Chapter 869
Even alchemists are not omnipotent, Li Xiuxian already knew this when he met Liuli Pharmacist.

Ordinary alchemists can only be proficient in a few types of elixirs at most, and it is impossible to be proficient in all elixirs. Firstly, they don't have so much energy, and secondly, they don't have so many elixir supplies. They squander.

Alchemy masters use pills to pile up, and the cost of mastering a parting pill is already very high. If you want to be proficient in all types of pills, even alchemy masters can't afford it.

Only Li Xiuxian, who owns Wanhuazhu and "Qinglian Danjing", has the energy and financial resources to study all kinds of elixirs.

When he took the prescription of the dry blue cold marrow pill, Li Xiuxian was also taken aback by the elixir on it, good guy, there are at least five or six hundred kinds of elixir together, and all of them are above the ninth rank Elixirs, including several minerals, are also extremely rare in the spirit world.

For example, this cold moon ice crystal is formed by gathering the essence of the cold moon, and the bright cold moon only appears once a year. I don’t know how many years it will take to condense a cold moon ice crystal. It's something priceless.

However, since Marquis Feng Bo dared to ask Li Xiuxian to refine pills, then this thing was naturally prepared, and Marquis Feng Bo knew the rules of alchemists.

"The ice crystals of the cold moon are really too rare. Even if my sister searched all over the world of spirits and demons, she could only make up twelve parts." Feng Bohou's face was full of bitterness.

Li Xiuxian nodded, only twelve parts is indeed a little small, and alchemy materials such as minerals cannot be cultivated through Wanhua beads, twelve parts are twelve parts, if all fail, within a short time It is impossible to gather enough cold moon ice crystals.

It's no wonder that the alchemy master in the Baiye Emperor Palace would not dare to make a move. This cold moon ice crystal is really too precious, even if it is wasted, it may ruin the hope of Feng Bohou.

After Li Xiuxian took these alchemy materials, he took out a jade bottle, collected a large amount of dry blue cold marrow, and then left the Fengbo Lake with the help of Marquis Fengbo.

"You're back, they didn't do anything to you, did they?" Shaoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Xiuxian finally came out.

"It's nothing, I just talked with Feng Bohou for a while, and asked me to refine a middle-grade body shaping pill for her." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"The body-shaping pill of the mid-level seventh rank is also here to trouble you. Is there no one in this demon world?" Shaoyu snorted disdainfully.

"Naturally there is no problem with low-grade ones, but if you want to refine middle-grade ones, you must rely on alchemy masters like me." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"It's really loud, so you're going back?" Shaoyu looked at Li Xiuxian.

"Why don't you go back? Do you still want them to buy you a drink?" Li Xiuxian shook his head.

Jinglei and Thunder Devil Emperor heard that they could leave, and they were granted an amnesty. The two of them thought that their strength was not bad, but any one picked out here was an earl, viscount level, and the pressure to stay together was too great up.

As for Lanye King, let alone, this half-baked devil emperor is about to bury his head in his crotch.

"Uncle Li, you are back!" Bing'er saw Li Xiuxian and the others come back, and ran over happily.

Li Xiuxian patted Bing'er's little head, and took out several ninth-grade pills.

"Thank you, Uncle Li!" Bing'er took the pill with a smile.

Lanye King is also envious of his daughter. In the entire Ice Phoenix Demon Realm, only Bing'er can take the pill from Li Xiuxian anytime and anywhere, and Li Xiuxian took it out without hesitation, so much so that he This father and emperor will come to take advantage of it.

For the next month, I will be in seclusion, and no one should disturb me. Even if the sky falls, you have to bear it by yourself.

Shaoyu nodded, although he and Li Xiuxian had a good relationship, but this time Li Xiuxian obviously wanted to deal with business, so it was naturally impossible for him to bother Li Xiuxian.

"I'm afraid we will have to rely on the power of the alchemy room this time!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

It is a challenge for Li Xiuxian to refine the top nine pills, and this time the materials for alchemy are limited, so it is impossible to squander them like he usually does.

"Are you sure you want to help Feng Bohou, he is from the devil world!" Ziyue asked solemnly.

Feng Bohou is the Marquis of the Demon Realm, and he controls hundreds of Demon Emperors under his command, and his own strength is even more unfathomable.

From the point of view of the spirit world, it's best for this stormy man to die, since there is one less strong person in the demon world, and the spirit world has a better chance of winning.

"Xinyou can be considered an old acquaintance of mine. I still have to save her sister." Li Xiuxian shook his head.

It's nothing more than a storm, and it can't control the entire battle situation between the two worlds of spirits and demons.

"It's up to you, anyway, I'm just your weapon spirit." Ziyue shook her head helplessly.

"Don't make trouble, if the alchemy fails this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the demon world alive." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

Alchemy masters are indeed extremely noble, but if they are as powerful as the White Night Demon Emperor, if he is determined to kill an alchemy master, not many people would dare to stop him.

