Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 854 The Power of the Elixir

Chapter 854 The Power of the Elixir

Li Xiuxian gave Shaoyu a blank look, and then looked at Binger kindly, seeing his appearance, no matter how many years Binger said, he would agree.

"100 years, 100 years, okay? I ask you to ask the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm to treat my mother." Bing'er stretched out a finger.

"Is Ruling sick?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

This wrinkle made Bing'er think that Li Xiuxian disagreed!

"50 years, 50 years, as long as 50 years." Bing'er changed her words hastily.

"100 years will be 100 years. When this auction is over, I will go to the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm with you." Li Xiuxian patted Binger on the head.

If the spirit is ill, then Li Xiuxian will go to the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm no matter what.

"Hey, are you stupid? That's the Demon Realm, you won't even have any bones left after you go." Shaoyu exclaimed.

"I have my own measure." Li Xiuxian shook his head, he had already made up his mind, no matter what Shao Yu said, he would not listen to it.

"Alright, don't you look so bad?" Bing'er looked at Li Xiuxian with a smile.

Li Xiuxian smiled helplessly: "When did I look like a bad guy?"

At the beginning of this auction, only some lone rangers went up. Although the treasures obtained by these monks were top-grade, they were still far different from the treasures in the hands of those big clans.

In the previous month, these casual cultivators came to the stage, and the value of the treasures they produced was extremely limited. The price cap was only a dozen yuan of seventh-grade fairy crystals, and it was only worth the value of Li Xiuxian's Spring Wind Restoration Sultan.

Rough calculations show that nearly 6000 to [-] people have come to the stage in this month, and Li Xiuxian made no fewer than fifty shots, and each time he used a spring breeze to restore the Sudan.

However, Li Xiuxian also knew that this was just the foretaste of this auction, the main event was just about to start, and the casual cultivators that could be brought out were almost sold out, and the next ones were the treasures in the hands of those big clans in the spirit world.

The price of these treasures is probably a world of difference compared to before. A Spring Breeze Sultan may be able to buy any of the previous treasures, but to face the next treasures, a Spring Breeze Sultan may not be enough.

Li Xiuxian was also prepared for this, not to mention the elixir that he refined before, with the countless elixir in the Wanhuazhu, there are really not many treasures that he can't take.

For a long time, when no casual cultivators came to the stage, one after another spiritual thoughts in the private room were communicating with each other, and these people in power were discussing which one would go first.

A monk got permission, jumped up, and took out a jade box as long as an arm from the storage ring.

"Xuantian Lingbao." The moment the box was opened, a large number of monks couldn't help but shouted out.

This is the first appearance of Xuantian Lingbao at this auction, even Li Xiuxian was a little surprised that this spirit alliance is so rich, and the first treasure is Xuantian Lingbao.

The White Tiger Sangmen Sword, this sword is made by demon monks who hunted and killed the white tiger monks and took their fangs and refined them through the demon fire. It is comparable to Xuantian Lingbao, which ranks around [-] in the spirit world.

Li Xiuxian smiled after seeing this introduction: "Ziyue, this sword is about the same as your original ranking."

Ziyue couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Are you making fun of me?"

"I don't mean that, I just want to see how much energy the Xuantian Lingbao, which is similar to yours, can provide me." Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"The reserve price is 50 yuan for the seventh-grade fairy crystal!" The monk closed the jade box again and quoted the price.

"Twenty dollars."

"Twenty dollars."

"Five spring breezes restore Sudan." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

The cultivator's eyes lit up. He was told when he came to the stage before that if the alchemy master made a move, he would give priority to selling it to him if the price was right.

There is no shortage of fairy crystals in the spirit world alliance, but there is a great demand for pills.

The value of one piece of Spring Wind Restoring Sultan is about ten yuan of seventh-grade fairy crystals, and five of them are almost the same as the White Tiger Sangmen Sword. This is more than a business.

"Deal." After the two items were exchanged, the monk stepped down and sent the five Spring Breeze Sultans to the private room in the air.

"The medicine has sufficient properties, and it is a fine product among the Spring Breeze Restoration Sudan. We will not lose this money." The monk smiled faintly.

He did not lose money, but compared with the few monks who made deals with Li Xiuxian before, he lost a lot.

No matter what it is, Li Xiuxian would use a Spring Breeze to restore the Sultan, even if it was only the value of a sixth-grade immortal crystal, he would still exchange it for a Spring Breeze to restore the Sultan.

As soon as the White Tiger Sangmen Sword was in hand, Li Xiuxian used the "Wanbao Body Refining Art" to turn this Xuantian Spiritual Treasure into pure energy. It was only a cup of tea, and the White Tiger Sangmen Sword was completely transformed. A pile of powder.

"Not bad, at least I can temper a rib." Li Xiuxian nodded.

Although Shaoyu knew that "Wanbao Body Refining Jue" was an extremely costly method, he also knew that Li Xiuxian had cultivated to an extremely high level.

