Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 849 The Profitable Business

Chapter 849 The Profitable Business

"Lord Divine Master, I'm ready." As soon as he stepped into this room, Zhong Cuishan clearly felt that the time in this room was much faster than outside, but this was not the point. Alchemy in the furnace.

It is a rare thing in a hundred years for an alchemy master to make a shot. To be able to observe the alchemy master's alchemy with his own eyes, I don't know if it is the blessing he has cultivated for several lifetimes.

"Huh? Why is there no pill furnace?" Zhong Cuishan looked at Li Xiuxian in surprise, there was no other pill furnace in this room except the one he left before.

The importance of the alchemy furnace to an alchemist is self-evident. A strong alchemist must have a good alchemy furnace. This is almost the consensus among alchemists.

"What kind of pill do you want me to refine?" Li Xiuxian sighed.

"I know you can do it. This is the alchemy formula I got by accident. There are no outstanding alchemists in the Kunpeng clan, and I don't know the people in the alchemy tower, so I have been delaying it." Shaoyu laughed .

After receiving the elixir, Li Xiuxian realized that what Shaoyu wanted him to refine turned out to be the reincarnation elixir, which is also very famous among the ninth-rank lower-rank elixirs.

"How did you get this kind of elixir?" Even Li Xiuxian couldn't help being a little surprised.

The recipe of Reincarnation Pill seems to have been lost in the spiritual world, and Li Xiuxian thought he was the only one who possessed this recipe.

"I found it in a ruin, can you refine it?" Shaoyu asked.

"Yes, of course I can!" Li Xiuxian nodded, he couldn't be more clear about the function of the Reincarnation Pill, and there are two more in the Wanhua Bead, which he refined in his spare time.

There is only one effect of the reincarnation pill, falling into reincarnation.

Whether it is a monk or a mortal, they will fall into reincarnation after death, but they will lose the memory of their previous lives.

But if you take the Reincarnation Pill, you will be reincarnated with your memories.

This may not be a big deal for ordinary people, but for a cultivator, what does it mean to have an extra lifetime of memory? The perception of the Tao and various magical exercises are naturally more effective with half the effort. This is equivalent to giving you once Opportunity to retrain.

The effect is somewhat similar to Dae Soo Hyun using a time crystal to return himself to infancy.

Although it is a lower-rank pill of the ninth rank, the difficulty of refining it is no less than that of the middle rank of the ninth rank.

However, Li Xiuxian, who already had experience, naturally didn't need to explore. He put all the medicinal materials provided by Shaoyu into the blue pill furnace that appeared out of thin air, and one after another formulas were quickly injected into the flames.

After completely merging the Golden Emperor Fentianyan, Li Xiuxian's control over the flames has also reached a new level, and his refining elixir is even more proficient.

Zhong Cuishan was so surprised that he even forgot to close his mouth. This is not alchemy, it's just nonsense.

Zhong Cuishan assured that he had never seen such a crude alchemy technique in his entire life, all kinds of elixir were randomly stuffed together, and tempered with flames in no particular order.

According to Zhong Cuishan's experience in alchemy, it is impossible to produce alchemy with this method of alchemy.

But the monks who saw Li Xiuxian alchemy for the first time thought so, but the final result was often unexpected.

Twenty-eight days, 28 days have passed in this room, and a faint blue elixir was formally formed as a fire dragon soared into the sky.

Ninth-rank lower-rank reincarnation pill, completed in one batch!
"As expected of a master of alchemy, it only takes one furnace!" Shaoyu exclaimed.

Even though he saw the formation of the elixir with his own eyes, Zhong Cuishan still couldn't believe that such alchemy techniques could be used to refine the elixir.

It's no wonder that Zhong Cuishan was so puzzled, let alone a small two-star alchemy master, even a veteran alchemy master like Liuli Pharmacist couldn't see the mystery.

Although he couldn't understand it, Li Xiuxian had indeed concocted a ninth-grade low-grade elixir within a month, and this ability alone was enough for him to be imprisoned for the title of alchemy master.

"Master Shenshi's alchemy technique is indeed incomparably mysterious!" Zhong Cuishan flattered him at the right time.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Has the sign been released?"

"It has been released, and I believe monks will come soon." Zhong Cuishan is very confident about this.

There have never been alchemy masters in the Spiritual Demon Battlefield, so the supply of some high-level pills is often in short supply. Even if the price is twice or even three or four times that of the outside world, it is normal in this Spiritual Demon Battlefield something happened.

On the signboard of Li Xiuxian, there are a lot of lower-rank and even middle-rank pills, most of which are medicinal pills for healing.

This type of elixir is far more popular than the elixir that enhances cultivation in the battlefield of spirit demons.

The battlefield of spirits and demons is full of dangers, no one here can guarantee that they will not be injured, and the demand for healing pills has always been the highest.

Although this Zhong Cuishan is a two-star alchemy master, his alchemy success rate is only [-]%, and he is not good at healing medicines, and his success rate in refining the spring breeze to restore the Sudan is not even as good as that of Mr. Gu. Ordinary alchemy master.

