Chapter 826
Facing this torrent of spiritual power, Li Xiuxian also swung the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in his hand, forming a sword net around it, and when these torrents of spiritual power touched the sword net, they were all cut to pieces.

"Li Xiuxian, today I want you to die under Xuan Min's gate!" Tian Lingzi's face was grim, and a series of formulas broke into Xuan Min's gate.

"Boom!" The Xuanmin Gate swelled a little more, and the torrent of spiritual power gushing out became more and more terrifying, and there was even some fairy power mixed in it.

With this Xuanmin Gate behind it, there is almost no need to worry about the problem of lack of spiritual power. The Xuanmin Gate that connects tens of thousands of spaces does not have this problem at all.

Li Xiuxian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He had brought out the fast swordsmanship to the extreme. Even in the face of countless torrents of spiritual power, Li Xiuxian was already able to defend against the wind.

"Let me see how much spiritual power you have to support it!" Tian Lingzi snorted, the gate of the mysterious female expanded again, and the power of the fairy spirit took up one-third of it, and its power was fully doubled.

"Junior, I advise you to quickly take out my body, now only I have the ability to fight against this Xuanmin Gate." Said the Qi Ling of the Chunyang Immortal Sword.

After all, the Chunyang Immortal Sword is one of the top [-] powerful spiritual treasures on the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure List, and it is the sword-shaped magic weapon that kills the most. It can completely suppress the Xuanmin Gate, which is more of an auxiliary function.

In fact, as long as Li Xiuxian is willing to use the power of the Pure Yang Immortal Sword, even the Tian Lingzi fused with the blood of the Devil Emperor is completely possible to kill.

But out of fear of the Pure Yang Immortal Sword, Li Xiuxian is not going to use this Xuantian Lingbao, at least he will not use this magic weapon until he can suppress the Pure Yang Immortal Sword.

"Boom!" Under the endless torrent of spiritual power, Li Xiuxian finally began to fail, and a torrent of spiritual power passed through Li Xiuxian's sword net.

"Slow way of the sword!" Li Xiuxian's sword changed suddenly, from fast to slow. This torrent of spiritual power seemed to be imprisoned by some force, and it was guided out along Li Xiuxian's sword, surrounding Li Xiuxian's body.

Fast is the main attack and slow is the main defense. Slow swordsmanship is the most ideal for defense.

The fast kendo can directly kill the opponent across space with a single swing, while the slow kendo has the power of time, which can slow down the attack countless times, and there is enough time to prepare whether it is dodging or defending .

"Hahaha, I don't believe how long you can last, you go to die!" Tian Lingzi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the thick blood mist was immediately absorbed by the Xuanmin Gate.

The Xuanmin Gate, which absorbed the blood essence of Tian Lingzi, became more and more powerful, and the power of the fairy spirits had already occupied an absolute position at this time. Li Xiuxian rushed forward.

When approaching Li Xiuxian hundreds of feet away, these ferocious beasts transformed from the power of fairy spirits exploded at the same time!
The terrifying explosion almost razed the entire Yizhou to the ground. Even Li Xiuxian was shocked by this terrifying force!

No wonder it is said that with the Xuanmin Gate, one can deal with enemies tens of thousands of times stronger than oneself, and just this one hand of spiritual power self-explosion can be worth ten thousand.

Li Xiuxian's body was also blown away by the huge explosion!
"Cough, cough, cough!" The huge impact also made Li Xiuxian uncomfortable, and the blood in his body was churning. If he hadn't even tempered his internal organs, the explosion just now was enough to shatter his internal organs, even if he didn't die. To be seriously injured and unable to fight again.

"Boy, if you continue like this, you will definitely die. Now only I can help you. It's just the gate of Xuanmin. I can kill it with a single strike." The spirit of Chunyang Immortal Sword was still persuading.

However, Li Xiuxian didn't pay attention to it, maybe it would be like what the spirit of the Chunyang Immortal Sword said, as long as he strikes a sword, he can destroy the gate of the Xuannian, but if the Chunyang Immortal Sword is out of control because of this, Then his threat to Li Xiuxian is definitely greater than Tianlingzi and Xuanminzhimen combined.

"Thousand Yan Sword Formation!" Li Xiuxian waved his big hand, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword turned into two in the air, and then turned into four, and there were tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in an instant.

"Sword formation!" Tian Lingzi also showed a trace of solemnity on his face, the power of the sword formation is no small matter, and the momentum Li Xiuxian made is simply too frightening, tens of thousands of flying swords, this is no joke .

"I have the blood of the devil emperor. I have reached the state of being reborn from a drop of blood. Even the sword array can't kill me!" Thinking of this, Tian Lingzi became confident again.

Even if he is the old man floating in the sky who has fused the blood of the devil emperor, he may not be able to kill him, let alone a little Li Xiuxian?
"Thunder God!" Behind Li Xiuxian's back was a surge of thunder, and the thunder god penetrated the sky and the earth, and the entire Yizhou was surrounded by thunder and lightning.

"What a strong Thunder God! He has reached the realm of great success!" Tian Lingzi was also taken aback.

He wasn't surprised that Li Xiuxian possessed the sword array, but with his cultivation base, he actually condensed a Thunder God figure, and it reached the realm of Dacheng, which is really astonishing.

