have thought of your strength a long time ago." These Kunpeng looked at Li Xiuxian with great envy.

Among the Kunpeng clan, there are a lot of innate supernatural powers, but the supernatural power of hiding in hundreds of millions of spaces has only been mastered by a few people throughout the ages. Such a supernatural power appeared on the monks of the foreign race, which made them, the monks of their own clan, envious and jealous. I didn't expect to meet Li Xiuxian, a legendary figure, today.

"It's because the legends are too exaggerated. I don't have anything. It's just my luck." Li Xiuxian smiled. After sending these kunpeng away, Li Xiuxian condensed tens of thousands of thunder crystals, and then used hundreds of millions of space to hide Escaped into the space of hundreds of millions, and started his treasure hunting journey.

"What, Li Xiuxian is back again, and entered the Thunder World?" Shaoyu was also taken aback when he heard the news.

Li Xiuxian disappeared after seeing him in Chunyang Immortal Palace before, and no one knew where he went. This time he appeared suddenly, and then disappeared suddenly.

This is also a common feature of monks who have mastered hundreds of millions of space cloaking, whether it is the ancestor of the Kunpeng clan, the patriarch of the Kunpeng clan, or the amazingly talented Shao Siming, these Kunpeng masters of hundreds of millions of space cloaking They are all dragons who see their heads and tails. No one knows when they will appear, and no one knows where they are now.

Li Xiuxian mobilized the blood of the true spirit in his body, and a 15-foot Kunpeng suddenly appeared in the void.

"Whoosh!" One encounter can be said to be accidental, but two encounters are fate.

In the hundreds of millions of spaces, Kunpeng, who has mastered the hiding of hundreds of millions of spaces, meets again.

The first time they just laughed it off, but this time the two kunpeng stopped at the same time, at a random time and place, the two kunpeng stopped their steps.

"Another boy from the Kunpeng clan who has mastered hundreds of millions of space to hide." The Kunpeng with a head of 30 feet smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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