Chapter 808
Fortunately, the first three floors of "Unbroken Golden Body" are just to attract the power between heaven and earth to temper themselves, but the fourth floor is a watershed.

The first three layers of "Unbroken Golden Body" correspond to the tempering objects, and the fourth layer is the whole body tempering.

And the tempering method on the fourth floor is really scary, it needs to induce all kinds of poisons to temper oneself, so that one's body becomes invulnerable to all poisons.

The most vicious thing in the world is naturally Ruo Shui, even Li Xiuxian today dare not touch it lightly, a slight mistake may endanger his life.

Except for the Xuanwu clan among the four holy beasts, Li Xiuxian has never seen any race that dares to ignore Ruo Shui, even if the strength has reached the Mahayana stage.

But the fourth layer of "Unbroken Golden Body" is to sink the body into the weak water. After the body withstands the terrible toxin in the weak water, not only the strength of the body will be improved, but also the poison resistance will be improved. It will increase significantly, and when meeting some monks who practice poison kung fu, they will not be as timid as ordinary monks.

"Crazy, really crazy!" Li Xiuxian was secretly startled when he saw the cultivation method of the fourth level.

Although it is not necessary to use weak water to cultivate the fourth layer of "Unbroken Golden Body", as long as you can find some highly poisonous substances, it can also have a similar effect, but it is far inferior to using weak water to temper .

The same is suffering, of course, it must be so painful that it is worthwhile.

Li Xiuxian's thirst for strength has never stopped. Only with strong strength can he survive in this world better, and only with strong strength can he enter the demon world and bring Leng Ruling back.

Weak water, this kind of thing that makes countless monks feel displeased is also very rare in the spirit world, and only some specific places can produce weak water. The most famous one is naturally Tianxuan, the living area of ​​the Xuanwu clan. Tianxuan Island is surrounded by weak water. Any cultivator who wants to enter Tianxuan Island must get the help of monks from the Xuanwu clan to enter it. Otherwise, the sea of ​​weak water alone will be enough to give them a headache. .

Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not go to Tianxuan Island. The monks of the Xuanwu clan are not dead. If Li Xiuxian blatantly practiced around Tianxuan Island, there would be some troubles.

Fortunately, when Li Xiuxian traveled through many small worlds, he discovered an unusually quiet small world, which was more deadly than quiet.

There is actually no sound in this small world, not even the sound of the wind, let alone any sense of life.

Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not stay in such a small world, but the ocean left a deep impression on Li Xiuxian.

Weak water, this small world is actually full of weak water, and the scope is much larger than the sea of ​​weak water encountered in the secret realm of Ascension to Immortals.

In such a world made up of weak water, the fourth layer of "Unbreakable Golden Body" is perfect.

At the beginning, Li Xiuxian also considered that he would practice the fourth layer of "Unbreakable Golden Body" in the future, so he deliberately left a space imprint in this small world of weak water, so even in a small world of hundreds of millions, Li Xiuxian can still be accurate. Find the location of this weak water small world.

Before Li Xiuxian didn't dare because he didn't have confidence in his body yet, he was worried that his body would not be able to withstand the terrifying toxicity of weak water.

Even if a monk in the Mahayana period fell into the weak water, his bones would be gone without a cup of tea, which made Li Xiuxian have to be careful.

However, Li Xiuxian's current body is in a different state compared to ten years ago. The bright red liquid provided by the little pig has increased the strength of Li Xiuxian's physical body by several levels. Now Li Xiuxian can barely resist the toxicity of weak water Now, with the help of "Unbroken Golden Body Judgment", Li Xiuxian can also stay in this weak water for a long time.

Looking at the dead world in front of him, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but shudder. There is no vitality to speak of in this weak water world. This feeling is really unbearable.

A golden light flashed on Li Xiuxian's body, and his body turned into a bronze color, and he slowly sank into the weak water.

"Hiss!" As soon as his toes touched Ruoshui, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped, his feet lost consciousness in an instant, and the terrifying corrosive power of Ruoshui was constantly corroding his legs. foot.

Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth, and ran the fourth level of the "Unbreakable Golden Body" formula. The toxins in the weak water were actually extracted, and then transformed through the "Unbreakable Golden Body Technique" to temper Li Xiuxian's body.

Soon Li Xiuxian's feet regained consciousness, but Li Xiuxian preferred to lose consciousness.

"Ah!" Li Xiuxian's miserable cry sounded in the weak water world.

pain!The toxicity of weak water is terrifying, just a little bit, Li Xiuxian felt that his feet were as if they had been trampled by thousands of bulls, and the pain was burning.

But soon, Li Xiuxian couldn't cry out. The severe pain had already tortured Li Xiuxian to death. At this moment, he didn't have any strength to scream.