But he didn't expect that Li Xiuxian would be so decisive that he would devour a Xuantian Lingbao as soon as he said it would be devoured.

This is Xuantian Lingbao, and there are only so many in the entire spirit world. Although the ranking is a little lower, it is also a treasure that countless monks are fighting for. However, in the hands of Li Xiuxian, the White Tiger Sangmen Sword does not seem to be much stronger than Lingbao.

Xuantian Lingbao Shaoyu thinks he still has two pieces, but he treats them like treasures and usually doesn't show them to others.

"One Xuantian Lingbao only needs five Spring Breeze Reviving Sultans. I gave you an elixir equivalent to ten Spring Breeze Reviving Sultans. You can get me back a few Lingbaos. I haven't paid for that yet." It's up to you." Li Xiuxian snorted.

"Hey, I'm also the young master of the Kunpeng clan. You told me to run around, and I need a little hard work." Shaoyu looked at Li Xiuxian confidently, as if he deserved the kickback.

"So you ate half of my food?" Li Xiuxian felt helpless.

"Brothers, don't worry so much. I know those things are a drop in the bucket for you. Besides, you think it's easy for me to get so many treasures." Shaoyu said with a smile.

In contact with Li Xiuxian, he knew that Li Xiuxian never cared about such things as pills, and it can even be said that he paid more attention to some rare elixir than the high-level pills he refined. Otherwise, Li Xiuxian wouldn't have exchanged a piece of Spring Breeze for Sudan in exchange for those elixirs whose value was far lower than his.

"Your Kunpeng clan will also have strong people in this spiritual alliance?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

"Yes, my Kunpeng clan, as a big clan in the spirit world, has a pivotal position in this alliance in the spirit world. We"

"Okay, I don't want to know how important you are in this spiritual alliance. I just want your Kunpeng clan to do me a favor." Li Xiuxian looked at the transactions in the audience. On the contrary, Li Xiuxian despised these pills the most.

"What's the matter, those old guys won't help you for nothing." Shaoyu looked at Li Xiuxian in embarrassment.

If Li Xiuxian asks him for help, he will definitely help within the scope of his ability, but if it involves those old guys in the clan, then he really can't guarantee anything.

"I'll give them quite a high reward." Li Xiuxian seemed to have expected such an answer a long time ago.

"Oh? That's negotiable. Those old guys don't get paid early. If you pay enough, it should be fine." Shaoyu nodded.

"One hundred ninth-grade lower-rank pills, as for what kind you want, you can just ask." Li Xiuxian said.

"You are so generous, one hundred ninth-grade lower-rank pills, those old guys will be tempted." Shaoyu nodded, this price is enough to impress those old guys.

"What do you want them to do?" Shaoyu asked.

"Open the passage to the demon world!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

Bing'er's eyes lit up at the side, returning to the devil world, this is something she has been thinking about these days.

"You mean, you want us to open a path among the demon army stationed in the spirit demon battlefield." Shaoyu was shocked, this was a big battle.

"Not bad." Li Xiuxian nodded.

"But... But the price is too high, even if you die a hundred ninth-rank lower-rank pills, those old guys won't agree." Shaoyu shook his head.

If this matter is really done, then there will inevitably be a bloodbath on the battlefield of spirits and demons. If you win, it will be a greater victory than the victory a month ago, but if you lose, The loss of the spirit world is not light.

"One hundred per person." Li Xiuxian didn't say much.

If those old fellows from the Kunpeng clan would refuse, it was only because Li Xiuxian's bargaining chips were not big enough, and they only needed to increase the chips.

"Hiss." Rao Shaoyu, who knew about Li Xiuxian's family background, couldn't help but gasp at this moment, each of them had a hundred pills of lower-grade ninth-grade pills, and there were dozens of old guys in the Kunpeng clan alone. Sitting in this battlefield of spirit demons, it would add up to thousands of ninth-grade pills.

The entire Kunpeng clan may still have so many ninth-grade pills, and even some more, but it is definitely not much.

However, this was accumulated by the Kunpeng family for countless years, and Li Xiuxian has only practiced for a few years, and he will not have much time to achieve alchemy. How could he have so many pills on his body.

"Success or failure?" Li Xiuxian only needed an answer from Shaoyu.

"I'll go over and ask now." Shaoyu's voice was trembling. Even the Kunpeng clan would be moved by thousands of lower-rank ninth-rank pills.

"You have so many pills?" Bing'er seemed to have just met Li Xiuxian.

"Pillions are the least valuable things in my eyes." Li Xiuxian smiled lightly.

"That's right, my boss's medicine pills are piled up like a mountain, and you can't finish it if you eat it." The little monkey said arrogantly.

Although the little monkey's words were exaggerated, they were mostly true. At this time, the pills in the Wanhua Pearl had piled up like a mountain, and the little monkey usually used them as jelly beans to grind his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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