Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 845 Fallen Spark

Chapter 845 Fallen Spark
The middle-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill has never appeared in the history of the Fire Spirit Race. The geniuses of all generations used the low-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill to subdue the flames, but in the end they were all turned into a pile of ashes by the flames. .

"If you use the middle-grade Feitian Xuanhuo pill, if you use the middle-grade, then you should be able to succeed." The Holy King of Fire Spirit couldn't help thinking this way.

The efficacy of middle-grade pills is ten times or more that of low-grade pills. Once such an opportunity is missed, it is truly missed.

The value of a mid-grade Feitian Xuanhuo pill is immeasurable, and there is only such a pill in the entire spiritual world. Can he really miss it?
The effect of the Feitian Xuanhuo Pill is similar to that of the Nine Suns God Pill that Li Xiuxian is about to refine. They are both used to resist the damage of the flames, but taking this Feitian Xuanhuo Pill can only be used to resist the seal in the fire tree, silver flower, and night sky. A kind of flame, but the Vulcan Pill refined by Li Xiuxian has an effect on any flame, otherwise Li Xiuxian would have left this mid-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill, which would save him from refining the Nine Suns Pill It's time.

This time, it was the grandson of the Holy King of the Fire Spirit who was elected to subdue the flames. If there were no accidents, his grandson's fate would be the same as his predecessors, being burned to ashes by the flames.

It can be said that they have given everything to this flame fire spirit family. Even though they know that the geniuses selected once every 500 years will inevitably die in the end, they will be selected every time, and those geniuses who are selected will not refuse, even There are bloody lessons from their predecessors, but they will still rush forward like moths to a flame.

Everyone believes that they are different, especially for these geniuses, the failure of the previous ones is because they are not good enough, I am stronger than them, and I will definitely be able to subdue this flame.

Basically, the geniuses of the Fire Spirit Clan went with this idea, but the result was the same as the previous ones.

"Zhongpin. Zhongpin" the Holy King of Huoling repeatedly weighed the gains and losses in his heart.

A mid-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill might be able to change the fate of his grandson, and even change the fate of his Fire Spirit Clan, but it would violate the rules passed down by the Fire Spirit Clan for countless years.

In the history of the Fire Spirit Clan, there has never been a person who has artificially broken the branches of the Fire Tree Silver Flower Evernight. Even though he is the patriarch of the Fire Spirit Clan, he still does not have the qualifications.

If he really did that, I am afraid that his position as the Holy King of Fire Spirit will also be shaken, and those elders will impeach him without hesitation.

The Holy King of Huoling shook his head: "Fire Tree, Silver Flower, Night Sky is the treasure of our clan, even I am not qualified to break it, so I'm sorry."

The Holy King of Huoling looked unwillingly at the mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill in Li Xiuxian's hand. Although he really wanted to get this mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill, the righteousness of the clan did not allow him to do so.

Li Xiuxian was also a little surprised, he didn't expect the Holy King of Fire Spirit to resist this temptation abruptly.

However, Li Xiuxian still handed this mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill to the Fire Spirit Sage King: "Even so, this mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill belongs to your Fire Spirit Clan."

"You" is not only the Holy King of Fire Spirit, but even Liu Liruo is extremely shocked.

It's not that Li Xiuxian doesn't know how precious the value of a medium-grade pill is, but it's nothing in Li Xiuxian's eyes. Why not do it to make friends with the Huoling clan?

"My Fire Spirit Clan owes you a favor." The Holy King of Fire Spirit gave Li Xiuxian an apologetic look.

This mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill may be nothing to Li Xiuxian, but it is very important to the Fire Spirit Sage King and the Fire Spirit Race.

Li Xiuxian smiled lightly: "It's just a pill, it's nothing."

Mr. Gu rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "You really dare to say that a mid-grade Flying Sky Profound Fire Pill is nothing, even a master wouldn't dare to say that.

Sure enough, Mr. Gu also saw the shock in the eyes of his master Liuli Pharmacist.

However, this does not mean that Li Xiuxian has given up on the branches of the fire tree, silver flower, and night sky. For him, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Good Fortune Pill must be refined, and no one can stop it.

Since the attitude of the Fire Spirit Clan is so resolute, Li Xiuxian can only endure it for the time being. If there is really no other way, he can only forcefully break a branch. Thinking about his status as an alchemy master, even the Fire Spirit Clan If he wants to make trouble, he will also consider Danta behind him.

But what Li Xiuxian didn't expect was that on the night when he gave away this mid-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill, the Holy King of Fire Spirit found him, handed him a jade box made of fire jade, and then left without saying anything up.

When Li Xiuxian opened the jade box, a fiery red branch the size of an index finger appeared in front of Li Xiuxian.

This is the branch of Huoshuyinhuabuyetian. This unique aura can only be possessed by Huoshuyinhuabuyetian, and it is fresh. It has just been broken off, and it has not been more than an hour.

Although this branch is a little smaller, it is also the biggest concession made by the Holy King of Fire Spirit.

"This Holy King of Fire Spirit is interesting. He didn't want to owe me such a big favor, so he secretly broke off such a little branch." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly, and inserted the branch into the black soil of Wanhuazhu.

