When the human stars shine

Chapter 3 Seeking Refuge in the Cause of Immortality

Chapter 3 Seeking Refuge in the Cause of Immortality

new business
News of the triumphant return of Columbus[1] from the new continent of discovery, America, spread rapidly.Crowds in the streets of Seville[2] and Barcelona[3] were eager to see what the triumphant teams brought home.Everything makes people feel so novel: countless rare treasures, red people who are different from their own race, and strange birds and animals that have never been seen before.Look, there are also croaking colorful parrots and clumsy tapirs.Corn, tobacco and coconuts also came to Europe from the Americas for the first time to settle down and take root.The crowd cheered and thronged, curious about that amazing land through what Columbus had shown.However, this is not the only thing that brightens the eyes of the two kings[4] and their counselors. What treasure is most fascinating to them is gold, the shining gold, and the gold that Columbus brought back from the New World is packed in There are not many small boxes and baskets, decorations, small gold ingots, scattered gold grains, etc. These are all trophies exchanged or robbed from the local aborigines.It is not so much gold as it is the last child of gold. At best, it can cast hundreds of ancient Venetian gold coins.However, our genius visionary Columbus, who thought he had discovered India and opened up the sea route to India, boasted with an extremely excited mood that this sample is nothing at all.According to their reliable reports, the newly discovered islands were full of gold, this precious metal covered under a thin layer of strata, some of which were completely exposed on the ground, and could be easily dug with a shovel.In that country full of gold, the kings drank wine and water from golden cups, and their gold was worth less than Spanish lead, but the country of gold was still farther south.These two kings, ever in need of gold, were deeply seduced by Columbus's boasting, and they believed in Columbus's promises.Of course, our fantasists have always been stubborn to believe what they want to believe, and have always been good at bragging, but it was not recognized at the time.So, with the support of the king, preparations were made for a second voyage.The hiring of crew members this time no longer requires recruiting and recruiting as it did the first time.It can be said that the whole of Spain is crazy about the El Dorado, where gold can be dug with bare hands. Thousands of people flocked one after another, and everyone wanted to sail to the El Dorado.

But what kind of mob is this?Greed now pervades all the cities, towns and hamlets of this Mediterranean country.Famous aristocrats are eager to plate all their shields with gold, bold adventurers want to experience the style of this golden country for themselves, and all the garbage and scum of Spain want to go there to dig a pot of gold.So everyone drifted to Barros[5] and Cadiz[6].Look, the thief with the golden seal, the robber with the open fire, the pickpocket, they all want to go to El Dorado to get a handicraft job with a good income; With their own reasons, all these hopeless and impoverished people, these criminals who have criminal records and are being hunted by the bailiffs, all poured into this expedition.This group of crazy desperadoes are determined to go to El Dorado to show their talents, eager to become upstarts all of a sudden.Therefore, they dare to do any acts of violence and crimes.Columbus's provocative speech made them even more moved.As long as you dig with a shovel, you can get piles of glistening gold. This legend makes them fantasize, wishing they could turn into a bird and fly across the ocean to reach that magical land.Among this group of immigrants, some wealthy people were more thoughtful, and brought their servants and animals with them, so that they could transport gold away in large quantities at once when the time came.In addition, those who were not accepted by the expedition had to find another way. Those bold adventurers equipped their ships by themselves, regardless of whether the imperial court allowed it or not.Gold bites everyone's hearts, and they are eager to get there as soon as possible to dig for gold.In this way, the restless and most dangerous gangsters in Spain were liberated.

It was only this that terrified the governor of Hispaniola, who watched in horror at the swarm of uninvited guests.Sea ships brought in new goods every year, and at the same time, people who became more and more difficult to control also came to this island entrusted to his jurisdiction.However, pain also began to envelop this group of newcomers, and their eagerness was only met with disappointment, because here, they did not see the gold that can be seen everywhere.Misfortune also befell the local aborigines, and this group of blond beasts plundered the local area crazily until no more gold could be squeezed from the aborigines.As a result, these hooligans began to idle around, wandering around all day long, waiting for opportunities to rob, and the hard-working local aborigines—the Indians were worried and anxious all day long.The governor is also worried.He tried every means to let this group of mobs go to reclaim new land.The local government gave them land, distributed them livestock without compensation, and even generously donated 7 to [-] Indians to each of them as slaves.Poor Indians, reduced to talking animals.But the Governor's efforts were to no avail.Running a farm didn't attract this group of former highwaymen, and noble knights from well-born families were also not interested in running a farm.They traveled across the ocean to come here for gold, not to clear the land to grow wheat and raise livestock.Therefore, planting and harvesting are not in their minds, and they only care about bullying the hard-working Indians, so that the local aborigines are all wiped out in just a few years.Or they just hang out in gambling dens, and before long, the vast majority of these people, are so caught up in debt that they have to sell their finances, down to the point of selling their coats, hats, and even their last shirts, to At last the merchants and usurers strangled them by the neck.

