Chapter 811
Jieyun was roaring crazily, and the thunder that fell was more terrifying than the other, but Li Xiuxian didn't stop them all from letting the thunder strike directly on his body, so that he could use the thunder to temper his body to the greatest extent. This kind of opportunity is not good There are so many, Li Xiuxian is reluctant to waste any of them.

About half an hour later, Li Xiuxian reckoned that half of the catastrophe had passed, and the power of the next catastrophe would be doubled every time it was struck, and the last thunder was hundreds of times more terrifying than the previous thunder strength.

Now another catastrophe is triggered, and these forces are superimposed, and the power of the thunder that is triggered will be even stronger.

"Drink!" The true energy in Li Xiuxian's body suddenly started to circulate again, and the powerful martial arts breath shot straight into the sky.

"Boom!" Another calamity cloud floated in. This time, the calamity cloud did not need to accumulate strength at all, and directly merged with the previous calamity cloud.

"It's really exciting to see this kid crossing the catastrophe. He took the initiative to merge the two catastrophes. This is the first time I've seen it in such a long time!"

The fusion of two catastrophic clouds brought even greater pressure in the sky, even Li Xiuxian's expression changed a little. The combined power of these two catastrophic clouds is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two. The multiplier has increased, and the power of this catastrophe is probably dozens of times that of the previous one. Li Xiuxian also showed a dignified look on his face, without the ease and casualness just now.

"Roar!" Jieyun suddenly spewed out tongues of fire, and saw a flash of golden light and red light, and the two rays of light instantly merged together, thunder and fire merged, and the product of the fusion of these two robbery clouds turned out to be Lei Yan!

The two most destructive attributes are now combined, which immediately increases the difficulty of Du Jie several times!
"Come on, I have no fear!" Li Xiuxian slapped out a palm, and this thunder flame was directly held in his hand.

"Huh?" Li Xiuxian frowned slightly, the thunder flame rebounded in the palm of his hand, obviously his strength was not able to suppress the thunder flame!

"Refine it for me!" Li Xiuxian snorted, the spiritual power in his body was running crazily, the golden light in his right hand tightly trapped the thunder flame, and in an instant, this thunder flame was refined by Li Xiuxian.

"That's right, it's really much stronger than the single Thunder Tribulation!" Li Xiuxian's eyes were full of excitement.

It was nothing more than absorbing a thunder flame, but the effect of quenching the body was better than the sum of the previous thunders, and his physical body, which had not made any obvious progress, grew stronger again.

"It works, it really works!" Li Xiuxian looked at the merging robbery cloud in the sky as if looking at a treasure house.


There were three thunder flames in a row, Li Xiuxian didn't dare to push him too hard, he slapped dozens of palms with both hands, and the golden palm prints directly caught the three thunder flames, Li Xiuxian's figure flickered, as if three people had appeared in a daze, waiting to return When he came to his senses, these three thunder flames had already been refined by Li Xiuxian.

Lei Yan followed one after another, Li Xiuxian didn't dare to use the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword at all.

Although this thunder flame is also a great supplement to the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, but the current Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is not high enough, if you forcibly absorb these thunder flames, not only will it not have any benefits, but it will also hurt the foundation of the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword. This is not worth the candle.

In fact, not only the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, but even the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword and Shura Demon Saber couldn't withstand these lightning flames. Perhaps only the Pure Yang Immortal Sword has this ability.

But Li Xiuxian will not let this sword leave the alchemy room no matter what, this is an untimed bomb, who knows that it will explode on that day, especially at this critical moment of crossing the catastrophe, absolutely no mistake is allowed .

In fact, Li Xiuxian didn't intend to let them intervene before crossing the catastrophe, he was just going to use his own strength to bring this fusion catastrophe to the next.

Li Xiuxian is probably the only one who hasn't used any magic weapon in the face of the catastrophe.

Lei Yan was more ferocious than the other, and even transformed into Yanlong and Leilong. Even Li Xiuxian felt a bit difficult for the two dragons to fight together.

Li Xiuxian knew that the power of Heavenly Tribulation was not what it used to be, and it was unrealistic to rely on the body to use all the power of Heavenly Tribulation to temper the body.

Although it was a pity, Li Xiuxian could only shake his head.

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian placed a palm on the head of Yanlong, and the body of this Yanlong suddenly became smaller by one-third. Li Xiuxian solved it without too much struggle.

After going back and forth, Li Xiuxian's body became stronger and stronger, half of the spiritual power in his body began to be transformed into fairy power after being tempered by the heavenly tribulation.

This is an incredible amount. Even if a monk who crosses the catastrophe has [-]% of the power of a fairy, it is already very remarkable. Such a monk is also an absolute strong among the monks who cross the catastrophe.

And half of the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body has been converted into the power of the fairy before entering the tribulation period. What does this mean? Even if Li Xiuxian releases a small fireball, there is still half of the power of the fairy in it, and the power is stronger than the rest. The monks are several times larger.

This tribulation lasted for two full days, when the last purple-gold Thunder Flame Dragon pierced Li Xiuxian's body, Ziyue's heart was almost in her throat!

