Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 824 Blood of the Demon Emperor

Chapter 824 Blood of the Demon Emperor
Tian Lingzi hides this very well, so far the old man Fukong thinks that Tian Lingzi is a dog loyal to him, and he will do whatever he wants him to do.

And Tian Lingzi tried every means to descend to the mortal world, and only he knew his real purpose.

After Li Xiuxian, who had already descended to the world, arranged for Xiuyuan and Shuiyao's cultivation, Li Xiuxian began to wander around in this world.

Before ascension, he didn't even have a good time in this world.

The places Li Xiuxian was going to were naturally dangerous places, forbidden places, places that ordinary monks dared not enter or could not enter.

Forbidden places like the Valley of the Forbidden Demons, Li Xiuxian wanders in them at will.

The crack in space that made countless monks turn pale was useless in front of Li Xiuxian's body. Even if Li Xiuxian plunged into it, it could still appear intact after a while.

In this Valley of Forbidden Demons, Li Xiuxian also got some good magic weapons, pills, and supernatural powers.

Of course, this good evaluation is only relative to the monks in this world. In Li Xiuxian's eyes, these things are of some value.

However, when Li Xiuxian was wandering around in this world, a crack was suddenly torn open in the sky above Yuzhou, and a huge fireball directly hit a mountain peak, which instantly turned into ashes.

A figure walked out of the fireball: "It smells disgusting, but I like it!"

This person is indeed Tian Lingzi. After a month of preparations, the floating old man finally blasted away the power of the barrier and sent Tian Lingzi down to the mortal world with all his strength!

Li Xiuxian, who was thousands of miles away, frowned. The huge shock just now made him feel the power of the boundary!

"Another monk has descended to the realm!" Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked. This is not good news.

Li Xiuxian's figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the direction of the shock.

After a long time, Li Xiuxian frowned looking at the ruins of the mountains that had been reduced to ashes. The strength of the fire element is very strong, and the strength is definitely not in the realm of integration, at least it is at the level of refinement.

Although Li Xiuxian also knows that a monk who refines the void can also enter the mortal world, but compared to a monk who is a fit monk, the price he has to pay is so terrible that he has never heard of any big boss in the spirit world who can enter the mortal world. Such a desperate effort to send a Void Refining cultivator down to the mortal world!
First there were two monks in the state of fusion, and now he is a monk of refining emptiness. It is hard for Li Xiuxian not to connect the two together.

"The floating old man or the blood race, they really don't give up." Li Xiuxian smiled coldly.

The old man floating in the sky never dreamed that Li Xiuxian had returned to the spirit world. Unless they sent a strong man of the Mahayana period to go down to the realm, Li Xiuxian would come and kill as many people as possible.

"The aura of this flame is heading towards Yizhou." Li Xiuxian looked at the long fire aura left in the air in surprise.

Ordinary monks may not be able to discover these remaining fire auras, but in front of Li Xiuxian, it is very obvious.

"What is this monk doing in Yizhou?" Li Xiuxian was puzzled, but he followed immediately.

No matter who came here or what their purpose was, Li Xiuxian has already sentenced him to death and must be eliminated.

The threat of a Void Refining cultivator is really too great. Li Xiuxian can raise Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao's cultivation base to the combined state in a short period of time, but this does not mean that he can also help them upgrade to the Void Refining Realm. Before he returns to the spirit world, he also needs to solve this problem for Shui Yao and Xiu Yuan.

Even if this cultivator was not sent by the floating old man and the blood race, Li Xiuxian would never allow a cultivator at the Void Refining level to exist in this world!

When Li Xiuxian traced to the border of Yizhou, the fire aura suddenly disappeared completely.

"How is it possible?" Li Xiuxian was also surprised when he suddenly lost track of the other party.

"I underestimated him." Li Xiuxian snorted. Since the other party came from the spirit world, it is not surprising that he has some treasures that conceal his breath.

"Yizhou, is there anything in Yizhou that would attract a cultivator at the refining level?" Li Xiuxian was a little puzzled.

The most valuable thing in Yizhou should be the tomb where Xinyou was imprisoned, but the contents of that tomb have been emptied by Li Xiuxian long ago, and Xinyou has also returned to the Demon Realm, so there should be nothing of value something.

Apart from Xinyou's mausoleum, Li Xiuxian really couldn't think of anything else in Yizhou that could attract a strong person at the refining level.

"Corpse!" A flash of light flashed in Li Xiuxian's mind. Yizhou is the main battlefield of the two worlds of spirits and demons in this world. Years can still not rot.

"No, no, these dead monks are in the realm of Dzogchen, how can they arouse the interest of a cultivator?" Li Xiuxian shook his head, overturning his guess.