At this time, a legendary figure appeared.He was Martín Fernández de Enciso,[8] "Bachelor," the respected jurist of the island, who in 1510 fitted out a ship with a new force to aid his chaotic land. colonies.This good news rejoiced all those down and out in Hispaniola. In 1509, two famous adventurers, Alonso de Ojeda[9] and Diego de Nicusa, obtained from King Ferdinand the privilege of establishing colonies near the Strait of Panama and along the coast of Venezuela , "Golden Castile"[10] is what they named the place hastily.Such a famous name fascinated this Enciso, who knew the law but did not understand the world. He was fascinated by those lies, and invested all his property in this chaotic place full of legends. to the colonies.

However, not a single piece of gold was sent from the new colony of San Sebastian in the Gulf of Ulaba, but there was a cry for help.The tragedies continued to be staged, and the struggle with the local aborigines killed half of the colonists, while the other half died of hunger and cold.Enciso tried to salvage the money already invested, giving it all, and an aid expedition was thus equipped.As soon as word came that Enciso needed soldiers, all the desperate people on Hispaniola took advantage of the opportunity to flee with him.These were people who wanted to get out of here quickly, out of debt, out of the hawk-like gaze of the Governor.But the creditors are not fools, and they have taken stricter precautions.When they realized that these debtors were trying to slip away and disappear without a trace on the land, they repeatedly begged the Governor to investigate.The governor complied with their request, ordered that no one should leave without the governor's special permission, and took strict surveillance measures against them.Enciso's boat was told not to enter the port, and small government boats patrolled the area to prevent unauthorized persons from sneaking onto Enciso's larger ship.Therefore, those downcast people, who are not afraid of death, but more afraid of hard work or high debts, under the strict surveillance of the government, have no choice but to watch Enciso's ship sail away with infinite despair and pain. To embark on new ventures.

Enciso's ship set sail from Hispaniola to the American continent.The outline of the island faded beneath the blue horizon.It was a quiet voyage, nothing out of the ordinary stimulated people's nerves, but in the end, a fat and powerful wolf dog appeared in people's vision.This kind of dog is called Leoncico (little lion), the cub of the famous wolf dog Beserico (calf), and it runs around restlessly in the cabin, sniffing everywhere with its sensitive nose.Who its owner was, and how it got aboard the ship, is a mystery.The dog was attracted by an extra-large food crate that had been brought on board the ship on the last day. Surprisingly, he lay down in front of the crate and did not go away.However, this wooden box was not packed with food. Look, the wooden box opened by itself, and a man about 35 years old got out of it.He is fully armed, wearing a long sword, wearing armor, and holding a shield, just like a protector of Castile, Santiago[11].

He is Basco Nuñez de Balboa[12].It's amazing how smart and bold he's proved himself in this way.This adventurer, who was born in a noble family in Jerez de los Caballeros, once followed Rodrigo de Bastidas as an ordinary soldier on a voyage to this new world. After several storms and trekking, he narrowly escaped death and finally landed on Hispaniola Island.The governor of the island was very optimistic about him and wanted to train him to be an excellent colony developer, but the governor's wish came to nothing.After a few months of land management experience, Balboa's enthusiasm was completely drained. He abandoned the allocated land, and finally went bankrupt, and his creditors were like shadows.However, Balboa is witty after all. While the other debtors were devastated and staring angrily and helplessly from the beach at the patrol boats that prevented them from escaping to Enciso's boat, Balboa quietly acted.He hid in a large empty wooden food crate and let the servants carry him aboard. The cordon established by Governor Diego Columbus[13] was useless to him. Boldly went around.At that time, everyone on board was busy preparing to set sail, and there was chaos, and no one noticed such a trick.Balboa waited until the ship was far from shore, convinced that it was impossible to turn the ship back for him, before the clever stowaway showed up.Now he is standing in front of everyone.

Enciso's "Bachelor" is a person who studies law, and like most jurists, he lacks romantic cells.He is the chief executive of that new colony, the governor of the police, and order and authority are the first in his eyes. There are freeloaders and suspicious elements of unknown origin in the place, which he does not want to see.Balboa was not so lucky to meet such an officer, and Enciso told him bluntly that he did not want to take him away and let him land on the next island they passed, whether it was inhabited or not .

However, things are always changing, and it didn't develop to that point in the end.The ship was on its way to "Golden Castile" when it met a boat full of people, and the boat was led by a man named Francisco Pizarro. Soon after, it became famous all over the world.In short, it was a miracle among miracles to meet a small boat on the vast sea, because there were only dozens of boats sailing on these unknown seas at that time.The ship's passengers were from Enciso's colony of San Sebastián, and at first mistook them for a band of mutineers who had deserted their posts.However, the truth shocked Enciso. According to them: there is no more San Sebastian. They had to wait until 70 people had died before they were guaranteed a place on the two little schooners.They set sail, and then one of them had an accident.Therefore, the 34 people led by Pizarro were the last survivors of "Golden Castile". "Golden Castile" is gone, so where should we sail now?The remote immigrant area has a terrible swampy climate and the poisonous arrows of the indigenous people. Pizarro's narration made Enciso's people completely lose interest in going to the so-called "golden Castile".So they thought of going home, back to Hispaniola.At this critical juncture, Balboa suddenly stood up and said that he remembered a place called Darien, which was next to a golden river, and the local natives were quite friendly.It turned out that Balboa had learned all about the coastal regions of Central America on his first voyage with Rodrigo de Bastidas.He suggested that Darien should be the place where new settlements should be established, rather than returning to the wretched old place.

