Chapter 344

My biological mother passed away when I was six years old. On that day, I held my hand and watched her die slowly.

It was after I told her plan to Ji that she was killed in this way.

Who told her to plan my life to compete for favor?

At that time, I was only six years old, and I was born weak. She immersed me in the ice water, and I was not afraid. Am I really dead?

I don't want such a biological mother anymore.

When she died, I never felt the slightest bit of sadness, only relief.

Under my every kind of flattery, I finally let go and let me live with Chu Lingyun.

It's a pity that my flattery didn't have much effect. Later, when she saw that I could recite memorization faster than Chu Lingyun, she began to be wary of me all the time.

I had some kind thoughts towards her at first, after all, she helped me solve the big trouble of my biological mother, and let me live in a big house with enough food and clothing.

It's just that she is no longer reliable like this.

So I had to turn my attention to my royal father.

Amidst my inadvertently revealing the scars on my body and my careful obedience, the so-called father finally began to pay some attention to me.

After that, they once again treated me as a thorn in their side, and tried their best to send me to the bitter cold place of Lingxiu Mountain.

It was also because I went to Lingxiu Mountain that I met Shi'an.

In fact, my skills at that time were enough to kill all those people, but I was too lazy to move, and I was even curious about where they would take me.

I'm even quite happy, watching these spoiled and raised children being scared to pee, I feel that this world is fair to everyone.

However, there are always some unexpected surprises.

When I was held by those fleshy little hands, I felt the warmth for the first time in my life.

Maybe it's been in the ice cave for a long time, a little warmth is enough to melt my heart.

That day, I ate her candy, and I thought, I will take her with me in the future.

Even if there is a burden, it seems to be quite interesting.

However, I can't find her.

When I first returned to the capital, I heard that the third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion had admired Chu Lingyun since she was a child.

Rumors said that it was because Chu Lingyun lost his purse and was picked up by the third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion. When she returned it, that third lady fell in love with him at first sight and has been around him for many years.

At that time, I was thinking that some people are born to do nothing, and someone will treat them well.

Not like me, nor like Chu Liyuan.

However, I didn't really care about it at the time.

I just thought it would be nice if they all fell from their perch one by one.

I wonder what it would be like to sit at the pinnacle of power?

With such an idea in mind, I put in some effort to manage my own power, racking my brains to think of how to block those people.

Just as I was enjoying this game of power, I found the person I had been looking for for many years.

She became my sister-in-law.

Knowing that she was the one who liked Chu Lingyun for unknown reasons, I was stunned.

I can't help but recall that when I was young, one day, Chu Lingyun threw a broken purse in front of me and said, "I was out messing around when I was young, but I took the purse and found it back."

At this time, I realized that it is very possible that what Shi'an picked up back then was my purse.

I have the same purse as Chu Lingyun, when I tried my best to please the queen, she asked someone to make it for us.

Chu Lingyun likes to put all kinds of incense in his purse, because he thinks it is so romantic and charming.

I have never liked all kinds of incense, but I just feel panicked by the smoke.

Therefore, the moment he got the sachet, Chu Lingyun knew that it was mine, not his.

As a kid, I didn't really care.

I also felt that it was contaminated with the weird fragrance of his body, which was very annoying, so I threw it away.

Later, I often think about it in my mind.

If Xiao Shi knows that the purse is mine and returns it to me, will she like me as much as she likes Chu Lingyun?
I thought, I will definitely not be indifferent to her like Chu Lingyun and make her work so hard.

I will definitely not go crazy all the time like Chu Liyuan.

Unfortunately, everything is just fantasy.

Others said that she was already the empress, the concubine I could no longer miss.

But I don't agree, why can't Xiao think about it, I just think about it.

I think every day in my mind, who can do anything to me?
I even prepared my Prince Yi's mansion to be exactly the same as her childhood boudoir.

Every time I make a piece of clothing, I will make one of hers, and every time I eat a bowl of rice, I will leave a portion for her.
Because she said, we will be good partners in the future.

Where there is her share, there is mine.

I would like to share my life with her.

It's just that she seems to like Chu Liyuan.

Fall in love with the dying man!
Chu Liyuan is actually very stupid. When I was young, I just used a little trick to win his heart, and secretly prevented many disasters for me.

If it is not a last resort, I don't want to tear myself apart with him.

However, if I want to get Shi'an back now, I will naturally not show mercy.

As long as I want, I can plan to come.I've been here all my life.This time it will certainly not go wrong.