In fact, Li Xiuxian's guess was very close. This time, the main purpose of Tianlingzi's descent was not to capture the Li family brothers and sisters, but to find something in Yizhou.

Once this thing is obtained by him, even the floating old man will have to look at his face!
Tian Lingzi knew a little more about that battle than the old man Fukong, and he had searched all kinds of classics in the spirit world over the years.

When describing that great war, there was such a record.

A black light flashed, the woman's right arm was injured, and the golden blood fell to the ground and disappeared instantly.

That battle should be between Xinyou and Wu Shengwang, the golden blood is the unique blood of the devil emperor in the devil world.

When Tian Lingzi saw this passage, he was thinking about the blood of the devil emperor.

As long as he obtained the blood of the devil emperor and refined it, he would be able to obtain the infinite power contained in the blood of the devil emperor.

For this reason, he even paid a huge price for a prescription from an alchemist in the spirit world, so that alchemy with this prescription can maximize the power of the devil emperor's blood.

The devil emperor's blood contains enormous power, so even if it drips into the ground, it will not dry up. This time he wants to find out this drop of devil emperor's blood!
After losing the trace of this cultivator, Li Xiuxian released his spiritual consciousness and searched for it bit by bit. He didn't believe that this cultivator could disappear out of thin air.

"Try it for me!" Tian Lingzi shouted, and wisps of real sun fire in the sun suddenly gathered in Tian Lingzi's hand.

"Boom!" Tian Lingzi flung out the real sun fire, which covered a hundred miles in an instant, and everything within a hundred miles was reduced to ashes under the scorching of the real sun fire.

"That's it." Li Xiuxian stared blankly at the soaring flames in the distance.

"No." Tian Lingzi snorted, and in a flash, he appeared in another place, following the gourd drawing, turning this place into scorched earth again.

In just one stick of incense, the entire Yizhou was flooded with the fire of the sun, and countless mortals and practitioners were killed or injured.

"How did this guy run so fast?" Li Xiuxian cursed secretly.

Every time when Li Xiuxian arrived, Tian Lingzi disappeared, and then a flame soaring to the sky appeared in another place.

"Is this revenge?" Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

Li Xiuxian, who didn't know the real purpose of Tian Lingzi, could only think so. Now Tian Lingzi is like an arsonist, setting fires everywhere.

"Haha, I found it!" Tian Lingzi couldn't help laughing at the drop of golden blood that kept Xing Tian in the raging fire.

"Even if I merged into a mortal body, my Sun Fire can still find you!" Tian Lingzi chuckled.

After so many years, this drop of the blood of the devil emperor has been integrated into this piece of land. The only way to find this drop of blood of the devil emperor is to destroy everything and survive under the true fire of his sun. There is only the blood of the legendary devil emperor.

The blood of the devil emperor has appeared several times in the demon world and the spirit world, and every time it will cause competition among monks from all sides. Even if it is as strong as the three emperors, the human emperor is lucky enough to get a drop of the blood of the devil emperor. Only by cutting the marrow can one cultivate to this level with mortal resources.

Tian Lingzi believed that his aptitude was much better than that of the Human Emperor, and with this drop of Demon Emperor's blood, his future achievements would definitely be higher than that of the Human Emperor.

Great Emperor Bai Ye, the strongest emperor in the history of the Demon Realm, the value of a drop of her blood is much higher than the value of a few drops of the blood of the previous Demon Emperor.

"Boom!" Just as Tianlingzi was delighted, the flames below suddenly parted ways.

"Tianlingzi" Li Xiuxian said coldly.

"Li Xiuxian, you have gone to the lower realm!" Tian Lingzi was shocked.

He also knows how strong Li Xiuxian is now, with his cultivation at the peak of refining the virtual world, he is no match for Li Xiuxian at all.

But after seeing the blood of the devil emperor in his hand, the panic disappeared in an instant. Zi laughed.

"Tian Lingzi, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have planned on my younger siblings, just stay with me today!" Li Xiuxian slapped his palm.

"It's not that simple to kill me!" Tian Lingzi snorted, and put his hands together, a purple shield collided with Li Xiuxian's golden palm.

"Boom!" Tian Lingzi's body was immediately sent flying, and that purple shield couldn't even resist Li Xiuxian.

"Very strong, you are indeed very strong, no wonder so many strong people died in your hands!" Tian Lingzi struggled to stand up, Li Xiuxian's palm had already shattered his internal organs.

"The strongest in the mortal world back then was nothing more than that, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, Tianlingzi, you will eventually be eliminated!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, well said, well said!" Tian Lingzi raised his head and swallowed the drop of golden blood in his hand.

"Huh?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, it seems that these 30 years are really short." Tian Lingzi laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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