Balboa's proposal was so tempting that almost all the staff immediately agreed.They started heading towards Darien on the Isthmus of Panama.When they got there, it also brought bad luck to the local aborigines. They brutally massacred the aborigines and robbed their property.The group of desperadoes saw hope because gold was found among the plundered things, and they decided to settle here. Later, with devout gratitude, they named the new city "" Darien's ancient Santa Maria".

bad news for spain

A few weeks later, the daring Balboa usurped all power into his own hands.This made the hapless Maester Enciso, the investor in the colony, regret that he had not thrown the crate into the sea with Balboa hiding in it in time.Discipline and order were ingrained in the jurist's mind, and he endeavored to govern the colony in the favor of the Spanish court as administrator of a then-unappointed viceroy.Enciso issued his decrees in a simple Indian-style hut, as if sitting in his own legal office in Seville, writing the decrees as neatly and rigorously as possible in this world that advocates force. It looks a little ridiculous.He issued a decree prohibiting soldiers from extorting gold from the aborigines in this inaccessible wasteland. He stubbornly believed that the acquisition of gold belonged to the imperial court's rights and interests, and he would try his best to bring these lawless gangsters into the orbit of order and law.However, these adventurers are born to believe in violence, and they are convinced in swords, and weak scholars who play with pens are a bit ridiculous in their eyes.And Balboa soon managed to control these people and became the de facto lord of this colony.Poor Enciso had to flee in order to save Qingqing's life.The governor Nicosa who was sent by the king to this new continent didn't have any good luck either. Balboa simply didn't let him go ashore. The unfortunate Nicusa was kicked out, and he didn't even get a taste of the land that the king granted him. The customs of his land, and drowned on the way home.

Now, Balboa, who came out of the wooden box, became the master of this colony.However, he cannot sit back and relax.His actions openly rebelled against the king, and the governor sent by the king also died because of him. Whether he could get the king's forgiveness became his heart disease.He knew very well that Enciso, who had escaped, would not speak well of him, and was on his way to Spain with a letter of accusation against him, so the court trial would come sooner or later.Fortunately, Spain is separated by many oceans, such a long distance, leaving him plenty of time.He knew that the only chance he had to hold on to the power he had usurped for as long as possible was to use his time, and Balboa was, after all, courageous.

During this period of time, he had to find a justification for himself, and the rebellion was a last resort. At the same time, he paid a large amount of gold to the imperial treasury, which was the crux of the problem.Gold means power, so it is possible to avoid or postpone this lawsuit. The first problem now is to get gold.Crazy plundering was going on in this land. Together with Francisco Pizarro, he ravaged and plundered the surrounding indigenous people wildly. During these cruel killings and plundering, a decisive good luck came to him .Once, he actually came to the home of an Indian chief named Caretta and acted recklessly. Seeing that he was bound to die, the chief suggested to Balboa that it would be in Balboa's best interest to form an alliance with the tribe instead of fighting with the Indians. enemy.He also presented his daughter as a gift to Balboa as a token of his loyalty.Balboa immediately realized the importance of having a reliable and powerful friend among the natives, and accepted Caretta's suggestion.And Balboa also deduces a touching romantic story, he has tender feelings for the Indian girl until his death.In this way, he fought side by side with Chief Caretta, and all the nearby Indians were conquered by him, and a huge authority was established. Even the most powerful chief in the area, Camagley, finally compromised and surrendered respectfully. invited him to his home.

Balboa was invited to visit the most powerful chief, and it was this visit that made Balboa's life a turning point of world-historical significance.Fate is always so dramatic, before his life was carried the cross of desperadoes and conceited rebels, and what awaited him was the noose or machete of the Castilian court.In a spacious stone house, Chief Commagre received him. The gold and silver treasures in the house made Balboa's eyes shine. Four thousand ounces of gold for guests.Four thousand ounces of gold fully exposes human nature and greed.Look at this picture, swords drawn, fists clenched, shouting curses at each other, everyone trying to get a little more gold.This scene made the chief dumbfounded. In his eyes, the children of heaven, the arrogant and majestic outsiders like gods, when they saw the gold, all their dignity disappeared, and they looked like a group of dogs that had broken free from their chains. Fighting each other for a bone.Watching this frantic quarrel, the chief couldn't help showing a look of contempt.A mere handful of yellow metal was worth more to these civilized men than all the spiritual and technical achievements of their civilization.This cannot but amaze every child of nature living in the remotest corners of the earth.

At last the Chief finally stepped forward and spoke to them.When the Spaniards heard the chief's words translated by the interpreter, the greed that showed on their faces was simply frightening.It is incomprehensible, said Comagre, that such a useless thing, such a common metal, should cause you to quarrel with each other and cause so much unhappiness.Just behind these mountains there is a sea, and all the rivers that flow into it contain gold, and there lives a people whose kings eat and drink from cups and plates of gold, and they ride in ships like yours with sails and oars .If you want to get this yellow metal, you can go there, as much as you want.However, the road is dangerous, and those chiefs will certainly not let you pass.The journey from here to there is not more than a few days.