Chu Liyuan went to Miaojiang according to my plan. After everything was arranged, I waited for him to come to die.

Actually, I could have sent him to see Hades earlier.But I couldn't bear it after all.

Because, although I can't understand the emotion in Xiao Shi's eyes, I know that if Chu Liyuan is gone, she will be very sad.

I was very flustered, because I couldn't find a little bit of my place in her eyes.

Even that day, she really lay down with me on the vast prairie watching the stars.

I could see the emotion in her eyes clearly.

This made me even more bewildered and confused.

I can obviously give her something better than Chu Liyuan, even if she wants Tianxia, ​​I can give it to her.

Why is she so unhappy?

I just want to treat her better, and if she is better, maybe she will be willing to stay by my side.

After all, Chu Liyuan is dead, and I will have plenty of time to slowly develop a relationship with Shi'an.

But who knew that Chu Liyuan would be able to fight his way out in such a mortal situation.

The day the two of them came back arm in arm, I saw the happy smile on Shi An's face again.

That smile has never belonged to me.

Once again, I was curious, wondering what the world is talking about the gratification of two people?
So, I got Chu Liyuan's heart.

I know that what I have done is ridiculous and extreme.

However, I still did it.

I begged Monk Hua to give Chu Liyuan my heart, and then his heart to me.

Because Chu Liyuan is a Gu person, his body has a super healing ability.

Merged with my heart, he became a normal person, able to experience life, old age, sickness and death.

I installed his powerful heart to suppress the diseases brought about by my womb to a certain extent.

It's a pity that at that time, I didn't feel a little bit of love, and I was even cold all over.

Until one day, with Chu Liyuan's heart on my shoulders, I went to Shi'an.

Before I entered the gate, my heart suddenly jumped up.

However, I am not happy.

For all these years, I have never felt this way.

In fact, since I installed his heart, I seem to be disgusted with everything.

I feel sick when I see food, and I feel sad when I see parents and children sharing a family relationship.

When you see the fifteenth class, you will feel guilty in your heart.

Even, he didn't dare to let them get too close, lest he hurt them.

After living with Chu Liyuan's heart like this for a few days, I finally realized that it wasn't my heart that was so lonely, but a more sad and suffocating heart.

However, when Shi An appeared, as long as she got closer, those impetuous voices stopped.

It seemed that in the long darkness, a ray of sunshine suddenly shot in, and this petite person in Liyuan Palace was that sun.

At this moment, I suddenly seemed to realize something, and I understood what love is probably.

However, I still chose to dig out Chu Liyuan's heart in the afternoon two days later.

Holding the heart in my hand, it was sticky and warm, and it was still beating. I smiled and said to Monk Hua:
"In the future, if you are free, tell me about them. I'm really curious."

I can't trust the hearts of others.

Even if it is put on me, I don't believe in his heart, I only believe in myself.

Because I know that I will never do anything to be sorry for her.

So, let my heart stay in Chu Liyuan's heart, and accompany Xiao Shi through this life.

In this life, I have so many regrets, I really want to live it all over again.

Then, before she gave the purse, tell her that the purse is mine.

Before she gets engaged to Chu Liyuan, ask her if she would like to marry me.

At that time, I will give all my affection to her.

When I was thinking this way, I probably understood what Liu Yue was thinking.

Maybe I have no regrets about leaving.

There is a person who loves me so much, she died at my hand,

There is also a person I love deeply who loves others.

I crawled out of this disgusting imperial city, and my life was also in this imperial city.

There is a beginning and an end, a beginning and an end.

My life has been extremely boring, and nothing can make me happy from the beginning to the end.

However, if you ask me whether I want to continue suffering in the world, the answer must be yes.

Because, I am really afraid of missing her again.

"Xiao Shi, if in the next life... I am not married, you are not married, give me a chance, okay?"

 It's over, babies.

  From the beginning to the end of this book, it seems that the babies are rarely thanked.

  Here, I solemnly say to the babies, thank you for your support.

  Turn around and bow! !
  I have received your reward tickets and Doudou.

  Wenwen actually likes to read reviews and read data. Generally, I am familiar with the cuties in front of the rankings of various channels, and I even peek at what books you are reading from time to time...

  Heck, I accidentally said something...

  In short, thank you babies for your kindness, and we will meet again in the next book~
  And wait for Wenwen to come back after studying hard, let's continue our relationship~
(End of this chapter)

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