Chapter 817
After being hit by the seven-day soul-separating curse, every hour passed, Li Xiuxian would be tortured in various ways, either by fire, needles, or ice cold. In just three hours, Li Xiuxian had already suffered a little. no more.

Supernatural powers such as curses are rare, no, it should be said that they are rare, and the number of magical powers that can master curses in the spirit world is definitely not that many.

Li Xiuxian also felt that he was a little unlucky, but he just beat a dog, and it caused such a violent revenge from his master, even if he sacrificed a monk in the late stage of the tribulation, he would be put to death.

How did Li Xiuxian know that it was the assassin's own idea to cast the seven-day soul-separating curse.

His master only gave him two days. If he could not kill Li Xiuxian within the stipulated time, what awaited him would be a punishment even more terrifying than death.

Li Xiuxian's strength far exceeded this assassin's expectation. In front of Li Xiuxian's monstrous evil spirit, he found that his mind had begun to lose control.

Some monks with evil spirits can often rely on their aura to make monks of the same level surrender without a fight. Although this assassin is not so bad, he also knows that if he fights against Li Xiuxian who has such terrifying evil spirits, once his mind loses his guard, he will already be defeated. up.

Losing one's mind means not being able to make accurate judgments, and it is fatal when facing Li Xiuxian's fast sword.

A master of swordsmanship is extremely difficult to deal with, but besides being a master of swordsmanship, Li Xiuxian is also an extremely powerful fighter. Even Emperor Wudi's strong muscles and bones are not many who can beat him.

The trembling sword combined with the sawtooth sword in his hand can certainly break through Li Xiuxian's defense, but that's all. It's obviously not enough to rely on these to kill Li Xiuxian.

That's why the assassin used zombie poison later, as long as he was given a little time, he could cut off Li Xiuxian's head.

But things went against his wishes, he never thought that there would be a monkey with such a terrifying defense hidden on Li Xiuxian's body.

There is only one chance, if he misses this time, it will be very difficult for him to kill Li Xiuxian.

However, this assassin is also a decisive person. When Li Xiuxian showed his true strength, he already knew that he would not be able to kill Li Xiuxian within two days anyway, and he would surely die when the time came.

Rather than suffer death under the terrible punishment of the master, it is better to ask for death, so that the master may still spare his wife and children.

If this assassin is an ordinary monk, with such a strong strength, the first thing he thinks of is how to escape, not how to die.

From this, it can be seen how powerful the master behind this assassin is, so powerful that this assassin doesn't even have the desire to escape.

The body of a monk who has been hit by the seven-day soul-separating curse will be connected to a scarecrow made by a special technique. The opponent can achieve the same effect on Li Xiuxian as long as they deal with the scarecrow.

However, the seven-day soul-separating curse also has a certain limit. It is impossible to damage the scarecrow within these seven days. It will be destroyed, and it will be Li Xiuxian's death at that time.

There are very few ways to break the seven-day soul-separating curse. At least Li Xiuxian only knows two methods. One is to let the caster undo the curse, and the other is to capture the cursed scarecrow. Can survive like nothing.

The first method is already impossible, and the second method is also very difficult.

Since the other party dared to do this, the scarecrow must be in a very secret place. It would be extremely difficult to find the scarecrow, let alone get it back from that mysterious organization.

Stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife. Instead of spending these seven days in panic, it is better to fight hard, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

"It's no wonder Elder Xingtian was so anxious back then." After the tingling pain dissipated, Li Xiuxian heaved a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian's strength is not bad, and he can rely on his own strength to minimize the pain caused by the curse.

However, this is only the first day of the Seven-day Soul-Living Curse, and it is the day when the power of the curse is the weakest, but the later it gets, the stronger the power of the curse is, and the suppression of cultivation alone will not work.

When Li Xiuxian returned to Fairy City, his breath had already started to become chaotic, and the power of the curse had already begun to take effect in his body.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. I see that your seal is black, and there may be bloody disasters in the near future!" When Li Xiuxian entered the fairy city, a white-robed monk at the gate of the city stopped Li Xiuxian.

"The appearance of the commoner." Li Xiuxian looked at the banner in the monk's hand and smiled faintly.

"Fellow Daoist, it's okay to deceive ordinary people with such words, but let's forget about cultivators."

This kind of situation is very common in the mortal world, but not many people in the cultivation world believe in it, even Li Xiuxian doesn't believe in the technique of face-to-face.

"No, no, fellow Taoist, how can you say that? The art of face-to-face has existed since ancient times, but I and others have abandoned this unique art. I think that the Yintang of Taoist friends has turned black and purple. I can't live for seven days." The monk looked at Li Xiuxian solemnly.