This remark hit Balboa's hands.They finally found the trace of the fabled kingdom of gold that they had dreamed of for so many years.The pioneers once traveled all over the world, looking for it, but now, the golden country is only a few days away from him.If the sheikh is telling the truth, the kingdom of gold is just around the corner.At the same time, the existence of another ocean was finally confirmed, the way to which Columbus, Cabot [14] and all other famous and great navigators had sought, but failed.Whoever was the first to see this new ocean and claim it for his country would surely be remembered forever, which excited Balboa.In order to atone for all his sins, and to earn this eternal honor, Balboa realized that he had to do this. He wanted to be the first person to cross the Strait of Panama and reach the South Sea that leads to India. , and to conquer the new golden country for his own country, Spain.In this stone house of Chief Commagre, the words of the chief decided his life.From this moment on, his life has a lofty meaning beyond time, and the life of this adventurer who came out to try his luck turns again.

Take refuge in the immortal cause
There is no greater luck for a man than to discover his mission in life in the middle of his life, that is, in the prime of life.A gamble was placed in front of Balboa, either to die tragically on the guillotine, or to be immortalized forever, the reality is so tragic.He must first use the method of bribery--this method has always been useful, to obtain a settlement with the Spanish court, to forgive his evil practices such as usurpation, and to make the power he acquired legal and effective.For this reason, the former rebel, after recognizing the situation, acted immediately and gave one-fifth of the gold donated by Camagley to Passamont, the royal treasurer on the island of Hispaniola. The law, this fifth should have belonged to the crown.As the most attentive servant, Balboa, in addition to formally paying tribute to the imperial court, also privately sent a large sum of gold to the Minister of Finance, asking the Minister of Finance to confirm his position as commander in this colony.Unlike Enciso, the rigid, blunt jurist, he was a natural artist in his worldly, manipulative ways.Although the chief financial officer, Passamont, has no authority over this and can't do much to help him, he still needs to express himself when he accepts that large sum of gold.So a provisional document of no real value was sent to Balboa.At the same time, Balboa was not idle. In order to seek guarantees from all sides, especially the guarantee from the Spanish royal family, he sent two of his most reliable confidants to Spain to report directly to the court that he had obtained the support from the chief. The important news he heard, and the various achievements he has made for the royal family.Balboa reported to Seville with great ambitions that if he was given a thousand troops, then he would be able to guarantee an unprecedented event for Castile, and he would be responsible for finding the new land. The seas, to take possession of El Dorado that is at last found.He, Balboa, was going to conquer this El Dorado that Columbus promised to find but never found.

Now it seemed that everything was turning in his favor again for the outlaw and the rebel, the man in deep trouble.However, the twists and turns of fate pushed Balboa in another direction.His confidant, who had been sent to Spain to refute the charges brought by the usurped Enciso, brought back from Spain very bad news.He came back to report that events had turned so badly for Balboa that his life was in danger.Enciso, who was deceived and robbed of his power, has filed a complaint in a Spanish court, and the court ordered Balboa to pay him compensation.On the other hand, news about the situation near the South China Sea has not yet reached Spain, which is the only way for Balboa to be saved.Court personnel will arrive here soon to settle Balboa's rebellion, and he will either be executed on the spot or sent back to Spain in chains.

Balboa knew in his heart that he had reached the end of the road.His sentence will surely be carried out before people get his information about the nearby South Sea and the golden coast.No doubt, when his head rolled off the sand, someone else would use that intelligence to accomplish his dream career.And what else could he expect from Spain?It is known that he killed the legitimate governor appointed by the king, and that he expelled the magistrate himself.From the point of view of his guilt, if he were only thrown into prison, instead of punishing his lawlessness on the guillotine, the chances of such a sentence are very few.Because he no longer has any power himself, he can no longer count on those powerful friends.And his life-saving straw, gold, is not yet trusted enough to guarantee his forgiveness.

Now, he had no choice but to die and survive, to do something more daring and adventurous, which might save his life.That was to find that ocean and that new El Dorado as soon as possible before the men of the court arrived, before their captors put him in chains.For him, too, there was only such a way of escape, to escape to grand deeds, to seek refuge in such immortal enterprises.

Therefore, Balboa took those few companions who were as relentless as he was to engage in this great feat.He decided not to wait for a thousand soldiers from Spain to conquer the unknown sea with him, nor to wait for the court officials to arrive.He would rather die an honorable death for this unprecedented act of bravery than be captured and dragged to the guillotine in disgrace.Balboa summoned all the people in the colony, made clear to them his intention to cross the isthmus, and laid out many difficulties before them. After talking about it, he asked them who would follow him.His courage was like a stimulant, which inspired everyone.Almost all the armed men in the colony signed up. The 190 soldiers were armed. It didn't take long to prepare, because these people were always in a state of fighting. September 1513, 9, Balboa - this legendary figure of hero-bandit, explorer-rebel, began his new journey to the immortal world to avoid capital punishment or prison. Find refuge in your career.

momentous moment

The great journey across the Isthmus of Panama began in the region of Coiba, the small kingdom of Chief Careta, whose daughter is now Balboa's life partner.It later turned out that this area was not the narrowest part of the Isthmus of Panama, and Balboa's choice, ignorant of this fact, resulted in days of dangerous detours.Still, Balboa knew that a friendly tribe of Indians must be there to keep him supplied or cover his retreat in such a daring foray into unknown territory.Armed with swords, spears, bows, and muskets, these 190 soldiers, together with a group of fat, strong and frighteningly ferocious wolf dogs, crossed the sea from Darien to Kauiba in ten large canoes.The allied chief sent Indians of his own tribe to serve as guides and loads as well as cattle. On September 9, the glorious journey across the isthmus began.Although this group of adventurers is tenacious and brave and has gone through trials, this unprecedented great journey is still a severe test for their willpower.