In the spiritual world, there are not many monks who can condense the Dharma form, even among the Mahayana monks, there are only a handful of monks who can condense the Dharma form!

An extremely ancient aura, the Thunder God figure behind Li Xiuxian exudes an extremely ancient aura.

"Boom!" The fairy power of Xuanminzhimen collided with Li Xiuxian's sword array.

The mountains and rivers split, the earth shattered, and the entire Yizhou fell apart under the confrontation of these two people.

The current strength of these two people is far beyond their realm, which is equivalent to two Mahayana monks fighting in this realm. How can this fragile mortal realm withstand the bombardment of these two people? Yizhou In an instant, he disappeared in the confrontation between the two.

"You can't kill me!" A sword light passed through, Tian Lingzi just frowned.

"Crush him!" Li Xiuxian shrunk the sword array, and tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords formed a round sword array. Countless sword glows pierced Tian Lingzi's body, the sword glow burst, and Tian Lingzi's body was blown up this day It has almost become a particle-like existence.

"I'll let you be reborn!" Li Xiuxian clasped his hands, and two flames flew out, one blue and one golden. This Li Xiuxian wanted to completely destroy the body of Tian Lingzi.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Facing the double burning of the Weak Water Poison Flame and the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, Tian Lingzi's body was constantly being destroyed and reborn.

"This body is really hard to deal with!" Li Xiuxian shook his head. Now he has tried his best, but he still can't completely destroy Tian Lingzi's body.

"This guy possesses such a terrifying ability just after initially merging with the blood of the devil emperor. If I wait for him to pass the catastrophe, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress him." Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

This day, Lingzi is like a beggar who got a treasure. Although he is rich now, he still doesn't know how to use this wealth.

This is also the reason why he has just merged with the blood of the Devil Emperor. If he is given a month or two, it is possible to directly become a Mahayana monk. At that time, Li Xiuxian will not be able to deal with it.

"The state of rebirth from a drop of blood, it seems that the pheasant snake is also in this state." Li Xiuxian thought of the unbeatable pheasant snake that he met back then, but the power of the pheasant snake is obviously not what Tian Lingzi can do today. comparable.

Under the triple strangling of the sword array, the weak water poisonous flame, and the golden land burning Tianyan, the Tian Lingzi can still be reborn this day, and the fairy spirit power flying out of the Xuanmin's Gate is becoming more and more difficult.

"Crack!" Behind Li Xiuxian, Master Lei directly pressed down with a big golden hand.

But this palm was blocked by Xuan Min's Gate.

"Although I still don't recognize him as my master, I won't just watch him being beaten!" The weapon spirit of Xuanminzhimen suddenly appeared and directed the Xuanminzhimen. The torrent has grown a hundredfold.

Li Xiuxian's expression changed, his sword formation changed, and he abandoned Tian Lingzi and stood in front of Li Xiuxian!

"Boom!" Tens of thousands of flying swords were blown away by the torrent of fairy power at this moment, and Li Xiuxian was also blown away by this terrifying force.

"Tianyou battle armor!" A golden light flashed on Li Xiuxian's body surface, and the dragon scales, the golden light barely blocked the bombardment of the fairy power.

"The power of the Xuanmin Gate is so powerful!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

The power of the Xuanmin Gate in the hands of Zhonghe Qiling is simply terrifying, and such a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure is only ranked around five hundred!

"It's your good fortune to fuse the blood of the Devil Emperor, but if you become arrogant because of this, you will die very quickly. One month, as long as you have one month, you can completely fuse, and when the time comes, the person in front of you It can be crushed to death with just one hand!" The weapon spirit revealed its own figure, which turned out to be a beautiful woman.

"Today I must kill him, kill him, as long as you can kill him, I will definitely find other Xuantian Lingbao to help you break through in the future!"

At this time, Tian Lingzi's face was a little pale. After being strangled by the sword array and flames, the vitality in his body was extremely consumed, and even if he survived, he was already severely injured.

Although it is difficult to kill the realm of rebirth from a drop of blood, it is not difficult to severely injure it.

Qi Ling of Xuanminzhimen frowned, but nodded quickly.

If it was the same as before, she would not pay attention to Tian Lingzi at all.

But today's Tianlingzi has fused the blood of the devil emperor, as long as he is given time, he will definitely become the overlord of one party in the future, and he is also qualified to become the master of the Xuanmin Gate.

This spirit can also see that the enmity between the person in front of him and Tian Lingzi has reached the point of endless death, either he dies or Tian Lingzi dies.

"Die!" After the spirit of the Xuanmin Gate made up its mind, there was no longer any hesitation. The power of the fairy spirits in the Xuanmin Gate condensed into countless spears, stabbing Li Xiuxian straight.

"It's troublesome!" Li Xiuxian raised his hands, and the fairy spears that were hundreds of feet away from him suddenly disappeared, and appeared behind the Xuanmin Gate in an instant.



These fairy spears were blown to pieces by the spears that flew out before they hit the Xuanmin Gate.

"With your strength, you are far from my opponent!" The beautiful woman snorted coldly.

"Damn it, even a weapon spirit has such terrifying power!" Li Xiuxian cursed secretly, and what made him even more worried was that at this time, Tian Lingzi was already refining the drop of blood of the devil emperor in his body. The consequences of letting him succeed are really unimaginable!

(End of this chapter)

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