Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 803 Bringing the Little Pig to the Spirit World

Chapter 803 Bringing Piggy Back to the Spirit World

Li Xiuxian told so many anecdotes about the spirit world, which strengthened Xiaozhu's mind to go out, and even Ah Yan was a little moved.

Although Ah Yan has been prohibiting Xiaozhu from leaving, he himself has been in this soup valley all the time. Except for occasionally showing his head, he has never left this soup valley.

He is also very interested in the talking stone men Ah Yan mentioned by Li Xiuxian, and he also wants to see what these stone men who look like him look like.

Unknowingly, the liquid that Li Xiuxian got from the little pig already had several small jade bottles.

"I'm going to the spirit world, I've decided, I'm going to the spirit world!" Little Pig kicked his legs and said as he walked around Li Xiuxian.

"A Yan, let's go to the spirit world, let's go to the spirit world, let's go together." The little pig looked at the big eye outside the cave with a pleading tone, and the little pig's personal freedom is controlled here A Yan's hands.

"Gulu, Gulu!" Ah Yan agreed.

"Oye, you can leave now, Ah Yan, get ready, let's go to the spirit world!" Piggy said excitedly.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help touching his nose, it seemed that he hadn't agreed to take these two guys to the spirit world.

There's nothing wrong with taking this little pig to the spirit world, it's just a shuttle.

However, the resistance encountered in bringing a huge creature like Ah Yan through the space is not ordinary, even Li Xiuxian finds it a bit difficult.



Suddenly there was a huge roar from the bottom of the whole Tanggu, and I don't know what A Yan was doing, but he made such a big commotion.

"What is Ah Yan looking for?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"Grandma's body!" Little Pig's eyes suddenly dimmed, as if thinking of something sad.

"Aunt." Li Xiuxian seemed to have thought of something, and didn't dwell on this issue.

The little pig stretched his legs and ran out of the cave, only to see a red light flashing on the bracelet, and the huge body outside the cave was instantly put into it.

These dozens of beads are not only independent storage magic weapons, but also connect the spaces of each other, so that such a large body can be accommodated.

All things that can be contained by the magic weapon of space are dead objects, lifeless, and the grandmother in the pig's mouth is obviously just a corpse.

After Ah Yan got out the corpse of the little pig's mother, he put the little pig on his shoulders!
"What a huge stone man!" Li Xiuxian now saw clearly what this Ah Yan looked like.

This Ah Yan is crawling in the soup valley at this time, it is no wonder that Li Xiuxian did not find this Ah Yan before, almost the entire Tang Valley was occupied by Ah Yan's body, Li Xiuxian regarded this Ah Yan's body as soup at all. part of the valley.

A Yan is very similar to the Honghuang stone man, but his head has two sharp horns, which is the most obvious difference between him and the Honghuang stone man.

What's more, Li Xiuxian has never heard that the prehistoric stone man can grow to such a large size, at least one hundred thousand feet, which is comparable to Li Xiuxian's incarnation Kunpeng.

Li Xiuxian is a bit difficult to handle, it is not an easy thing to travel through a world with such a body.

"Let's go, let's go, I've stayed in Tanggu for so many years, I really don't want to stay anymore." Little Pig urged.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly: "Why do you have to follow me? You can also go with that Yuhua real person."

"Tch, that guy is suffocating to death. Every time he comes here, he only asks for things that my mother left for me. He never gives me anything interesting." Thinking of becoming a real piggy, his face was full of disdain.

Li Xiuxian is the only human being Xiaozhu has seen besides the real person Yuhua, and he is also the only one who told him many anecdotes. Xiaozhu has a good impression of Li Xiuxian and thinks he is a good person.

For a creature like Xiaozhu who has never been in contact with any evil, the principle of distinguishing good from bad is very simple. Those who make him happy are good people, and those who make him sad are bad people. Li Xiuxian makes him very happy, so he is naturally a good person. people.

"If you and Xun'er are allowed to be together, the two of you will definitely make sense." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

The innocence of this little pig is exactly the same as that of Xun'er, and the appearance of this little pig is also good, Xun'er will definitely like this little pig that is all red.

"A Yan, can you shrink your body a little bit, otherwise I won't be able to take you out." Li Xiuxian was a little embarrassed looking at A Yan's huge body.

"Gulu, Gulu!" Ah Yan shook his head.

"A Yan's body can't be shrunk!" Xiaozhu also said.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly. Carrying such a huge body on his back is not an easy task.

Mobilizing the blood of the true spirit in his body, Tang Gu was startled, and a huge Kunpeng supported a stone man about his size soaring into the sky!

"What a big bird."

"This bird is carrying a huge mountain on its back!"