The first test these Spaniards had to face was to cross the lowlands from the suffocating, exhausting and exhausting equatorial heat, where the swampy mire and malaria were like a killer everywhere, even in hundreds of years. Thousands of lives were lost when the Panama Canal was built a year later.To open up this road, you have to use ax and sharp swords to cut through the poisonous vine jungle, as if passing through a huge green mine. Narrow small tunnel, and then, the Spanish army lined up in a thin long line that could not be seen, one next to the other groped forward along the tunnel.They did not dare to let go of their weapons, and kept a high degree of vigilance all day and night to guard against sudden attacks by the natives.The huge humid forest is like a dome, impenetrable to the wind, dark, sultry, and steaming fog, which makes people suffocate. On the top of the trees, there is a merciless scorching sun. The intense heat makes them sweat profusely and their lips chapped.Perhaps, all of a sudden, the sun turned to a torrential downpour, and the creek turned into a torrent.This team, carrying heavy equipment, had to deal with various situations, and dragged their tired pace, walking forward mile after mile.When they encountered rapids, they had to wade across them or cross rickety rope bridges made improvised by the Indians.And the dry food they brought was only a very small amount of corn.The Spaniards were hungry, thirsty, sleepy and tired, and the stinging and blood-sucking swarms of insects still refused to let them go. The thorns tore their clothes, their feet were injured, their eyes were bloodshot, and their cheeks were bloodshot. It was also swollen from the bites of buzzing mosquitoes.They have no rest during the day and no sleep at night, and their energy is quickly exhausted.After a week of marching, most people could no longer stand such fatigue.Balboa knew that real danger lay ahead.All those who were febrile and unable to march were retained by him, and only a select few were taken to this decisive venture.

The terrain finally began to gradually rise upwards.These unusually dense tropical jungles, which can only grow in swampy depressions, are gradually thinning out.But without the shade of the trees, the sun would scorch them even more recklessly. The scorching sun on the equator was shining brightly, making the equipment scorching hot like it was on fire.Taking very small steps, this group of extremely tired people climbed slowly along the slope to the high mountain above. The endless mountain range was like a back of stone, blocking the narrow strip between the two oceans.The field of vision gradually widened, and the air became more and more fresh.It seemed that the most serious difficulties were finally overcome after eighteen days of arduous efforts.At this moment, standing in front of them is a high ridge.The Indian guides told them that two oceans, the Atlantic and another, then unknown and unnamed, were visible from that peak.However, just as they were about to overcome the tenacious and treacherous resistance of nature, a new enemy appeared again.

What blocked their way was hundreds of warriors led by a local Indian tribal chief.Balboa had accumulated a wealth of experience fighting the Indians.A row of artillery is enough to show the local aborigines the magic power they possess, and the artificial lightning and thunder can make the aborigines panic.The Spanish wolfhounds coming from behind will chase these frightened natives, and they will run away, screaming desperately.But this time, this easy victory could not satisfy the suffering Balboa, but like all Spanish invaders, he stained his reputation with inhuman cruelty: he let a pack of hungry wolf dogs kill and tear him apart. Instead of bullfighting and fencing, they would eat, chew, and devour this group of captives whose hands and feet had been bound and who had lost their ability to defend themselves.On the eve of the day when Balboa's name will go down in history, this outrageous massacre has ruined his reputation.

Such an inexplicable complexity indeed existed in the character and conduct of these Spanish invaders.On the one hand, they had a kind of piety and belief that only Christians had at that time, and they prayed to God sincerely and fanatically; .Their courage and devotion to danger and danger can perform the most magnificent heroic deeds in the world; Admired, truly admirable sublime sense of one's own historical mission.Balboa was such a mix, he let the wolfhounds kill innocent bound captives alive the night before, and perhaps triumphantly stroked the upper lip of the wolfhounds dripping Indian blood, but he At the same time, he is clearly aware of the significance of his actions in the history of mankind, and at that decisive moment, he thinks of a gesture that can make his name go down in history, and puts it into action.He knew that September 9 was undoubtedly going to be a day of world history, so it was up to this tenacious and determined adventurer to show with admirable Spanish passion how well he knew his mission It has a meaning that transcends the times.

Balboa's remarkable gesture was this: That night, after that brutal and bloody act, an indigenous man pointed to a nearby mountain and told him that by climbing to the top of that mountain he could see the as yet unrecognized Known South China Sea.Balboa immediately made arrangements.The wounded and those who were too tired to walk remained in this ransacked village, and of the 190 people who led the way from Darien, until now, there are only nearly 67 people who can continue to move forward and follow him. Climb the mountain in front of you.It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning, and it was only a matter of ascending to the top of a bare hill to reach the summit, and to look out into the endless sky.

