Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 831 Moon God

Chapter 831 Moon God
Sumeru fruit, a unique spiritual creature in the spirit world, grows on the sea of ​​the North Ming, and bears fruit every ten thousand years.

However, the first nine fruits of the fruit are all empty shells, and only the tenth fruit is the real fruit.

There is also a special way to pick the Sumeru fruit. As long as the method is wrong, the Sumeru fruit will rot the moment it is touched.

And this method is rarely known!
The woman looked at Li Xiuxian: "Your Master Di Shitian is the one who knows how to pick the Sumeru fruit, perhaps the only one in these two worlds who knows this method."

Li Xiuxian's expression changed, he never thought that his master still possessed such a secret!

"Blood?" Li Xiuxian murmured.

"Sure enough, you are very smart!" The woman gave Li Xiuxian an appreciative look.

Except for the blood, Li Xiuxian couldn't think of any special way to make the Sumeru fruit that monks from both the spirit world and the spirit world couldn't pick correctly.

If there is any special method, there is nothing that cannot be done with the means of the strong in the spirit world, only the power of blood!

However, Li Xiuxian could tell that Di Shitian was a pure human being, and he should not have any special blood power in his body.

"Have you heard of the Primordial Saints?" The woman seemed to see the doubts in Li Xiuxian's heart, and this seemingly question actually answered the doubts in Li Xiuxian's heart.

Li Xiuxian had heard of the ancient saint clan, but he always thought it was just a legend, not only Li Xiuxian, most monks in the spirit world thought that the ancient saint clan was just a legend.

In fact, the ancient times are too far away, so far away that not many monks really understand the things of the ancient times, and it is not uncommon to regard people or things in the ancient times as legends.

According to the legend, this ancient saint clan was the largest clan in the ancient era, with a life expectancy of [-] at birth. Every member of the ancient saint clan was at least a strong man in the Mahayana period. Stronger than the Three Emperors.

Li Xiuxian did not expect that his master turned out to be a member of the ancient saint clan.

But Li Xiuxian couldn't figure it out. The Primordial Saint Race had long since disappeared in ancient times, not to mention the present. All the monks believed that this race had long since perished. It is unbelievable that there are still people from the race. .

"Why do you think that fellow Human Sovereign accepted Di Shitian as his disciple?" There was a icy smile on the woman's face.

"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian was reminded by this woman, and a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

That's right, as the strongest of the human race, why did the Human Sovereign only recruit Di Shitian as a disciple?

Although the human race is still at a disadvantage in the spiritual world, there are many geniuses, and it is not uncommon for people to be more talented and persevering than Di Shitian. If the human emperor really wanted to accept disciples, he would naturally choose the most outstanding ones. Why should he choose Emperor Shitian? What about Shi Tian?

Unless this Human Sovereign is coveting the blood of that ancient holy race in Di Shitian's body.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian didn't see much of the master-student friendship between Di Shitian and Renhuang. After Di Shitian's death, Renhuang didn't care about it. Who would dare to cause trouble in Di Shitian's mourning hall if his prestige is only a word?
But no, the Human Emperor never appeared from the beginning to the end.

"You already knew?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"Not many people know about this, but I happen to be one of them." The woman shook her head.

Without any emotional fluctuations, Li Xiuxian couldn't judge what kind of mentality this woman is now.

"What's the purpose of telling me all this?" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

These are all secrets in Tianling City, and they belong to the highest level. The Three Emperors absolutely do not allow this news to spread.

"Are you going to avenge your master?" The woman glanced at Li Xiuxian.

"That depends on who the murderer who killed Master is. If it is too powerful, I can't do anything." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

The woman smiled faintly: "Among the three disciples, you answered the most honestly."

"Huh? You also met my two senior brothers before?" Li Xiuxian was stunned.

The woman nodded: "The two of them got started earlier than you, and have received more teachings from Di Shitian than you, but I can see that they don't want to avenge Di Shitian."

Li Xiuxian was not surprised by this result. There are many indifferent people in the cultivation world. Even if they are Di Shitian's disciples, they still have the right to choose their own lives. Facing enemies far stronger than them, It is not shameful for them to give up revenge.

"They are very interested in Di Shitian's body, and you should know why." There was a sneer on the woman's face.Obviously looked down on these two people.

The corpse of the ancient saint race, what a huge temptation. Li Xiuxian can conclude that the temptation of Di Shitian's blood is much greater than the drop of the blood of the devil emperor on his body now. The blood of the ancient saint race, even The three emperors will be tempted.

Although Li Xiuxian was shocked by the information this woman said, he never relaxed his vigilance towards this woman. This woman told him some secret things in a roundabout way. Lonely looking for someone to talk to.