"This kid is ruthless!" Blackwater Xuan Snake couldn't help admiring Li Xiuxian when he looked at Li Xiuxian who had already immersed his lower body in weak water.

That's why Li Xiuxian would treat him so cruelly. If he were to change to another monk, even if he knew that the fourth level of "Unbreakable Golden Body Art" would bring him great benefits, he probably wouldn't be able to make up his mind to practice it. , Weak water, this is weak water. Ordinary monks will tremble even if they hear a little bit, let alone actively sink their bodies into weak water. This is not something that can be done just by being patient. , but also have a stronger will than ordinary people.

Among the monster clan, apart from the five great monster emperors, there are only five commanders who can practice "Unbroken Golden Body" to the fourth level and above. It was only with the help of the Demon Emperor that they achieved such success.

But Li Xiuxian is only a human being, and he has relied on himself since his cultivation, and now he has sunk into the weak water without the protection of the strong. Once something goes wrong, Ziyue and the others will have no time to rescue him.

"If you are not cruel enough, how could you reach this level in just a thousand years!" Ziyue also looked worriedly at Li Xiuxian, whose body was half submerged in the weak water.

Blackwater Xuan Snake smiled lightly: "Perhaps he really has the possibility to become a hero in the spirit world."

Li Xiuxian is already numb, the pain that penetrates into the bone marrow and the toxicity of the weak water have tortured Li Xiuxian to the exhaustion, Li Xiuxian's body has turned light blue, even the bones have turned light blue, this is The poison of weak water.

Although "Unbroken Golden Body Jue" is trying its best to refine these weak waters, a lot of toxins are still accumulated in Li Xiuxian's body.

This is not a joke, once the poison of weak water accumulates to a certain amount and then explodes, not to mention Li Xiuxian, a monk who is at the peak of refining the void, even a strong man like the Three Emperors once accumulates enough weak water in his body. Water poisonous is also certain to die.

"Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan!" Li Xiuxian let out a low cry, a golden flame shot out from his dantian instantly, stirring up Li Xiuxian's body violently. Jindi Fen Tianyan's extremely masculine, powerful and domineering flames dissipated in an instant, and wisps of blue smoke began to emerge from the top of Li Xiuxian's head. These were just the poison of weak water that had been excreted from the body.

"Unbroken Golden Body Art" methodically refines the poison of weak water. Once the amount of poison of weak water increases to a certain level, the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in Li Xiuxian's dantian will come out and burn most of the poison of weak water Then she was excreted by Li Xiuxian.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was an extremely reckless move for Li Xiuxian to cultivate the fourth level of "Unbroken Golden Body Art" in this weak water world, but they didn't know that Li Xiuxian had already made full preparations.

Li Xiuxian doesn't think his life is too long, if he is not sure, he won't rashly enter this weak water to practice.

The Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan is extremely powerful and domineering, and it is best to use the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan to suppress the poison of Weak Water.

In fact, the effect of the Golden Land Fentianyan is far beyond Li Xiuxian's expectations. What the Golden Emperor Fentianyan has done is not only suppression, but complete expulsion. As long as Li Xiuxian is willing, the poison of weak water in the sea of ​​weak water It was impossible to enter his body at all.

However, in this way, the effect of weak water tempering the body will be greatly reduced, so Li Xiuxian only controlled the poison of weak water in his body within a tolerable range, so that there would be no danger to his life, and at the same time he could Bring the effect of weak water quenching to the extreme.

"Huh!" After entering the weak water for an hour, Li Xiuxian left the weak water with a diving leap!
"As expected of weak water, if I persist, I won't be able to bear it anymore." Li Xiuxian let out a long breath.

It shouldn't take too long to enter the weak water for the first time. Although Li Xiuxian can still persist, Li Xiuxian still understands the truth that too much is too much.

What's more, he still has some residual poison of weak water in his body now. He will consider entering weak water again after refining all the poison of weak water. Otherwise, he will accumulate a little today and accumulate a little tomorrow. The weak water poison in this body will also explode, and by then it will really be too late.

It took a full ten days before Li Xiuxian entered the weak water again. This time, he directly immersed the whole area from the neck down into the weak water. This time he persisted for two hours, and then it took another half a month. Adjusted, and then jumped into the weak water, and so on. After a year, Li Xiuxian's body was completely immersed in the weak water, and he was able to stay in the weak water for several days.

"Unbroken Golden Body Jue" is also faster and faster to refine weak water and highly poisonous. Now even without the help of Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, "Unbroken Golden Body Jue" alone can completely eliminate the weak water pouring into the body. The poison of water has been refined.

It stands to reason that the fourth level of the "Unbroken Golden Body Art" has already been refined. After all, as long as one can immerse the whole body in the weak water without being afraid of the poison of the weak water, the fourth level can be refined.

(End of this chapter)

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