But at this moment, Balboa ordered the whole procession to stop, and no one was allowed to follow him, because he wanted to enjoy the honor of seeing this unknown ocean for the first time alone, and no one could share it with him.He's going alone, he's going to go down in history as "the first," the first Spaniard, the first European, the first Christian, after crossing the largest ocean in our world, the Atlantic Ocean, to meet another An unknown ocean - the Pacific Ocean.He was deeply moved by this great moment, and his heart was pounding.Holding the flag in his left hand and the sword in his right, he climbed up step by step.Surrounded by emptiness are the silent shadows of mountains.He was not in a hurry at all, and climbed very calmly, because the great work was done.You only need to take a few more steps, and the number of steps is getting less and less.Now, at last, he stood facing the wind on the top of the mountain, and there was an extraordinary scene in front of him.Behind the sloping mountains, a vast expanse of sparkling dazzling sea hugs the lush hillsides.This was the ghost of which hitherto had only haunted men's dreams—the new, unknown ocean, which no one had ever seen.For many years, Columbus and all his successors tried and failed to find this fabled sea whose waves crashed against America, India and China.And now, Balboa stood on the top of the mountain and saw the ocean with his own eyes.He lifted his eyes, filled with happiness and pride, and he was completely intoxicated by the realization that his eyes were the first European eyes to reflect the blue of the boundless ocean.

Balboa gazed into the distance in ecstasy, enjoying the process for a long time, and then called up his companions who had gone through hardships with him, and shared his pride with his friends.Excitement spread to everyone in an instant. Everyone shouted, climbed, climbed, and ran, and climbed to the top of the mountain panting. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm, and they stared into the distance, pointing, and marveling.Suddenly, Father Andrés de Barra, who accompanied him, sang a hymn of thanksgiving, and the screams and uproar died away immediately.In an instant all these soldiers, adventurers, and bandits sang the pious hymn in rough, harsh voices.Next, according to the priest's words, they cut down a tree, made a majestic cross with wood, erected it on the top of the mountain, and engraved the name of the King of Spain on the cross with cursive characters, as if the cross extended to both sides. The crossbar can grasp the two oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, which are separated by endless distances.The Indian watched all this with amazement.

In this silent silence, Balboa stood up and said impassionedly to his soldiers: "We should indeed thank God, such an honor is given to us by God, and we should pray that God will continue to bless us to occupy this land." The sea and all the land here. If you will continue to follow me faithfully as before, then when we return from this new India, we will be the richest and most prominent Spaniards." After speaking, Balboa solemnly He raised the flag and waved it in all directions to show that wherever the wind blows, Spain will occupy it.He then called for Andrés de Valderavano, the clerk, and bade him draw up a document in which this solemn scene would be recorded, so that it might be preserved forever.Valderavano spread out a roll of parchment, which was hidden in a sealed wooden box, along with ink boxes and quills, and accompanied him through the primeval forest.All nobles, knights, and soldiers, who claim to be "men of high moral character and decency," who "by the blessing of His Majesty's governor, the distinguished and most respected Captain Balboa, have had the honor of seeing the South Seas" as requested Sign the document to certify: "The first person to see this sea was Mr. Basco Nuñez de Balboa, and it was he who showed this sea to those who came after him."

After signing, these 67 talents walked down from the top of the mountain with great excitement. Therefore, September 1513, 9 was the day when humans saw the last unknown ocean on earth.

pearls and gold

Now all the rumors have been confirmed, they witnessed the ocean with their own eyes.However, a greater journey is still waiting for them.They want to go to the shore in person, to feel the vast sea, to touch the incoming waves, to taste the taste of the sea, and to dig out the prizes on the beach!It took them two days to walk down the mountain.In order to find the best shortcut from the foothills to the sea, Balboa divided the team into small groups.As a result, the third group led by Alonso Martin reached the beach first.The vanity of pursuing fame and fame filled all members of this expedition team, including the most ordinary soldiers, and they all longed for immortal fame.Fame prompts the mediocre Alonso Martin to do the same by letting the clerk write a document in black and white, proving that he was the first to test the unnamed waters, where he was the first to wet himself His feet and hands, an immortal deed like a grain of dust is written down.Only after this did he report to Balboa that he had reached the sea and had touched the sea with his own hands.

A new impassioned gesture was immediately conjured up by Balboa.The next day, which happened to be Michaelmas Day, September 9, he showed up at the beach with only 29 companions with him.The image of St. Michael flashed in his mind, and he did not rush into the waters in order to arm himself like St. Michael and occupy this new ocean in solemn ceremony, It is like the owner and recipient of the sea, sitting and resting under a tree, leisurely waiting for the rising sea to gently pat the waves on his feet, like a docile and obedient dog with his tongue Licking his feet.Then he stood up and put the shield on his back—the shield shone like a mirror in the sun, and he held the sword in one hand and the Castilian flag with the image of the Mother of God in the other , slowly walked into the sea, until the waves beat his hips, soaking his whole body in this strange ocean.

Such an oath was repeated among all these Spaniards.Even the roar of the sea was muffled by the sound of their oaths.Now, everyone licked the water again.The clerk Andrés de Valderavano again documented this sacred ceremony of occupation, concluding his document: "These 22 and the author of the document, Andrés de Valdera Ravano was the first group of Christians to step into the South Sea with their own feet. Each of them touched the water here with their own hands, and tasted it with their mouths to find out whether it was salty like other sea waters. ... when they tasted water that was indeed salty, they gave thanks to God in unison."