Even if Li Xiuxian could hire a large number of demon emperor-level powerhouses to protect him, who could stop White Night Demon Emperor, the number one powerhouse in both worlds of spirits and demons?

So this time alchemy can only succeed but not fail.

"Seeing that you have been able to come out and wander around, you should have completely merged with this Xuanmin's Gate." Li Xiuxian glanced at Ziyue.

Even with the help of Li Xiuxian, if Ziyue wants to completely control the Xuanmin Gate, it will take a long time to become the weapon spirit of the Xuanmin Gate.

"After swallowing a large number of spirit dragons, the speed of refining this mysterious female gate has also been accelerated a lot." Ziyue's face inevitably flashed a gleam of joy.

"No wonder I feel that the number of spirit dragons in the Wanhua Pearl is much less." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

During the period when Li Xiuxian announced his retreat, there were turbulent storms on the battlefield of spirits and demons. First, the army of the spirit world crossed the gorge of spirits and demons and attacked to the entrance of the demon world. On the opposite side of the gorge, and once attacked the Lingmo gorge.

The two sides fought fiercely around the Lingmo Gorge, and even the monks in the Mahayana period fell a lot.

But just as the two sides were fighting fiercely, a huge stone man appeared out of nowhere and turned the battlefield upside down.

"A Yan, you see so many people!" A scarlet pig looked excitedly at the two armies below.

"Kill!" Both sides chose to attack the stone man who suddenly appeared.

But these strong men who have reached the realm of Xuxian and Demon Emperor found that their attacks fell on the stone man as if they were tickling, and the stone man didn't take them seriously at all.

"A Yan, they bully us, beat them!" The red piglet roared excitedly.

With the order of the little pig, this huge stone man was directly punched down, and the coalition forces of the two worlds suffered heavy casualties, and all those below the Mahayana stage were punched to death.

"Those who are below the devil emperor retreat!"

"Push away those below Xu Xian!"

The commanders of the two armies issued the same order almost at the same time.

The stone man who suddenly appeared is too strong. There are many viscount-level devil emperors and some spirit world powerhouses who have turned two virtual immortals in this battlefield, but their attacks falling on Ah Yan's body are at most loud. After a few blows, even Ah Yan's body was not blasted away.

"For help, ask for help from the Demon Realm!"

"Ask for help from the spirit world!"

Almost at the same time, the top powerhouses of the two worlds received a call for help from the spirit demon battlefield.

"Stone man?" Xinyou looked at the sound transmission talisman in his hand.

"What's the matter, is there a problem?" A woman who looked exactly like Xinyou frowned.

"Half of the thousands of clones have already returned to their positions, and now they are still halfway. The strength is not perfect, so we can't take risks." It was exactly the same woman.

"I see, let Meng Zhanhou take action this time." Xinyou said in the middle.

"The Grand Duke's mission!" On a certain island in the Demon Realm, a burly shirtless man saw the words in the sky.

This is the unique summoning method of the Grand Duke, as long as it is in the Demon Realm, it can be easily reached no matter where.

"Unfortunately, this volcano is about to erupt. I thought I could temper my body well, but it seems that I have no chance." Meng Zhanhou shook his head. Although it was only an hour, the Grand Duke's order was Immediately set off, Meng Zhanhou didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

"Call for Lord Meng Zhan, and follow me into the battlefield of spirit demons!" A brand new pair of armor suddenly appeared on the body of Meng Zhan Hou, and he threw a Fang Tian painted halberd casually.

"Clang!" This Fang Tian painted halberd broke through the space and directly pierced into the spirit demon battlefield.

"Clang!" Fang Tian's painted halberd directly broke into the spirit world!
"Presumptuous!" The strong man of the Kunpeng clan snorted, raised his hands, and blocked the Fangtian painted halberd.

"An old guy from the Kunpeng clan!" Meng Zhanhou sneered.

"This person is so strong, he is the Marquis of the Demon Realm!" The strong man of the Kunpeng clan sighed secretly, this is a strong man equivalent to the seventh rank of Xu Xian.

"I'm afraid this time the battle of spirits and demons will not be good!" The strong man of the Kunpeng clan looked at the stone man above his head.

"A Yan, look at that thing, it's very beautiful, I want it!" Little Pig pointed to the Fangtian painted halberd thrown by Meng Zhanhou.

With Xiaozhu's order, Ah Yan grabbed Fang Tian's painting halberd regardless of what it was.

"He's dead!" The devil emperor in the devil army sneered in his heart.

Are the things of Meng Zhanhou so easy to get?
"Crack!" Immediately, countless thunderbolts surrounded the painted halberd of the sky, and even the count-level powerhouses' complexions changed drastically due to the momentum.

But Ah Yan didn't hesitate at all, he grabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the thunder and lightning all over the sky didn't seem to exist at all.

"You're looking for death!" Meng Zhanhou was furious, kicked his feet, cut through the space, appeared directly on the battlefield of spirit demons, and punched A Yan's body!
(End of this chapter)

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