"What's your purpose, let's explain it once and for all." Li Xiuxian sighed.

"It's not like your master is so restless, but it's true, you haven't been by his side for long." The woman nodded to herself.

Li Xiuxian could see that this woman would not stop until she finished what she wanted to tell Li Xiuxian today.

"Do you know where Di Shitian's body is?" Li Xiuxian asked.

The woman nodded, as if you finally knew how to cooperate with me.

"It's in Tianling City!" The woman took a sip of the ice liquid.

"In the Palace of the Emperor!" the woman added.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly. It was precisely because of this identity of the ancient saints that Di Shitian was under the schemes of the Three Emperors all his life. middle.

The conversation between Li Xiuxian and this woman lasted all afternoon. During this afternoon, Li Xiuxian and this woman seemed to have completely forgotten the previous grievances, and talked about everything about Di Shitian as if they were two good friends.

It is said to be a discussion, but in fact it is more of a woman telling some secrets about Di Shitian to Li Xiuxian.

For example, the cause of Di Shitian's death was actually directed by the Human Emperor. After using Di Shitian, the Human Emperor killed Di Shitian with the help of the Shura clan, and put Di Shitian's body away.

Sumeru fruit, the sacred fruit cultivated by the ancient saints, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, now there is only one tree left in the sea of ​​​​Northern Darkness.

The inside of this Sumeru fruit forms a world of its own, and it took 10 years of gestation to create this rare treasure of the world. It is said that as long as this Sumeru Fruit is refined, a world can be formed in the body. If it is cultivated well, there may even be May become a world.

A world is bred in the body, this is the first time Li Xiuxian has heard of such a magical treasure.

Li Xiuxian had a thought. To some extent, this Sumi fruit is of the same nature as Wanhuazhu, but Wanhuazhu is much more advanced than Sumiguo.

Sumeru Fruit is the holy fruit of the ancient saint clan, so it can only fall off naturally if it is contaminated with the blood essence of the ancient saint clan, and only the members of the ancient saint clan can refine the Sumeru fruit.

Although in the end the woman didn't say the purpose of the Emperor, but Li Xiuxian guessed it, most likely it was going to be a trick.

Li Xiuxian also found out the identity of this woman at the end. She turned out to be the younger sister of the Earth Emperor, one of the Three Emperors. Unlike the Three Emperors on the surface, this woman has been hiding in the dark. Work for women.

When Li Xiuxian asked her name, the woman shook her head, for her name was just a title.

"You can call me Luna!" Finally the woman said.

The sun represents new life, the moon represents death, and the moon god is the god of death. Is this woman saying that he can only bring death?

Li Xiuxian seemed to have obtained a lot of information during this conversation, but he was still not clear about the purpose of this woman's visit. She told so much but did not tell Li Xiuxian what to do.

"To snatch Di Shitian's body?"

Don't be ridiculous, although Li Xiuxian also wanted to see the power of the ancient saint clan in the legend, but that was the Human Emperor's Palace, and he would not bring such a thing if he wanted to die.

Moreover, although the Palace of the Human Emperor is in the Fairy City, it is in the endless void. Without knowing the coordinates, no matter how capable Li Xiuxian is, it is impossible to enter the Palace of the Human Emperor.

"What a weird person." Li Xiuxian muttered, and then continued to search for information about Huo Shuyinhua Never Night.

Although the news brought by the Moon God was shocking, it was only a shock to Li Xiuxian, and it was of no practical use. Neither the ancient saints nor the Sumi fruit could be touched by Li Xiuxian. is the most important.

Moreover, he only believed in what the moon god said about Li Xiuxian, and for this moon god Li Xiuxian, he still focused on prevention.

"He doesn't know where Di Shitian's body and Sumeru are." Moon God's face turned cold when he left the Hall of Turing.

If Li Xiuxian saw Luna's face-changing skill, he would definitely shout, this woman can turn her face faster than a book!
What Moon God said is two points true and eight points false, it is true that Di Shitian is an ancient saint clan, it is true that Sumeru Fruit is true, and it is also true that Human Emperor wants to use Di Shitian's identity as an ancient saint clan.

Li Xiuxian is different from the previous two disciples. When Xue Jinteng or Jiang Boyue heard that Di Shitian was a member of the ancient saint clan, more greed flashed across their faces, greed for the power of the ancient saint clan, while Li Xiuxian was It was just a talking point, and he didn't even covet the power of Di Shitian's ancient saint clan.

Although the Moon Goddess threw out many temptations afterwards, Li Xiuxian just smiled and was not fooled, which made it impossible for her future plans to be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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