The great journey has been completed.Now is the time to reap the real benefits of this heroic venture.From some of the natives, the raiders plundered or exchanged some gold.However, the joy of victory does not stop there, there is an unexpected good thing waiting for them.That is why innumerable pearls can be found on the nearby islands, and among the handfuls of valuable pearls sent to them by the local Indians, there is also a pearl of the famous "Pellegrina", Seymour It was admired by Von Teese[15] and Lope de Vega[16], and later adorned the crowns of Spanish and English kings as a most beautiful pearl.All the pockets big and small are stuffed with this treasure by the Spaniards, but here pearls are as valuable as shells and grains of sand.However, gold is always what they think is the most important thing. When they greedily inquired further about gold, an Indian chief gave them the direction, pointing to the row of looming mountains on the southern horizon and said, the other side of the mountains is A land rich in treasures, where cups and plates of gold were seen at feasts held by the rulers; and huge four-legged animals - llamas for the chiefs - carried the most precious things in sacks The sack was carried to the king's treasury.The chief uttered the name of the country on the back of the mountain on the south side of the sea, which sounded like "Pilu", which was pleasant to the ear, but very strange.

Balboa stared at the distance where the chief pointed out, where the vast sky and the looming mountains, the word "Pilu" with a soft voice and a seductive voice was deeply engraved in his heart.His heart couldn't calm down, it was beating violently.This was the second time in his life that he received a great foreshadowing unexpectedly.The first herald—that is, the information that Camagley spoke of about the nearby South Seas—had been accomplished.He found the South Sea and the pearl-strewn beaches.Maybe he can also successfully complete this second mission - to discover and conquer the country of gold on this earth - the Inca Empire[17].

God's blessing

This golden country stimulated Balboa's greed, and he stared into the distance for a long time. "Pirou", the name "Peru", dangled like a golden bell in the depths of his soul.However, this time, the reality of the situation made him reluctantly give up!He has no capital to take any more risks.The 30 people he led were already exhausted, and it was impossible for him to lead such a team to conquer a kingdom.That is to say, he must return to Darren first, recharge his batteries, and then find an opportunity to conquer the new golden country along the road he found now.However, there are still many difficulties and risks encountered on the way back.The tropical jungle is still waiting for the Spaniards to pass through, and the attacks of the natives are also a problem that must be faced.Especially now that they were no longer a fighting force, but a small group suffering from fever, struggling with the last of their strength to support the shambling crowd.The brink of death was also close to Balboa himself, who was carried in a hammock by some Indians.

After four months of arduous journey, the team finally returned to Darien on January 1514, 1.They pulled off one of the greatest moves in history.Balboa kept his promise, and all who ventured with him into the unknown became rich.He and his soldiers brought back from the coast of the South Seas a treasure beyond the reach of Columbus and the other Spanish conquistadors, and nothing compared to them.As a victor, Balboa distributed the spoils, one-fifth of which went to the court, and he did not forget to leave a share for his wolf dog Leoncico, who was very powerful in the battle against the natives. He has made great achievements in battle, and often fiercely tore off the flesh of those unfortunate natives in battle.Like any other combatant, it was also paid five hundred gold pesos.No one disputes this.These achievements hung over Balboa like a halo, and everyone revered the adventurer and rebel like a god.His authority as governor was never disputed by anyone in the colony.He could proudly send to Spain the news that he had accomplished for the Court of Castile the greatest feat since Columbus.His fortune, like the rising sun, dispelled all the dark clouds that had hitherto weighed upon his life.But now, it is the scene of the sky.

However, good times don't last forever, and the same is true for Balboa.One day a few months later, it was a sunny June day, and strangely enough, all the inhabitants of Darien had gathered on the beach.A white sail appeared on the horizon, which in this remote corner of the world was a miracle in itself.But not only that, the second white sail appeared immediately, the third white sail, the fourth white sail, the fifth white sail...there was an endless stream, and after a while, ten sailboats were seen, no, fifteen, no , twenty sailing ships--a whole fleet was approaching the harbour.It soon became clear that this was a fleet sent by the Spanish court.It turned out that the letter from Balboa reporting his triumphant return had not yet reached Spain. This result was caused by the earlier letter reporting to the Indian chief about the nearby South Seas and El Dorado, in which Balboa requested to send A thousand soldiers to occupy those lands.So the powerful fleet that everyone saw was sent by the Spanish court for such an expedition without hesitation.However, in terms of Seville and Barcelona, ​​​​a notorious adventurer and rebel like Balboa simply cannot be entrusted with heavy tasks.Therefore, Peder Arias Davila (commonly known as Pedrarias) [18], who was born in a rich and noble family and was sixty years old, was sent along with the fleet. A real governor.As the king's governor, Pedrarias' duty is to finally establish a ruling order in this colony, to bring to justice all those who have committed rebellion in the past, and at the same time to find the South China Sea and conquer the prophecy country of gold.