But there was a smile on Li Xiuxian's face, and he tapped his body a few times, a series of mysterious magic seals directly sealed the purple-gold Thunder Flame Dragon that had penetrated into his body.

This series of seals is the imprisoning rune mentioned in the jade slip given by the Fairy King to Li Xiuxian. It is a gadget made by the Fairy King when he was bored. Although it has no attack power, it is imprisoned by this rune. Don't try to break free unless you unlock this rune.

This Purple Gold Thunder Flame Dragon was indeed powerful, but it was not to the point where Li Xiuxian could not resist. Li Xiuxian did this only to be able to preserve the complete power of this Purple Gold Thunder Flame Dragon.

Through two catastrophes at the same time, the benefits Li Xiuxian gained are huge. Now, [-]% of the spiritual power in his body has been transformed into fairy power, and his physical body is so powerful that it cannot be described in words. It is not inferior to the Martial God. .

After surviving the catastrophe, the terrifying spiritual power of heaven and earth poured into Li Xiuxian's body like water breaking a bank!
"Hahaha, good, great!" Li Xiuxian watched the changes in his body in amazement.

The benefit obtained when crossing the catastrophe is only a part, and the benefit obtained now is the greatest.

Since Li Xiuxian's catastrophe was dozens of times more powerful than ordinary monks, the benefits he received were also dozens of times that of ordinary monks, and the spiritual power in his body skyrocketed again. How much I was enriched by Li Xiuxian.

Strength, the most obvious increase is strength!
Li Xiuxian has a lot of accumulation, and at the peak of Xuxu refining, he only possessed the power of two dragons, and only with supernatural powers can he have the power of a hundred dragons.

But now, Li Xiuxian has become a strong martial soul, and his power has directly increased by a hundred times. With the power of five hundred dragons, combined with supernatural powers, he has the power of a thousand dragons. It is no problem to kill a strong martial soul with one punch.

"This purple-gold Thunder Flame Dragon is the most powerful in the entire Heavenly Tribulation, and the power of the Thunder Flame in it is the purest. Don't be greedy, refine it bit by bit." Li Xiuxian put the sealed Purple-Gold Thunder Flame Dragon Put it in the Wanhua Pearl.

The pure Thunder Flame energy is a great supplement to his two incarnations and Ziyue Xiaolei. After refining this Purple Gold Thunder Flame Dragon completely, the two Transformation Gods can almost reach the peak of virtual refining.

The fellow cultivators of Xianwu survived the catastrophe at the same time. Although Li Xiuxian is only at the beginning of the catastrophe, his strength is definitely the top in the period of the catastrophe.

Now Li Xiuxian can be regarded as a strong man in this world, he can establish a sect, although he is not a strong man in the Mahayana period, but he is better than a strong man in the Mahayana period.

The dark clouds that had lasted for more than half a month in the deserted small world finally dispersed, and the people in the deserted small world finally saw the long-lost sun.

This small world is also considered unique, neither the immortal way nor the martial way can be cultivated.

Li Xiuxian has checked the status of several people, it's fine if they don't have spiritual roots, after all, they can still practice martial arts.

But these people's dantians are born with a loophole, which is like a funnel. No matter how you absorb spiritual energy, your dantians can't hide it, and in the end it's all useless effort.

The dantian is the root, and one can practice martial arts without the spiritual root, but if the dantian is damaged, even martial arts cannot be practiced.

A world has a trajectory of the world, even if it is just a small world, but Li Xiuxian has no way to change this small world.

People in this world are born like this, no matter how strong Li Xiuxian is, there is nothing he can do about it, unless he protects their souls and seizes them, but this is obviously unrealistic.

In the end, Li Xiuxian just arranged a huge set of gathering spirit formations in the four directions of this desolate small world. The abundance of spiritual energy has nearly doubled. Even if they can't practice, they can prolong the lifespan of these ordinary people. It can be considered that Li Xiuxian has done some good things for this small world.

After Li Xiuxian dealt with the matter at hand, he shuttled back to the spirit world!
"Bai Ling." As soon as Li Xiuxian came out of the space, he saw Bai Ling floating in the sky above the entire Fairy Spirit City.

Li Xiuxian looked at the white silk floating all over the city in surprise, it was really shocking, whoever died would make the whole Fairy City mourn for him!
"Could it be the Three Emperors?" A terrible thought suddenly flashed in Li Xiuxian's mind.

"Impossible, the Three Sovereigns are so powerful, even if they are defeated, there is absolutely no problem in escaping." Li Xiuxian comforted himself in this way, if one of the Three Sovereigns fell, then the situation of the human race in the spirit world would be in jeopardy.

"The Ministry of Military Affairs." Li Xiuxian found that all the monks were gathering at the Ministry of Military Affairs. At the entrance of the main hall of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Li Xiuxian saw a few warriors he had never seen before, but their strength was indeed first-class and powerful, the early stage of Wuhun!

Suddenly, two eyes locked on Li Xiuxian!
Li Xiuxian's body tightened, and he looked at those two people vigilantly!
(End of this chapter)

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