Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 886 Battle of the Giants

Chapter 886 Battle of the Giants
The material that Li Suixiang used to refine the lotus stand was Moyou Cailian, and countless materials were consumed during the period, which led to the present Jialan lotus stand.

In terms of defensive power, the lotus platform is absolutely powerful. Even Li Xiuxian must use all his strength to break through the body-protecting Buddha light that comes with the lotus platform, so Li Suixian is very relieved to let Li Suixian deal with this hundred-eyed giant.

The giant family is extremely powerful, and they also have supernatural powers. The more eyes there are, the greater the power that the gods can exert.

In addition, this giant family really doesn't have any supernatural powers to show.

Li Xiuxian is not afraid of the fact that his skin is thick and his strength is infinite. In terms of rough skin and thick flesh, how many people in the spirit world can compare with Li Xiuxian, even if it is the thousand-eyed giant who has reached the fifth level of the imaginary fairyland, In terms of the body's defense ability, I'm afraid it's not as good as Li Xiuxian.

In terms of strength, Li Xiuxian is not inferior in the slightest, he has the power of a thousand dragons in a single blow, and even the giants are willing to bow down to this point.

The only thing that worries Li Xiuxian is the supernatural power of the thousand-eyed giant. He has never experienced this kind of supernatural power before, so he doesn't know what kind of power it will show in the hands of a thousand-eyed giant at the fifth level of the imaginary fairyland. .

Li Xiuxian hoped that the god eyes would be as strong as possible, because in this way, the god eyes he could get would naturally be stronger, and at the same time, he hoped that the god eyes would not be too strong, because in this way, when facing thousand-eyed giants, it would be difficult. Encountering a lot of trouble, this is really a rather silly psychology.

The strength of this hundred-eyed giant is good, but it would be a complete tragedy to meet Li Suixian, who has the body guard of the Jialan lotus platform. No matter how the hundred-eyed giant bombards him, the Buddha's light on the Jialan lotus platform does not even shake.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the eyes of the hundred-eyed giant opened, streams of light blasted directly on the Jialan lotus platform.

However, even this angry blow still failed to break through Li Suixian's defense!

"Amitabha!" Li Suixiang chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and a huge Buddha statue suddenly appeared behind him, and a golden light with the swastika directly suppressed the hundred-eyed giant!
"You are courting death!" Suddenly a white light flashed, and the indestructible Jialan Buddha light shattered at this moment.

"Northern Sea Aurora!" Li Xiuxian paled in shock, his figure flickered, and he pulled Li Suixian behind him, blocking the Northern Sea Aurora with his own body.

With the sudden attack, the defense of the Jialan Lotus Terrace had no time to maximize. If Li Xiuxian hadn't reacted quickly, Li Suixian would have died under the aurora of the North Sea.

Looking at the white seal on his chest, Li Xiuxian also gritted his teeth. After all, what he was facing was the North Sea Aurora that could penetrate everything, and he was lucky to be able to block it.

Beihai Aurora's return without success also exceeded his master's expectations.

"Human race, what is your intention for invading our border?" A huge phantom appeared in the sky.

"Thousand-eyed giant." Li Xiuxian looked at the huge phantom and snorted.

Being able to possess such an extremely rare treasure as the North Sea Aurora, there is no one else in this giant family except the thousand-eyed giant.

This thousand-eyed giant possesses the North Sea Aurora, which is beyond Li Xiuxian's expectation.

The North Sea Aurora is produced in the North Sea, and there is a spring in the North Sea, and the North Sea Aurora will be bred in this spring.

But to collect the North Sea Aurora is a fatal matter. Rao, the Kunpeng clan who controlled Beiming also stopped mining the North Sea Aurora after spending a lot of money one after another.

The North Sea Aurora is invincible, and it has the effect of breaking the shield of spiritual power.

Although Li Suixian did not use all his strength to break the protective Buddha light of the Jialan Lotus Terrace, but the characteristic of Beihai Aurora also played a considerable role.

Li Xiuxian doesn't know how the thousand-eyed giant obtained the North Sea Aurora. After owning the North Sea Aurora, the strength of the thousand-eyed giant has also been greatly improved. Against the eight powerful Void Immortals of the Black Phoenix Clan, this North Sea Aurora probably contributed a lot.

However, although the North Sea Aurora is sharp, it is a consumable product. The more you use it, the weaker the North Sea Aurora will be.

But judging from the power of the North Sea Aurora, the North Sea Aurora in the hands of the thousand-eyed giant is probably still very abundant, and I am afraid that it will not be exhausted in a short time.

"I want to cultivate a supernatural power, so I just want to borrow something from your giant family." Li Xiuxian said.

"What?" the thousand-eyed giant asked coldly.

"Your eyes!" Li Xiuxian kicked his right foot, and his body flew directly towards the phantom like a sharp arrow off the string. When he punched out, the terrifying wind turned everything around him into nothingness.

"You're looking for death!" Another Northern Light flew over, and its power was even much stronger than the previous one.

Beihai Aurora has the ability to break the shield of spiritual power, so even if Li Xiuxian uses spiritual power to block it, it will be in vain.

