Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 840 Danta's Certification

Chapter 840 Danta's Certification

Lost, from the moment Li Xiuxian refined this furnace of elixir, Mr. Gu lost completely, and he lost badly.

The chief alchemist of the Fire Spirit Clan actually lost to an unknown alchemist who had not been certified by the alchemy tower. This slap was not insignificant.

Although Mr. Gu still has seven alchemy materials, anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if Mr. Gu is lucky enough to refine all the remaining seven furnaces of pills, there are only nine pills, which is very different from Li Xiuxian's eighteen pills. Far.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian also refined a mid-grade Spring Breeze Fu Sultan. Even if there is only such a grain, Li Xiuxian can completely beat Mr. Gu.

There are very few alchemists who can refine middle-grade pills for ninth-grade pills. Once they appear, the value will be multiplied by dozens or even hundreds of times.

"I lost, how could I lose!" Mr. Gu, who had just woken up, spat out another mouthful of blood when he heard that he had lost.

Li Xiuxian didn't have much sympathy for people like Mr. Gu. If it weren't for the fact that both parties were alchemists, with Li Xiuxian's temperament, it was not just as simple as slapping him in the face, it was possible to kill him.

"Just wait, I will definitely come back." Mr. Gu crushed a jade talisman, and disappeared in front of Li Xiuxian in an instant.

"The Great Teleportation Talisman?" Li Xiuxian was also taken aback. Mr. Gu was too resolute to leave, and he used the Great Teleportation Talisman directly.

"Master, you must avenge me this time!" In the blink of an eye, Mr. Gu was kneeling in front of an old man and crying.

I saw a huge alchemy furnace in front of the old man. Every once in a while, the old man would shoot a flame to control the temperature of the alchemy furnace. The whole process seemed so random.

The pill furnace was opened, and there were sixteen round pills in this huge pill furnace, which were exactly the Spring Breeze Restoration Sultan that Li Xiuxian and the others had just refined.

The ninth-grade low-grade elixir seems to have been refined in the hands of the old man. The only difference from Li Xiuxian is that there is no middle-grade elixir among the sixteen Spring Breeze Restoration Sultans.

Mr. Gu also looked at the old man with admiration. There are not many alchemists in the spirit world who can refine the ninth-grade pill so easily, and his master happens to be one of them.

"You said you were defeated? And you were defeated by Qingfengfu Sultan, who you are best at?" The old man asked casually.

"The disciple is not talented, so Li Xiuxian is too weird. The method of alchemy is unheard of and unseen. In the last batch of pills, he even refined sixteen pills like his master. Although he failed in the end, he refined two pills. A middle-grade Spring Breeze restores the Sultan, and the disciple is completely defeated."

When he heard that Li Xiuxian had a middle grade in the Sudan, the old man who had always been calm was finally moved.

Middle-grade elixir, even he is not so easy to refine, it is already very good to have one elixir in a hundred furnaces.

This is the old man. If it is another alchemist, thousands of furnaces of pills may not be able to refine one.

"You are far from his opponent, and his spiritual consciousness is probably not too much compared to being a teacher." The old man sighed.

"Master, you must be able to defeat him, definitely!" Mr. Gu looked at the old man firmly.

This is the legend of his ancient medicine clan, if even he can't defeat Li Xiuxian, doesn't that mean that his position as the number one alchemy clan in the spiritual world of the ancient medicine clan will be given up to others?

That guy is just a human being, a humble human being who can't be more humble, how can this kind of person be qualified to be an alchemist, how can he be qualified?
"Forget it, I haven't been out and about with my old bones for a long time. I have to go and see such alchemy wizards appear in the spirit world." The old man smiled faintly.

Although he achieved his goal, Mr. Gu couldn't laugh at all.

He came to Master to avenge himself, but seeing his Master like this, he wanted to meet this genius.

There are not five people in the entire spiritual world who can be called alchemy wizards in the mouth of the master, and even he is only rated as aptitude by his master.If it weren't for the face of his fellow clan, Mister Gu would never have had the opportunity to worship under this old man.

"This person's alchemy talent is probably better than your elder brother." The old man sighed slightly.

"Impossible." Mr. Gu turned pale with shock.

Eldest brother is the most outstanding genius of the ancient medicine clan for millions of years. Even the patriarch said that elder brother was born with the material for alchemy and was born for alchemy. Master even can't say that elder brother can surpass it in 1000 years. he.

Ever since he was a child, Mr. Gu has always regarded the elder brother as an idol, even if he just looks at the back of the elder brother, he feels very satisfied.

"How can a human being compare to Elder Brother?" Mr. Gu snorted.

"The Fire Spirit Clan, right? Some old friends haven't seen each other for a long time." The old man typed out a rune, and a space passage suddenly appeared.

After defeating Mr. Gu, more monks came to buy Li Xiuxian's elixir. He got more than 1000 catties of Huoyu Essence alone, which was enough to refine the Nine Suns elixir.

