Chapter 342 The End ([-])
Monk Hua was in front of the bed, Shi'an walked over, grabbed Monk Hua's arm, his fingers turned white with force: "How is he...?"

Brother Yuan's bloody image of losing his heart is still firmly imprinted in Shi'an's mind.

Shi'an didn't even dare to look at Chu Liyuan on the bed.

"Sister, why did you come out like this? Don't worry, it's okay.

The emperor... his wounds have been stitched up by me, don't worry, his body has long been normal, and his healing ability is excellent.

Might... Might be waking up soon! "

Shi An breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned to look at Chu Liyuan.

His chest was covered with gauze, and his face was terribly pale, but it was certain that he was still breathing.

Shi'an sat on the ground in a daze: "Brother Yuan is all right? He's all right..."

Monk Hua pursed his lips, and replied heavily: "Well, he will definitely wake up, and he will be fine."

Shi'an set his eyes on his heart: "His heart..."

Monk Hua's eyes flashed, and then he said lightly: "Don't worry, empress, the heart... the heart is already installed."

Shi'an said in a daze, "Put it back on? Is he out of danger?"

Shi'an was eager to know Chu Liyuan's safety at this moment, so he ignored the important points in Monk Hua's mouth.

He said that the heart was installed, but not put back.

Monk Hua looked at the somewhat thin Shi'an, sighed, and gently helped her put on her clothes: "Sister, as long as he wakes up, he will be fine."

"I'll be fine if I wake up? As long as I wake up, I'll be fine. You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Monk Hua nodded: "Yes."

Shi'an walked to the bed and held his hand: "Fortunately..."

After holding Chu Liyuan's hand like this for a while, she covered him with the quilt again.

Then he stood up, his imposing manner instantly cold: "Where's Chu Lingfeng? I'm going to kill him with my own hands."

Hearing this, Monk Hua felt a lump in his throat and said after a while, "Chu Lingfeng... died two days ago."

"Dead?" Shi'an froze for a moment: "That person, is he dead?"

"Yes." Monk Hua nodded.

Shi'an touched his heart, shaking off the sense of loss.Turning her head, she grabbed Chu Liyuan's hand: "Brother Yuan, no one will harm us anymore, you must hurry up and wake up."


The first snow in the first year of Tianyou was extremely heavy.

It was so full that it covered the entire imperial city.

Plum blossoms burst out of the snow from the corner of the wall, seeming to dye the surrounding white snow with a faint plum fragrance.

Shi'an stared blankly for a while, then reached out and folded one and took it in his hand.

"Your Majesty, it's freezing cold, don't hurt your hand, if you like it, this servant will break one for you."

Shi'an looked down at the plum blossom in his hand, and said after a while, "Brother Yuan will definitely like it..."

On the first day of junior high school, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It has been more than two months, and the emperor has not shown any signs of waking up.

The empress has been looking forward to and looking forward to it all day long, and she hasn't smiled for many days.

During these times, she seemed to be a completely different person. She was very quiet, often absent-minded, and panicked in the first day of junior high school.

Now seeing that she likes plum blossoms, she folded a few more and handed them over carefully.

Shi An glanced at it, but took it over.

He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while, then turned his head and planned to go back.

The way back is about [-] meters away, and the palace people who come and go have to walk every day, but today it feels extraordinarily long.

Accidentally, a plum blossom fell from his hand, Shi'an stopped and went back to pick it up.

The snow on it was blown off, and I held it carefully in my hand.

When she turned around again, she was stunned.

At the gate of Liyuan Palace, a man in black stood indifferently, with white hair, red eyes, a familiar face, and a long-lost warm smile...

Shi'an's hot tears blurred his vision, and he didn't know what to do for a while.Just follow the instinct and walk towards him slowly.

"Xiao Shi, I'm back."

He pushed back his robe, walked towards Shi'an from the dark corridor, and embraced the little man whom he had missed for a long time.

The red plums in his hands gently fell on the thick white snow, the red plums and white snow were extraordinarily enchanting.

The woman in red and the man in black embrace each other, feeling as warm as spring in the cold winter.


God bless the spring of the sixth year, Qianqiu Festival.

During the six years since Emperor Tianyou reigned, the weather has been smooth, the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, which has won the hearts of the people.

So the whole nation rejoiced, celebrating the sixth birthday of their king.

At dusk, the middle-aged emperor, who was finally free, took his first wife's little hand and strolled slowly through the imperial garden.

"Xiao Shi, what about my birthday gift?" Chu Liyuan endured and endured, and finally asked.

Shi'an laughed immediately: "I prepared it for you a long time ago, Brother Yuan, guess what it is?"

The smile on Chu Liyuan's face got bigger: "Is it the shoes? You have promised me for several years. It should be done now, right?"

Hearing this, Shi'an felt a little guilty, and turned his face away: "Well... er, how inappropriate are shoes as a birthday gift? The gift I prepared for you this time is very special."

Then he turned his hands behind his back and raised his eyebrows: "Look! A machete with our names engraved on it."

Chu Liyuan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the one in her hand, how could this girl get a knife as a birthday present?
If the minister finds out, she might be impeached.


It is estimated that no one would dare to impeach her.

After all, a few years ago, because the ministers wanted to send their daughters to the palace, Shi'an went to them in the middle of the night to chat about their lives.

Since then, there is no one who is not afraid of her.

Seeing that he didn't like it very much, Shi'an immediately explained: "This is made of black iron. It took a long time to forge it, and the iron is cut like mud. None of the weapons beside you can compare to it." of."

Chu Liyuan waited for this shoe, but he waited for a long time.

The reason was that Lin Ziyu's daughter-in-law made him a full body of clothes, and she had to show off in front of him all day long.

Chu Liyuan accidentally told about Shi Zi, and was ridiculed by Lin Ziyu.

If he said that his sister could make shoes, he'd be damned!
Chu Liyuan's temper has also come up, if you don't fight for steamed buns, you have to fight for breath, right?
But who knows, it has been a few years, and I still haven't waited for the shoes, and I feel a little lost for a while.

However, there was something wrong with the look in his eyes looking at Shi An, he immediately cleared his throat, and took the dagger over: "Thank you Xiao Shi, I really like it, I like it very much." Bai Ruyu kissed her face.

Shi'an was laughed at immediately, and the two continued to walk hand in hand.

"It's not easy. It's been a long time since the two of us have been alone together." Chu Liyuan squeezed Shi'an's little hand and sighed, feeling that life is extremely beautiful.

Shi'an burst out laughing: "Why, after so many years, you haven't seen enough?"

Chu Liyuan touched his heart: "It's not enough, I just want to stay with you every day."

I don't know why, since I woke up from the injury, whenever I see Xiao Shi, my heart beats like a deer.

It has been like this for six years, even better than when we first met.

Many times, even though I was holding Xiao Shi in my arms, there was always a feeling of loss in my heart, and I would also be inexplicably sad and depressed, and I couldn't explain it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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