Chapter 867

Li Xiuxian chose to ignore Shaoyu's shock.

Even with the Tianji Nirvana Pill, Li Xiuxian was not sure that he could completely get rid of the poison in Leng Ruling's body, but even so, with the ability of the Tianji Nirvana Pill, it could at least make Leng Ruling suffer less pain.

"Lan Ye Wang, here is the list of elixirs I need, and it is best to collect them within a month." Li Xiuxian handed a jade slip to Lan Ye Wang.

There are 56 kinds of elixir recorded in this jade slip, and the lowest one is also a ninth-grade low-grade elixir. These are only a small part of refining Tianji Nirvana Pill, which is not found in Li Xiuxian's Wanhua Pearl. Only then did they use the forces of Lan Ye Wang and the others to search.

"God master, don't worry, we brothers will do our best for these pills." The two demon emperors Jinglei and Baolei also nodded.

Although these elixirs are of high grade, there are not so many alchemists in the spirit world. No matter how high the level of these elixir medicines are without alchemists refining them into pills, they are of little value.

Li Xiuxian provided enough pills to the two brothers, and these pills are fully capable of buying all the 56 elixir on this list.

Two days later, an armored cultivator descended on the Ice Phoenix Demon Realm holding a bronzing invitation.

Whether it was Lanye King or Jinglei and Baolei, the two devil emperors all bowed when they saw this armored monk.

"My lord, this is an invitation from my master. Two days later, my master will be waiting for you on the lake of storm." The armored monk stood straight in front of Li Xiuxian, waiting for Li Xiuxian's reply.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "In two days, Li will definitely attend the appointment."

The armored monk nodded and then left.

"Marquis Fengbo, there is actually a Marquis in the Demon Realm?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Uncle Gonghou, this is a title in the mortal world. Could it be that even the devil world has such a title.

"This Marquis Feng Bo is a law enforcement officer of this generation, and his strength is unfathomable." The Jinglei Demon Emperor looked at the bronzing invitation with a solemn expression.

The demon emperors of the demon world are divided into levels. Demon emperors like Lan Yewang are not in the ranks, while the two demon emperors like Jinglei and Baolei and the slaughtered Night Bat Demon Emperor can barely rank among the barons.

And this Marquis of Storms is a marquis, a powerful existence second only to several devil emperors in the devil world.

Devil Emperor Baiye is the well-deserved number one devil emperor in the devil world. He has ten marquises under his command, and each marquis intimidates hundreds of devil emperors.

Feng Bohou, as the law enforcer in this area, has the power of life and death over the creatures in this area, even the devil emperor is within the scope of Feng Bohou's control, so even before facing a messenger, these three devil emperors dared not any disrespect.

"Marquis Feng Bo invites you to go, this is definitely an opportunity for you." The Thunder Demon Emperor was also a little envious.

If you get the Marquis's eyes, it proves that Li Xiuxian has entered the upper level of the devil world. With Li Xiuxian's alchemy skills, even the Marquis of Storms will pay a lot of money to hire him. The benefits are absolutely indispensable.

"This Feng Bo Hou is not a bad person." Li Xiuxian looked at this bronzing invitation card and smiled faintly.

A person's character can be seen from his handwriting. This handwriting is upright and majestic. Obviously, this is also the case with the man who is in trouble. A villain can't write such majestic handwriting.

"Marquis Fengbo hardly cares about his affairs. I have been the Devil Emperor for so long, and this is the first time I have seen Marquis Fengbo's messenger." Lan Yewang said.

The Demon Emperor Jinglei rolled his eyes: "What level are you? You can't even be considered a Demon Emperor. How could Feng Bohou have any relationship with you?"

"That's right, that's right!" Lan Ye Wang smiled awkwardly. Although the Jinglei Demon Emperor's words were not pleasant, they were all facts after all. Naturally, he couldn't know the things at that level.

"Will you go to Storm Lake in two days?" Li Xiuxian looked at Shaoyu.

"Go, of course I want to go, I also want to see how strong the demon world is!" Shaoyu nodded.

Although the Jinglei Demon Emperor and Storm Thunder Demon Emperor he saw in the past few days are good, they are not the top of the demon world. God's strong.

"He agreed?" On top of a piece of dark blue amber, a woman in a vacant mansion smiled faintly.

"Yes, master, he personally agreed, that divine master will come to Storm Lake in two days." The armored monk nodded.

"Okay, go down." The woman nodded in satisfaction.

Maybe even Li Xiuxian and the others didn't expect that the one who frightened the other side was actually a woman.

There are three major Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm, and the strongest Demon Emperor, White Night Demon Emperor, is the most powerful in the Demon Realm, occupying one-third of the territory of the Demon Realm, and the ten marquises under his command frighten one side.

The second is the Houtu Demon Emperor who has been suppressed by Chunyang Jianxin for millions of years. The emperor is on the line, but it is also extremely limited.

Finally, there is the Calamity Demon Emperor, the most brutal of the three major Demon Emperors, and the territory he rules continues to be slaughtered.