Therefore, such a situation is unpleasant for Pedrarias.He shoulders a double mission. On the one hand, he must hold the rebel Balboa accountable for driving out the former governor. If he can be proven guilty, then he will be arrested and brought to justice; if not, he will be proved innocent; Well, he took on the mission of finding the South China Sea.But as soon as the boat he changed to landed, he knew at once that Balboa himself had performed this great deed, that it was this rebel whom he intended to interrogate who had celebrated Pedrari. The triumph Yas longed for.Balboa made the greatest service to the Spanish court since the discovery of America.It was evident that he must now greet him politely and congratulate him with enthusiasm, without guillotining such a man like a vile criminal.From this moment on, however, Balboa has effectively failed.

Pedrarias will now never forgive Balboa for carrying out this great deed alone, which in his opinion was sent to him and which will surely bring him immortality great honor.So, though he had to hide his hatred of Balboa so as not to piss off the colonists prematurely.He procrastinated indefinitely on the investigation of responsibility, and in order to create an illusion of peace, he even betrothed his own daughter who remained in Spain to everyone's hero, Balboa.However, this does not mean that his hatred and jealousy towards Balboa has diminished in the slightest, but will only continue to increase.

All Spaniards now know what Balboa has accomplished.A commission had been sent from Spain, conferring on the former rebel a proper title, and likewise appointing him governor.Pedrarias was told that Balboa must be consulted on any important matters.However, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. For this piece of land, two governors are too many.Among them, one must yield, or one will eventually collapse.Balboa has a strong sense of crisis. He feels that he may encounter misfortune at any time, because the military power and judicial power are in the hands of Pedrarias. Therefore, he intends to seek immortality in the cause of immortality again. Asylum, because he made the first such attempt successfully and brilliantly.He asked Pedrarias to allow him to equip an expedition to explore the coast of the South Sea and occupy the vast land around it.However, this old rebel has his own secret intentions. He crossed the sea and went to the other side in order to get rid of all the surveillance and shackles here. Be the true master, and when the time comes, go and conquer the fabled El Dorado of the New World - Peru.Pedrarias readily agreed. It would be better if Balboa was killed in this operation; people were put to death.

Thus began Balboa's new journey to seek a new refuge in the immortal cause.Perhaps, this second act of his will be more glorious than the first, but, although history always favors those who have achieved something, this second act cannot enjoy in history the same enjoyment as the first. of glory.When crossing the isthmus this time, Balboa not only brought his own large group of troops, but also thousands of natives to pull the timber, boards, sails, anchors and winches for the four brigantines. The party crossed the mountains, because he planned to build a fleet first after reaching the mountains, and then to conquer all the coastal areas, and those pearl-rich islands and legendary Peru.But this time, fate no longer favored this brave adventurer, and new setbacks came one after another.Silverfish gnawed away at the wood as they passed through the humid, sweltering tropical scrub; upon arrival they found the planks completely rotten and unusable.But Balboa was not discouraged. In the Gulf of Panama, he had new timber cut down and sawn into new planks.True miracles are created by talent.It looked like it was going to be a success: the first brigs had been built and were only ready to sail the Pacific.Suddenly, however, the river where the completed ships were moored flooded, and the completed ships were swept away and smashed to pieces.Balboa had to start over a third time.Finally two more brigs were built.With two or three more of these boats built, he could set out to take possession of the South that the Indian chief pointed with an outstretched finger and the land that he had never seen since he first heard the seductive name "Piru." Afterwards it was the land of dreams.Now, with only a few brave officers and a well-armed reserve force, he can go and build his own kingdom.If there are a few more months, if a little bit of good luck can cooperate with this bold plan in his chest, then it will be Balboa who defeated the Incas and conquered Peru in the history of the world, not the later Pizarro.

However, fate doesn't always favor her favorite darling.The gods had blessed the immortal man for an immortal deed, and never blessed him again.

final destruction
Balboa has an extremely strong willpower, and when he firmly implements his grand plan, misfortune grows quietly.It was the success of this daring project that brought its own danger.Pedrarias' suspicious eyes never stopped watching his subordinate's intentions.Perhaps through the betrayal of the traitor, he had received information that Balboa was ambitious to establish his own rule; perhaps out of pure jealousy, he feared that the former rebel would succeed again.In short, he suddenly sent Balboa an earnest letter, saying that he hoped that Balboa had better return to Accra, which is a city near Darien, before finally embarking on an expedition, and the two of them would discuss it carefully. once.Balboa imagined further support from Pedrarias, so he returned immediately according to the invitation in the letter.Outside the city gate a small troop of soldiers marched towards him and seemed to greet him.He happily strode towards them in a hurry, in order to hug their captain, Francisco Pizarro, who was his comrade in arms for many years, his companion when he discovered the South China Sea, and his trusted friend.

However, Pizarro put his hand heavily on his shoulder and announced that he had been arrested.Pizarro was also eager to establish an immortal feat, and also eager to conquer the country of gold. Therefore, when he knew that he wanted to kill such a willful blocker, he was not unhappy in his heart.Under the auspices of Governor Pedrarias, the trial of this so-called rebellion began, and it was clear that this time Balboa could not escape an unfair sentence.A few days later, Balboa was guillotined, along with some of his most loyal companions.With a flash of the executioner's knife and axe, Balboa's head rolled to the ground, and the eyes on that head were closed forever within a second. The eyes of the ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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