Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 858 Ice Phoenix Demon Realm

Chapter 858 Ice Phoenix Demon Realm
The Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan in Li Xiuxian's body was released without hesitation, enveloping the three of them, like a fireball rampaging through the demon army.

Any monk who approached Jindi Fen Tianyan was instantly reduced to ashes by this terrifying temperature!

"Sword Sweeping Liuhe!" Li Xiuxian's sword formation changed, and in an instant, millions of sword lights blasted into the entrance of the Demon Realm carrying Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan.

"Ah..." The demon monks who came to support were killed by these sword lights in an instant.

"Whoosh!" Li Xiuxian pulled up Shaoyu, a flash of inspiration flashed under his feet, a pair of wings behind him suddenly spread out, and with a flutter of wings, he rushed into the demon world.

"Kill!" The strong man in the demon world was furious, and he was actually intruded by a monk from the spiritual world.

"Hahaha, if you want to turn back, you have to be able to defeat us!" The strong in the spirit world did not show any weakness, and torrents collided in the air.

After breaking into the demon world, Li Xiuxian immediately used hundreds of millions of space to escape, throwing off the pursuers behind.

"Phew, it's dangerous, it's dangerous!" Shaoyu couldn't help sweating when he thought of the scene just now. In that situation, even if he took a step slower, he would be smashed into scum by countless demon monks.

"You coward, I'm not afraid at all." Bing'er gave Shaoyu a disdainful look.

Shaoyu rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, my brother has always protected you, you are afraid of hair."

Li Xiuxian recovered the consumed spiritual power, but just now he didn't have any reservations, he used all the strongest methods, even Li Xiuxian was too tired to bear it.

"How far is it from the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm?" Li Xiuxian asked after recovering.

"It's still two days away from here." Bing'er was not sure. When she came out, she was just playing and didn't notice how far she ran.

Li Xiuxian nodded, pulled Bing'er up, and used billions of space to hide several times in succession.

At the fourth time, the surrounding air suddenly became icy cold!
"It's here, it's here!" Bing'er's eyes lit up, she was too familiar with this place, this is the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm.

"Who dares to trespass into the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm!" Suddenly, an ice phoenix nearly a hundred feet soared into the sky.

"Aunt Lan is me, Aunt Lan is me!" Bing'er exclaimed excitedly.

"Bing'er, you are finally back." The ice phoenix suddenly transformed into a woman around 40 years old. Although there were a few wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, she still looked charming.

"These two?" Aunt Lan looked at Li Xiuxian and Shaoyu.

"These two are from the spirit world"

Before Bing'er finished speaking, Aunt Lan shot two ice picks out of her body.

Li Xiuxian and Shaoyu could only smile wryly. The ice pick was melted by a flame when it got close to Li Xiuxian's body. As for Shaoyu, it was even more straightforward. I know which space he put it in.

"The Kunpeng clan!" Aunt Lan's face changed drastically. The Kunpeng clan is a powerful clan in the spirit world, and their strength is extraordinary, far stronger than his Ice Phoenix clan.

"Aunt Lan, they are my friends, friends!" Bing'er was in a hurry and stood in front of Li Xiuxian. As for Shaoyu, she didn't care about his life or death.

Shaoyu hid behind Li Xiuxian with a bitter face, and made a face at Binger.

"Friend, princess, why do you want to be friends with people from the spirit world?" Aunt Lan frowned.

Under countless years of slander from the spirit world, the demon world has become a barren land. The monks here are all insensitive, and they are all masters of raw human flesh.

But in fact, there is no difference between the monks in the spirit world and the demon world, but the aura of the two worlds is somewhat different. The aura of the monks in the spirit world looks different in this demon world, but this is just a small problem. God, it will assimilate with this breath.

"I went out to play and was caught by people from the spirit world, and Xue Ji died because of protecting me." Bing'er couldn't help crying when she thought of this incident.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm back now, and Aunt Lan will immediately notify the Devil Emperor that the Devil Emperor has almost gone crazy looking for you these past few years." Aunt Lan doesn't care about that Xue Ji's life, as long as Bing'er is safe Enough.

"These two..." Aunt Lan looked at Li Xiuxian and Shaoyu vigilantly. Even if Bing'er was saved, she still had to be wary of monks in the spirit world.

"Aunt Lan and the others were invited by me, that one is an alchemy master." Bing'er took Li Xiuxian's hand affectionately.

"Alchemy master?" Aunt Lan's face changed, the status of alchemists in the holy world is even more noble than in the spiritual world.

There are only a handful of alchemy masters in the entire holy world. As for the alchemy master, there is only one alchemy master, and he was invited back to the Baiye Emperor Palace by the White Night Demon Emperor. For pills, the strongest alchemist in the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm is only an alchemy master, not even a grand master.

If placed in the alchemy tower of the spirit world, this alchemist might not even have the qualifications to be a servant of an alchemy master.

The fundamental reason why alchemists in the spirit world are stronger than those in the demon world is because of the alchemy tower, the cradle of alchemists, and more than [-]% of the alchemists in the spirit world have been trained by the alchemy tower.

"Princess, you won't be deceived, right? How can you be an alchemy master at such a young age?" Aunt Lan said with disbelief.