In the demon world, the strong are respected, but in the territory of the Calamity Devil Emperor, this law has been deepened countless times. The strong live and the weak die. The weak are not qualified to live in his territory at all.

Although the Calamity Devil Emperor is the weakest of the three Devil Emperors, his army is the strongest among the three Devil Emperors, and it often takes the troops of the two Devil Emperors to join forces to resist.

Two days later, when Li Xiuxian arrived at Fengbo Lake, hundreds of devil emperors and millions of troops gathered here!
This kind of battle made Shaoyu who followed Li Xiuxian panic.

"It's okay, there is no killing intent on these people." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"Welcome to God Master!" The army of millions of demons raised their arms and shouted, and the voice was like waves of the sea.

"It's such a big battle, this Marquis of Storms actually gathered all the devil emperors under his rule." Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

Except for a few devil emperors who were summoned to the White Night Emperor Palace, the rest of the devil emperors are probably gathered here.

"We still rely on the divine master to have this kind of face!" Thunderbolt and Emperor Jinglei sighed secretly.

With their strength and status, they are only in the middle class among the hundreds of devil emperors, and there is still a big gap with these earl-level devil emperors. It is impossible to get their respect at ordinary times, let alone salute. up.

"The strength of the demon world is so strong!" Shaoyu couldn't help but gasped when he saw the hundred demon emperors.

Going out of the useless accident of Lanye King, every devil emperor is at least a strong person of the first level of Xuxian. This Marquis Fengbo is just one of the top ten marquises, and there are hundreds of devil emperors under his command. This strength definitely exceeds For most of the forces in the spirit world, only the extremely ancient races such as Kunpeng and Shenlong can gather so many powerful people in the imaginary realm.

However, the Shenlong clan and the Kunpeng clan are already the most powerful forces in the spirit world, and they can only be equal to the strength of a Marquis under the White Night Demon Emperor. The spirit world is fighting, not to mention the thick earth devil emperor who is only a line lower than the white night devil emperor, and the calamity devil emperor who claims to have the strongest army in the devil world.

The strength of the Demon Realm can only be experienced by entering the Demon Realm in person.

When he was in the spirit world, Shaoyu always believed that there would never be a big gap in strength between the spirit world and the demon world, otherwise the spirit and demon battlefield would not be in the state it is today.

But today he knew that the Demon Realm surpassed the Spirit Realm in terms of the number of strong people!
"What, are you scared?" Li Xiuxian looked at Shaoyu.

"A little bit, I was thinking that if all these devil emperors join the spirit demon battlefield, then the situation might be one-sided." Shaoyu's voice began to tremble.

"That's not enough. Since the two worlds of spirits and demons can stand in a stalemate for so long, and no one can do anything to the other, then there must be no big gap in strength. Otherwise, the spirit world has long been occupied by the demon world. Why would we wait until now? ?” Li Xiuxian shrugged his shoulders.

"That's right, the sky is falling and there's a tall one holding it up, so why bother?" Shaoyu shook her head.

"Dear Master, I am Earl Babia, Lord Feng Bohou is already waiting for you." A monk with horns on his head walked in front of Li Xiuxian and the others.

"It's an ancient demon." Li Xiuxian looked at the Marquis of Babia and nodded.

Under the guidance of the Marquis of Babia, Li Xiuxian and the others passed through the army of millions of demons, and what appeared in front of them was a blue lake, which looked like a piece of crystal amber from a distance.

"What a beautiful lake, the Lord of Storms will enjoy it!" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"This is the territory that Grand Duke Bai Ye specially rewarded the Marquis of Fengbo. Among the top ten marquises, only this lake of storm was specially rewarded by Grand Duke Bai Ye." Earl Babia explained, and the Grand Duke Bai Ye he was talking about was naturally Bai Yemo. God.

Among the noble titles in the Demon Realm, the Lord is the highest, and only three people in the entire Demon Realm can enjoy this title, that is, the three Supreme Demon Emperors of the Demon Realm, the Demon Emperor Baiye, the Demon Emperor Houtu and the Demon Emperor Calamity!
"It seems that the Marquis we are going to meet is the most special one among the ten Marquises." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"Yes, she is the only female marquis among the ten marquises, and she is also the sister of Grand Duke Baiye." Earl Babia nodded.

"The No.1 sister in the Demon World." Shaoyu suddenly became nervous.

The reputation of the White Night Demon Emperor is also widely spread in the spirit world. The battle between the Wusheng King and the White Night Demon Emperor broke into the demon world. Although the result was a draw for both sides, all the strong in the spirit world knew that this battle It was the Wusheng King who lost, the White Night Demon Emperor defeated the Wusheng King with just one move, and finally the Wusheng King managed to escape with Wusheng's strength.

The Wusheng King is also famously fierce in the spirit world. Such a character can't catch Baiye Devil Emperor's move. Once it is spread, it will definitely affect the morale of the spirit world. Under the intentional exaggeration of the strong in the spirit world, this In the end, the first battle turned into a lose-lose situation.

It was also this battle that made Wusheng Wang decide to cast clones in various mortal realms, and practice in the mortal realm with tens of thousands of clones. fight!
(End of this chapter)

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