Such a small branch is not enough to refine the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Good Fortune Pill, but Li Xiuxian doesn't care how small the branch is with the Wanhuazhu, as the medicine can survive with a trace of vitality, perhaps in his Wanhuazhu. There may also be a fire tree and silver flower in the make-up user.

"Fellow Daoist, are you not going to go back to the Alchemy Pagoda with me?" Liuli Pharmacist looked at Li Xiuxian with regret. Originally, he was planning to invite Li Xiuxian to the Pill Tower. By the way, he could also share with him about Li Xiuxian's magical alchemy. The kind of magical alchemy that says no attempt is deceiving.

But Li Xiuxian seemed to be in a hurry, so he rejected Liuli Pharmacist's invitation. He had to make full use of his time now, so how could he have time to hang out at the Pill Pagoda?

Li Xiuxian's plan has been finalized, to refine the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Good Fortune Pill, and then refine the Nine Suns God Pill. After subduing the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, Li Xiuxian is going to the Spiritual Demon Battlefield, sneak into the Demon Realm, and find Leng Ruling.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Good Fortune Pill and Nine Suns God Pill are expected to be refined within 50 years.

Although the quality of these two pills is lower than that of Feitian Xuanhuo Pill, the difficulty of refining is naturally reduced a lot, but these are the pills he wants to use after all, and Li Xiuxian dare not be careless in the slightest.

Naturally, you should use the best for yourself. This time, Li Xiuxian is not going to use the elixir bought from the outside world. These elixirs are not old enough, so Li Xiuxian is going to cultivate the elixir he needs in the Wanhua Pearl before starting. Refining.

The elixir produced by Wanhuazhu is naturally the best!

As for the secrets between the Moon God and Di Shitian, Li Xiuxian didn't want to worry about it anymore, and now developing himself is the kingly way.

Afterwards, Li Xiuxian threw the Wanhuazhu into the sea of ​​Beiming. No matter how powerful the Moon God is, it is absolutely impossible to find him. During the past 50 years, he must make all preparations. When he comes out again , that is when the fish leaps into the dragon.

"Disappeared, how is it possible?" Luna was still in that ordinary attic, but Luna was in a terrible mood.

Li Xiuxian disappeared after participating in the provincial capital of the Fire Spirit Tribe, and at the same time, news spread that Li Xiuxian was an alchemy master.

One of the few alchemy masters in the spirit world, even the moon god has to pay attention to this identity. He also knows that the way he and Li Xiuxian get along needs to be changed. However, at this time, Li Xiuxian is in the netherworld Under Wei's surveillance, he disappeared out of thin air. No matter how Luna launched a search, he couldn't get any news from Li Xiuxian.

At the same time, the Emperor also got the news: "There is such a person among Di Shitian's disciples?

To be honest, Ren Huang only used Di Shitian's relationship, and he didn't have much relationship between master and apprentice, let alone Di Shitian's disciple. I'm afraid he didn't even know the situation of Di Shitian's disciple.

"Unfortunately, the body of this ancient saint race is too mysterious, and it will take me a thousand years to refine it." Human Sovereign looked at the body of Di Shitian in the sky, and a gleam of heat flashed in his eyes.

Among the three emperors, only the Human Sovereign has no spiritual roots. Although the Human Sovereign's cultivation is outstanding in martial arts, how can the Human Sovereign be satisfied with the status quo? If he wants to break through to a higher level, he must leave this body. Ordinary bodies are no longer in the eyes of the Emperor, but the bodies of the ancient saints are different.

Thirty years after Li Xiuxian disappeared, a shock came from the direction of the Fire Spirit Clan that shocked the entire spiritual world.

The tenth-ranked Xingri Xinghuo among the 36 Tianganghuos was born!

"Haha, my Fire Spirit Clan has just risen!" The Holy King of Fire Spirit looked excitedly at his grandson, Huo Gantian, who had already subdued the Falling Sun Xinghuo, and after taking that middle-grade Feitian Xuanhuo Pill, Huo Gantian turned out to be stiff Withstood the backlash of the falling sun and sparks, successfully subdued it, his cultivation base soared instantly, and he became a master of the level of the Holy King of Fire Spirit overnight.

"Haha, the realm of the imaginary, this is the realm of the imaginary!" Huo Gantian was also very excited, at this moment he had already set foot on the top of the spirit world.

"Crack!" Huo Gantian casually waved his hand, and the trunk of Huoshuyinhuabuyetian was cut into two sections.

"This is my natal magic weapon!" Huo Gantian picked up the branch, and directly refined the branch into his body.

The Fallen Spark resides in Huoshuyinhua Wuyetian, and over time, the Huoshuyinhua Wuyetian has been contaminated with the breath of Fallen Spark, and now it echoes the Fallen Spark in Huogan Celestial Body, it is indeed the best choice for Huogantian magic weapon.

"Stay root, you must stay root!" The Holy King of Huoling looked at his grandson.

Huo Gantian also nodded, this Fallen Spark is the foundation of his Fire Spirit Clan, and it must not be broken.

I saw a purple-red flame burrowed into the fire tree, silver flower, and night sky. After tens of thousands of years, this flame will grow into a fallen spark again, and a strong man will appear in his fire spirit clan again!
(End of this chapter)

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