How could he fail to see that Li Xiuxian's age would never exceed [-] years old, so what could he do at such a young age?
"It's true. Uncle Li has a lot of pills on him. This is the pill that Uncle Li gave me." Bing'er directly took out the pill that Li Xiuxian gave her.

Aunt Lan's eyelids twitched when she saw these elixirs, they were middle-grade, and these elixirs were all extremely rare middle-grade, and they were all above-rank [-] pills.

Even if you turn over the entire Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, you will definitely not be able to find so many high-level pills.

"He and mother know each other well, and this time he came to Ice Phoenix Demon Realm to help mother cure her illness." Bing'er carefully put away these pills.

"The concubine is disrespectful!"

Alchemy gods, even the White Night Demon Emperor, are treated with great courtesy, so what qualifications does he have in the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm to stop an alchemy god, even if this alchemy god is a person from the spirit world, he can still get their attention.

"Quickly, tell the Devil Emperor that there is an alchemy master visiting." Aunt Lan hurriedly sent the two ancient demons to report.

These ancient demons who show off their power in the mortal world are just like servants here.

There are hundreds of races in the spirit world, so it is not surprising that there are some strange races in the demon world.

"Master, please, the Devil Emperor will arrive soon." Aunt Lan's tone suddenly became extremely respectful.

In front of Li Xiuxian is a magnificent ice palace, on the top of which a huge ice crystal phoenix is ​​about to spread its wings and fly high.

"Bing'er, you are finally back." The young-looking cultivator hugged Bing'er.

"Why are you here!" Bing'er's face changed, struggling to get rid of this young man.

"Boom!" The young man was hugging happily, but he didn't know that a huge force suddenly came from above the bridge of his nose, and his whole body was instantly sent flying, embedded in the ice wall.

"I don't like you, it's useless even if you try to please my father." Bing'er snorted and hid behind Li Xiuxian.

"Young Master Yebat." Aunt Lan was terrified. The whole body of this Young Bat Man dived into the ice wall, and his face was covered with blood. At this time, he was already exhaling more air than breathing in. This Young Man Yebat was Ye Bat. If the only son of the Devil Emperor died here, the Night Bat Emperor would definitely take revenge on the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, but the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm couldn't afford it.

Devil Emperors also have strengths and weaknesses. Demon Emperor Baiye is the top one, while Devil Emperor Ice Phoenix is ​​basically at the bottom. Devil Emperor Night Bat is much stronger than Devil Emperor Ice Phoenix.

Li Xiuxian beat Young Bat to death with one punch, which scared Aunt Lan very much.

"This kind of person dies as soon as he dies, why worry about it." Li Xiuxian smiled coldly, eating Binger's tofu, he was really impatient to live.

"My lord, you don't know, but the father of this young master Yebat is the Demon Emperor Yebat, whose strength is unfathomable." Aunt Lan felt bitter in her heart.

"Father is also the devil emperor, are you afraid that he will fail?" Bing'er pouted.

Aunt Lan smiled helplessly, thinking that your father is indeed afraid of him, but she can only think about it in her heart, as a member of the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, it is impossible for her to expose her family ugliness.

"Mother, I haven't seen mother since I came back." Bing'er asked.

"The empress went to the Baiye Palace two years ago. It is said that the Baiye devil emperor summoned all the devil emperors under his rule to go there. Since the little princess disappeared, the devil emperor was very anxious, so the empress could only come forward." Aunt Lan said.

"Then when will you come back?" Bing'er asked again.

"It will probably take another five or six years." Aunt Lan was also not sure.

"Bing'er, you are too nonsense, how can you run out alone?" A middle-aged monk snorted.

"Father!" Bing'er happily ran over and hugged the middle-aged monk.

"Okay, okay, father, don't be angry, Binger ate something wrong, isn't Binger back?" Binger acted like a baby in the monk's arms.

"Spirit world monk." The Ice Phoenix Demon Emperor frowned.

It is a strange thing for a monk in the spirit world to appear in the demon world, but these two people did not express anything when they saw him.

Because of Li Xiuxian's status as an alchemy master, there is absolutely no need to curry favor with the Ice Phoenix Demon Emperor, and Shaoyu doesn't care about the Ice Phoenix Demon Emperor at all, what kind of onion are you, stand aside.

"Devil Emperor, this is the alchemy master" Aunt Lan suddenly realized that she didn't know the name of the alchemy master.

"Yes, yes, this is Uncle Li, he is very good at alchemy." Bing'er said excitedly.

"Oh? Alchemy master?" The Ice Phoenix Demon Emperor's eyelids twitched.

"Devil Emperor, I waited to enter the Demon Realm just to find some rare elixir. Binger and I hit it off right away, so we first settled down in this Ice Phoenix Demon Realm." Li Xiuxian made up a random reason.

He can't say, your wife is my fiancée, and I'm here to see my fiancée, right? If he really said that, then the Ice Phoenix Demon Emperor will definitely smash her to pieces. Since Leng Ruling went out Then it doesn't matter if you continue to stay here, you have to wait until Leng Ruling comes back to find out everything.

"What kind of alchemy master? It's a complete fart!" A short monk behind the devil sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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