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian clenched his fist with his right hand, and suddenly the cyan dragon scales covered his entire arm, and the dragon yuan surged, and he punched out, directly hitting the North Sea Aurora.

"Crack!" The all-conquering Aurora of the North Sea didn't take advantage of anything, but was shattered by Li Xiuxian's punch.

"Using the Dragon Yuan to activate the Qinglong Nine Forms, the power is indeed much stronger." Li Xiuxian smiled.

The characteristic of Beihai Aurora ignoring the spiritual shield really made countless monks in the spirit world afraid, but this thousand-eyed giant happened to meet Li Xiuxian. The North Sea Aurora was easily blocked.

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian punched out again, and half of the Black Phoenix Mountain Range was almost collapsed.

This thousand-eyed giant really couldn't stand it anymore, he could only show his own body, a giant with a head of almost 600 feet, came here by pulling down mountains and trees.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth. In terms of body size, Li Xiuxian would not be inferior to this giant.

Li Xiuxian's body swelled rapidly, and instantly became the same size as the thousand-eyed giant.

"Kang" two fists collided, and the entire Black Phoenix Mountain Range showed signs of collapsing.

The face of the thousand-eyed giant changed. Tens of thousands of his clansmen lived in the Black Phoenix Mountain Range. Li Xiuxian didn't care, but he had to. , "If you have the ability, fight with me in the void!" The thousand-eyed giant roared, broke through the space and entered the endless void.

"Why don't you dare?" Li Xiuxian laughed and got into the void.

If the strength has reached their level, if they fight in the spirit world, I am afraid that the spirit world will suffer a huge disaster, so fighting in the void is the default for the strong in the imaginary realm.

Although Li Xiuxian is just a monk in the realm of false immortals, his strength and defense have completely surpassed ordinary immortals. Even the thousand-eyed giant can't compare with Li Xiuxian in these two aspects.

"Boom!" The most powerful thing about the giant family is their strength and strong body, and this is exactly what Li Xiuxian is good at. The two bombarded in the void, and each bombardment would cause the space to vibrate.

The movement in the void also attracted the attention of many powerhouses. The strength of the thousand-eyed giant had already been known to the powerhouses of the spirit world when they fought against the Black Phoenix clan.

But the other person is not known to many people yet, but this person was able to confront the thousand-eyed giant without losing the slightest advantage, his body is so strong that it is rare in the world.

"Human?" A monk with the second level of Xuxian frowned.

Among the human race, there are only a few people who have reached the realm of Xuxian, and the only one who is good at body training is the Human Emperor, but even the Human Emperor cannot confront the thousand-eyed giant who has reached the fifth level of the Xuxian.

"When did such a strong man appear in the human race?" A Xuxian couldn't help sighing.

Almost everyone thinks that the one who is equal to the thousand-eyed giant is a strong Xuxian, and at least a strong person of the fourth or even fifth level of the Xuxian.

But when they observed carefully, they found that Li Xiuxian was just a monk who had completed the Mahayana period.

"This... this is Divine Master Li!" In the void, a monk who was bathed in flames looked at the young man who was confronting the thousand-eyed giant in horror.

This monk who is bathed in the flames is the Huo Gantian who is a member of the Fire Spirit family and has merged with the fallen sparks.

With the help of Fallen Starfire, this Huogantian also officially broke through and became a strong man in the realm of imaginary immortals. With Fallen Starfire, the tenth strongest flame among the 36 heavenly fires, even if you have just stepped on Entering the realm of Xuxian, Huo Gantian's strength is still comparable to that of the second or even third level of Xuxian.

But Li Xiuxian's performance was even more terrifying, resisting the thousand-eyed giant of the fifth level of the Void Immortal with the perfect state of Mahayana.

You must know that even the Holy King of Fire Spirit finds the thousand-eyed giant extremely troublesome. How can a monk who has completed the Mahayana stage fight against it?

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian was obviously better than the thousand-eyed giant in terms of boxing skills, he blocked the thousand-eyed giant's fist, and blasted his fist on the thousand-eyed giant's chest.

"Your fist is like scratching an itch, it doesn't hurt or itch!" The thousand-eyed giant sneered.

"Really?" Li Xiuxian's mouth curled up.

Suddenly, the thousand-eyed giant's expression changed.

"Bang!" His chest disappeared, including his heart, and a transparent hole appeared.

"This... this is impossible!" The thousand-eyed giant didn't believe that that punch would cause such a huge damage to his body.

Li Xiuxian's punch did not penetrate his body, but made a part of his body completely disappear!
As the powerhouses of the fifth level of the Void Immortal Realm, the extremely powerful giants have no ability to be reborn from a drop of blood. All they can rely on is their strong vitality.

Li Xiuxian's punch contained one hundred and eight layers of dark energy, superimposed on each other, directly turning the body of the thousand-eyed giant into nothingness.

Don't say that this thousand-eyed giant doesn't have the ability to be reborn from a drop of blood. Even if it does, it will be destroyed by the one hundred and eight layers of dark energy.

"Hand over your Qianmu, and I can let you live!" Li Xiuxian snorted.

"Delusion!" Even though the heart was shattered, the thousand-eyed giant still did not die. Instead, he opened his thousand eyes and wanted to fight Li Xiuxian to the death!
(End of this chapter)

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