The monks around Tanggu looked at the spectacle in the sky in amazement. They had never seen such a big bird. When it opened its wings, it almost covered the entire sky!
"It's done, if you are left in a certain space, it will be difficult for me to find you!" Li Xiuxian said with difficulty.

There is no way, Ah Yan's body is too heavy. Even though his strength has greatly increased after transforming into a Kunpeng, it is extremely reluctant to hold up Ah Yan who is like a mountain. It is very good.

"Give me hundreds of millions of spaces!" In an instant, the big bird disappeared, and the mountain disappeared.

"What speed is this, how can it be so fast?"

"Why did such a big bird disappear all of a sudden?"

This incident spread quickly in the Xuanhuang world. A big bird supporting a mountain suddenly disappeared, and the already mysterious Tanggu was once again shrouded in a veil of mystery.

But soon, the monks around Tanggu found that the temperature of Tanggu had dropped. Without the terrifying temperature limit, more monks could dive deeper to obtain more ore. It actually started to freeze, of course, that's something I won't mention for a while.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the sea of ​​Beiming, and a huge Kunpeng fell into the water immediately, followed by a loud noise, and a huge stone man directly smashed into the sea of ​​Beiming, sank In the end, the nearby sea water began to boil, and a large number of fish and shrimp died because they could not stand the temperature.

Li Xiuxian was panting heavily, it was the first time he felt that traveling through space was so uncomfortable, with a mountain on his back, and moving at high speed in billions of spaces, this feeling was worse than death.

Fortunately, the Kunpeng clan will not be drowned.

Kunpeng Kunpeng, Kun and Peng are two different forms, Kun is a giant fish, and Peng is a giant bird.

The Kunpeng family is Peng in the sky, and Kun in the water!

The reason why the Neptune clan surrendered to the Kunpeng clan was because Kunpeng was the overlord in the sky, and it was still the overlord underwater. Even the Neptune clan would be ashamed of its huge body. A giant fish of 15 feet was directly embedded in the deep sea Among them, the deep sea that makes countless monks fear is like his own back garden in front of Li Xiuxian.

As long as some prehistoric beasts in the water sensed Li Xiuxian's breath, they would hide away like a mouse meeting a cat.

Ayan's huge body also surprised countless monks. There are indeed stone figures in the spirit world, but this is the first time they have seen such a huge stone figure, especially on the shoulder of this stone figure. A red pig standing on two feet, this combination gives people a very weird feeling.

Li Xiuxian quickly found A Yan's location. After all, such a huge body was very conspicuous even in the sea of ​​darkness.

"Your body is really inconvenient. You must shrink your body a little bit." Li Xiuxian felt a headache looking at Ah Yan's body.

Ah Yan didn't know what his cultivation base was. It stands to reason that when his cultivation base reached a certain level, he could freely control the size of his body, but Ah Yan couldn't.

Since Ah Yan can't control the size of his body, he can only use external force!
"Ruyi Dan." Li Xiuxian found the pill he wanted in the "Qinglian Dan Jing".

Ruyi Dan, as the name suggests, this pill can control the size of one's body at will.

Speaking of which, this kind of elixir is also a very tasteless elixir. It is natural to control the size of the body as long as the cultivation base reaches a certain level. medicine.

But this is just right, at least it can control Ah Yan's body.

Although the efficacy of this wishful pill is tasteless, it is also an eighth-grade upper-rank pill, and it is not easy to refine.

Fortunately, the medicinal materials needed for this pill are available in Li Xiuxian Wanhuazhu. As long as there are materials, refining is not a problem for Li Xiuxian.

After Li Xiuxian opened up a cave on the bottom of the sea, he brought the little pig in and began to make alchemy.

Xiaozhu watched Li Xiuxian's magic formula change, and the elixir fell into the pill furnace in a row.

It was the first time for Xiaozhu to see alchemy, and he was very surprised by Li Xiuxian's beautiful alchemy technique.

"Pfft!" Soon, there was a burnt smell, and the potion of medicine was immediately invalidated.

"The eighth-grade high-grade pill is not easy to refine." Li Xiuxian shook his head. If the eighth-grade high-grade pill could be refined so easily, the alchemy masters in the spirit world would not be so popular up.

After failing hundreds of batches of pills one after another, Li Xiuxian finally mastered the trick. Based on the experience of hundreds of batches of failures, Li Xiuxian finally practiced this wishful pill.

Refining an elixir that has never been refined before, and it is still an eighth-rank high-grade elixir, it was refined in just one month. Li Xiuxian's current alchemy is second to none even in the spirit world. Countable.

Eighth-rank high-grade pills, there are absolutely not many alchemists in the spirit world who can refine these pills, and they are all regarded as honored guests by major forces.

(End of this chapter)

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