And there are no less than a thousand kinds of fire-type spirits, which greatly enriches the types of spirits in Wanhuazhu.

"Brother Li's alchemy skills are really extraordinary to be able to defeat Mr. Gu so easily." Feng Tianling smiled, and changed his address from fellow daoist to Brother Li.

"It's just that that person's alchemy skills are too bad." Li Xiuxian didn't take it seriously, for him, defeating Mr. Gu was really not a big deal.

With the body of the "Qinglian Danjing", if he can't even handle a Mr. Gu, then he has lived on a dog after so many years of practice.

"Well said, if you lose, you can only blame the apprentice for not being good at learning." A space passage suddenly appeared in the sky.

"What's going on? Anyone can break into the sky above the Fire Spirit Clan?" Li Xiuxian looked at the space passage above in astonishment.

The territory of an ethnic group is their most heavily defended place, how could it be possible to allow someone to enter and exit through the space channel at will?

"No, how could it be him, hurry up, inform the patriarch, I'll go out to meet him first!" Huo Huan immediately ordered a monk when he saw the person coming, and brought several elders to meet him.

"Liu Li Pharmacist is here, and the whole Fire Spirit Clan is very honored." Huo Huan looked at the space passage respectfully.

"It's been so many years, that little baby back then has become an elder of the Fire Spirit Clan." An old man with white hair and a childlike face walked out of the space passage, and beside him stood a series of resentful Mr. Gu.

"Who is Li Xiuxian?" The old man looked at the monks gathered below.

"He, that's him!" Mr. Gu shouted, pointing at Li Xiuxian.

Liuli Pharmacist followed Mr. Gu's finger and saw Li Xiuxian.

"It smells so strong, and fellow daoist's accomplishments in alchemy are really amazing." Liuli Pharmacist praised.

As an alchemist, Liuli Pharmacist smelled a very strong smell of elixir from Li Xiuxian's body. This smell can only be found in alchemists, and it takes an extremely powerful alchemist to have this smell. He has this smell It tastes like an elixir, and it is three points better than Li Xiuxian. As for Mr. Gu, he has no such qualifications.

"Master, you." Mr. Gu was startled, he didn't come here to make a fuss, he boasted as soon as he met.

"No way, Liuli Pharmacist is actually commensurate with his peers?"

"Is this guy's alchemy so high? Even Liuli Pharmacist looks at him with admiration."

Li Xiuxian smiled lightly: "My alchemy skills are not worth mentioning in front of the old man."

Liuli Pharmacist can feel that Li Xiuxian is a good alchemist, and Li Xiuxian can also feel that the old man's attainments in alchemy are definitely beyond his own.

"Fellow Daoist is worthy of the title of alchemy master. Since you have not been certified by the alchemy tower, I will help you get certified today." Liuli Pharmacist smiled faintly, and a dark alchemy cauldron appeared a golden star
"This is the authentication of my alchemy. No matter where you go in the future, you will be protected by my alchemy." Liuli Pharmacist laughed.

"Gold. Impossible, how is it possible!" Mr. Gu looked at the golden star on the black alchemy furnace, and was stunned.

Gold, this is the color of the same level as the master. Although there is only one piece, it is scary enough. An alchemist who just entered the alchemy tower actually got the title of alchemy master. Alchemy masters will not exceed the number of hands.

There are three levels of member certification in the alchemy tower. The most common one is the pure black alchemy furnace, which is also the most numerous member in the alchemy tower. Mr. Gu is in this level.

And the higher level is the silver star on the black furnace body, which has made a considerable contribution to the alchemy tower. Among the alchemy masters, it belongs to the top class. The silver thread will be based on your alchemy. The contribution made by Danta gradually increased, up to nine pieces.

The highest layer is the golden star on the black furnace body, which is also the uppermost part of the alchemy tower. According to Mr. Gu's knowledge, counting his master Liuli Pharmacist, there are no more than ten people who own this kind of alchemy furnace. Anyone who picks one at random is an alchemy master who can frighten one side. With a single sentence, countless Mahayana stage powerhouses can work for them. These people have a unique title, alchemy master.

The elder brother whom Mr. Gu respects the most now only has seven silver stars, but this Li Xiuxian surpassed the elder elder brother in an instant.

"This junior's achievements in the future are limitless." Huo Huan looked at Li Xiuxian and sighed in his heart. With the certification of this alchemy tower, all forces will regard Li Xiuxian as a guest of honor, even if it is the Fire Spirit Race that has been passed down for countless years. The rich family did not dare to neglect him in any way.

At the beginning, an alchemy master certified by seven silver stars could invite thousands of Mahayana monks to kill a large family in the spirit world without leaving any residue. It is hard to imagine how powerful an alchemist certified by gold stars would be With his appeal, I am afraid that even the powerhouses at the level of the Three Emperors may make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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