However, Li Xiuxian also stated on this sign that they can only be exchanged with spiritual objects.

Li Xiuxian has no shortage of spirit stones or fairy crystals. He is only interested in some spiritual objects now.

Those who can survive on the battlefield of spirit demons are some very rich guys. They have a lot of things in their pockets, and even special products from the demon world. he himself.

"Excuse me, is God Master Li there?" Sure enough, after only two hours since the plaque was released, monks had already come to the door.

"Go out and receive him." Li Xiuxian glanced at Zhong Cuishan.

This old shameless alchemist immediately ran out to serve the alchemy master. This is the supreme honor of alchemists in the alchemy tower. If others can't ask for it, how can he refuse?

Didn't you see that Li Xiuxian solved the problem that had plagued him for hundreds of years just by casually mentioning it?
He doesn't have any idea about alchemy that is so mysterious that he can't understand it at all, but it is enough to get a few pointers from the divine master, enough for him to break through the current bottleneck, and maybe he can become a three-star or even higher. What about the alchemy master.

"Master Zhong?" The monk was surprised when he saw that Zhong Cuishan, who was well-known in the spirit and demon battlefield, came out to entertain him.

"What kind of medicine do you want, tell me quickly, I don't have time to linger with you." Zhong Cuishan's old face, which was as bright as a chrysanthemum just now, suddenly turned as cold as frost.

He didn't dare to show any airs to Li Xiuxian, a master of alchemy, but he didn't have a good temper with those who came to buy pills.

"Master Zhong, is there really an alchemy master?" The monk might be worried, so he asked again.

"If you don't believe me, get out, I don't have time to talk to you." Zhong Cuishan seemed like a volcano about to erupt.

He dawdled here a little bit, and lost a little time with Li Xiuxian. How much less would he get? Naturally, he didn't like this monk.

"I want ten spring breezes to restore the Sudan." The monk also knew that he might offend Zhong Cuishan if he continued to ask, and it didn't matter whether there was a real alchemist or not, as long as he could get the elixir.

Zhong Cuishan snorted, and immediately ran into the room where Li Xiuxian was, but the expression on his face changed instantly: "My lord, the people outside want ten spring winds to restore the Sultan."

Li Xiuxian threw out a storage bag, which contained the elixirs refined by Li Xiuxian. There are always hundreds of varieties and thousands of elixirs, which are enough for a period of time.

Fifty plants of the same level of elixir or spiritual objects for each ninth-grade lower-grade pill, and sixty plants of the same level for each ninth-grade middle-grade elixir. This is the price offered by Li Xiuxian. It is true that this price is quite expensive, but Li Xiuxian's family can sell a large amount of ninth-grade pills in this spirit and demon battlefield, so it is reasonable to say that the price is expensive.

The cultivator just muttered that it was a bit expensive, and then took out five hundred elixir of ninth-grade low-grade.

Li Xiuxian still far underestimated the wealth of these spirit demon battlefield monks. Killing and seizing treasures has always been the most profitable industry in the cultivation world. Cultivators above the level of Huashen, these monks have a lot of money, even if they kill one, they can make a lot of money.

Although five hundred plants of ninth-grade low-grade elixir were a bit much, killing a few Fusion or even Void Refining-level Demon Realm cultivators would make money immediately, but ten Spring Breeze Restoration Sultans could save his life.

The highest selling pills are only middle-rank ninth-rank pills. As for the more advanced pills of upper-rank ninth rank or even peak-rank nine pills, even Li Xiuxian has not reached the point where they can be sold in batches, and these pills can only be refined by people. Li Xiuxian will only make it when it is made, and the price must be outrageously expensive.

But Li Xiuxian is not worried that this price will scare people away. Those who will ask to refine this level of elixir must be the existence of Dujie or even Mahayana. The wealth of monks at this level has reached unimaginable levels. The elixir is still available.

Seeing that Li Xiuxian made [-] plants of ninth-level elixir at will, Shaoyu has been lamenting the huge profits of alchemists.

However, Li Xiuxian curled his lips. Among the five hundred elixir, he already owned more than nine layers, and only a few of them would be useful to him.

"Take these elixir and exchange them for some spiritual treasures. It would be even better if there are Xuantian Lingbao. No matter the price, as long as you find it, send it to me immediately." Li Xiuxian sent the more than 400 elixir to Shaoyu's bosom. As soon as it was plugged in, he was directly asked to run errands.

Shaoyu rolled his eyes: "You are not afraid that I will take these elixir and run away."

"If the young master of the Kunpeng clan can't even resist this elixir, then I really feel sorry for the Kunpeng clan." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"Damn, I still care about such a little elixir, even if it is ten times more, I don't care." Shaoyu snorted.

Li Xiuxian also knew that Shaoyu was telling the truth, the wealth in Shaoyu's storage treasures might not be less than Li Xiuxian's, especially in some rare treasures, it might even surpass Li Xiuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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