"Seven days?" Li Xiuxian's expression changed. He didn't know whether the commoner's appearance was guessed or he really said it based on his appearance. It is true that he has only seven days to live after being hit by the seven-day soul-separating curse.

"Oh? Is there a way to save it?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking, half of this question was a joke.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult. Fellow Daoist is probably under some kind of curse, and it is an extremely powerful curse. It is not an easy task to lift such a powerful curse." The monk shook his head.

"Oh, he even knows the curse!" Li Xiuxian was also a little surprised.

"You can't live for seven days. Among the fellow Taoists, it should be the seven-day soul-separating curse. This curse is extremely rare. It's the first time I've met someone who has been hit by the seven-day soul-separating curse in so many years." Immediately became interested, looking at Li Xiuxian was like looking at a baby.

This commoner look can tell that Li Xiuxian has been cursed, that he can't live for seven days, and after getting confirmation from Li Xiuxian's mouth, it is easy to deduce that what Li Xiuxian is under is the seven-day soul-separating curse.

"You..." Li Xiuxian felt uncomfortable being looked at by this monk.

"Very good, very good, you should have been hit by the seven-day soul-separating curse not long ago!" The monk looked carefully at Li Xiuxian's palm.

"I'm Li Buyi, I'm from the Primordial God's School." Li Buyi looked at Li Xiuxian who was full of doubts and smiled faintly.

Li Xiuxian looked at Li Buyi strangely, and reported his name before saying a few words, this Li Buyi must be a bit too that.

According to what Li Buyi said, he learned from the Primordial God's Sect. Most of the sects in the Primordial Era have perished, and even those that haven't perished are almost hidden from the world, rarely appearing in the sight of monks in the spirit world.

Li Xiuxian, the god of the Primordial Sect, has never heard of it, so it is impossible to judge whether what Li Buyi said is true or not.

"Fellow Daoist, what is your cultivation level?" Li Xiuxian looked at Li Buyi in surprise.

This Li Buyi's cultivation is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, giving people the impression that he was in the foundation building stage, but after a closer look, he found that he was in the void refinement stage. This feeling of emptiness made Li Xiuxian very strange.

But when he asked, Li Xiuxian realized that it was not good. The other party's ability to hide his cultivation was obviously using some kind of magic weapon, so it was obviously abrupt for him to ask.

Li Buyi smiled lightly: "It's just that this robe conceals my true cultivation. The master said that my cultivation is too weak. It is not good for me to be seen by others, so Just gave me this robe to cover up my cultivation, some people can't see my cultivation and naturally they won't do anything to me."

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly. It seems that Li Buyi still doesn't understand the dangers of this world of comprehension. It feels like he just entered the world.

The subsequent conversation allowed Li Xiuxian to confirm his own thoughts. This Li Buyi was only over five hundred years old, and only the first ten years of the five hundred years were in the secular life. It was not until recently that he was released by his master, allowing him to practice in the world!

Thanks to his master's thoughtful consideration for him, he set up a formation on Li Buyi's robe to conceal his breath, so that some monks couldn't figure out his cultivation base at all, and he avoided some unreasonable disasters.

Soon, the hourly tribulation came again!
"Don't resist, leave it to me!" Li Buyi's expression changed when he saw that Li Xiuxian was about to use his kung fu to resist the power of the curse in his body.

Li Buyi's hand suddenly touched Li Xiuxian's back.

Li Xiuxian was still somewhat resistant to Li Buyi's sudden attack. Although he had confidence in his own strength, the water in the spiritual world was too deep, and a seven-day soul-separating curse suddenly appeared. what kind of heart?

"What a powerful curse, it really is the legendary seven-day soul-separating curse!" Li Buyi exclaimed happily after confirming with his own hands that what Li Xiuxian was holding was the seven-day soul-separating curse.

"Huh? The power of the curse encountered a trace of resistance?" In the underground chamber of the Fairy Spirit City, a trace of white light appeared on the scarecrow to which Li Xiuxian belonged.

"Is someone protecting this kid?" The monk guarding the scarecrow frowned.

In the spirit world, there are not many monks who can block the power of the curse, especially a powerful curse like the seven-day soul-separating curse. It can be said that those who suffer from it must die. In the history of the spirit world, there are only a handful of monks who can resist this curse and survive. countable.

"No, it's not resisting, but reabsorbing!" The monk's face changed drastically.

Li Xiuxian felt a sense of comfort in his body. He had been tortured by the power of the curse for several hours, and the aura in his body had begun to become chaotic. Dissipated, the breath stabilized again.

(End of this chapter)

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