Chapter 10
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"I, spit on you?"

He shook his head.

"I, beat you?"

Hu Yichi unconsciously guessed in the direction he expected.Things that you dare not do when you are sober, but when you are drunk, of course you have to take the opportunity to avenge your injustice and revenge.

But he still shook his head.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, with a slight movement of his, his chin rubbed against her ear, making it very itchy, but he was still holding her forearm in his hand, and he couldn't even take a step back even if he wanted to. Forced to accept his whisper in the ear: "Think again."

Hu Yi, who thought he had excellent wine, was stunned by this seemingly accusatory but clearly provocative gaze.

It's all because of this man, with a hint of drunkenness in his eyes, yet he is still so close to her, and the smell of her favorite whiskey is in his breath, which makes her feel ups and downs, unable to think properly.

If it goes on like this, she will die at the hands of this man, so he forced himself to get rid of distracting thoughts, and recalled that it was almost a month ago.

Hu Xia still remembered that he was also drinking black Fang at that time.

Then she appeared to be drunk.

Then I woke up and found that I was sleeping on the bed at home, with a note left by Calmness in my hand: I have asked for a good vacation for you.

Not only was she suffering from a hangover, but her back was sore. Before she could massage her, a clear and sweet child's voice came from her ear: Grandpa, grandson is calling you!

She had the guts to set the phone's ringtone to this, but she didn't have the guts to refuse the call.After chirping a series of curses, he still picked it up in a dizzy manner.

On the other end of the airwaves, the capitalist ordered her to rush to the golf course in the clubhouse immediately. She had a good voice like a good violin, but she just wanted to beat someone when she played it.

"Vice President, I've already asked for leave."

She struggled to fight for the last bit of human rights for herself, but the word "humanity" did not exist in the dictionary of capitalists: "If you don't show up after half an hour, you will never have to show up again."

This man can always make people speechless with a simple sentence, and Hu Yi suffers from it, but at the same time he is quite envious. When will I be able to cultivate to his level?
Of course, before becoming a master, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and hurriedly washed and put on makeup, and hurried to the clubhouse with a drunken face on her face.

She later asked Calm how she got home that night, and Calm's answer seemed to be: Someone rang the bell at that time, and when she opened the door, she was found dead asleep in the corridor.

Hu Yi continued to dig three feet into her memory. Could it be that she really forgot some special event?
It's a pity that my temples hurt when I think about it, but I still don't think of anything.

But this man refused to let her go, his slightly rising voice was mixed in the noisy music, because it was so low, it was even more sexy: "What you did to me is really unforgettable. It will never be forgotten."

This implication was too obvious, Hu's tense nerves were suddenly opened up, and a missed picture suddenly flashed in his mind.That day in the clubhouse, when the capitalist bent over to play, she accidentally caught a glimpse of a few fragrant hickeys on his neck.At that time, she was still sighing: capitalists really balance work and entertainment, but at this moment, she suddenly thought of a certain possibility, subconsciously raised her head, and saw four words clearly written in his dim eyes: poor consciousness.

Is it—


Hu Yi suddenly frightened, his voice trembling even more ecstasy than that electronic dance music: "I, I, I! You, you, you——"

His slightly frowned brows were quietly flattened, and his peach blossom eyes rolled around, clearly saying: You finally remembered?But he refused to answer her, but walked past a high chair in front of the bar, took a leisurely seat, buttoned the table and signaled the bartender: "Three Friend."

Hu took a look at the right time and prepared to sneak away——

"Do you dare to try?"

Hu froze in fright.

Does this man have eyes behind his back?
Before she had time to look at the sky silently, his arm stretched back, and he lifted her into another high chair in a blink of an eye.

The bartender quickly filled 3 glasses of tequila, and the small bottle of fine salt and the small dish of lemon slices quickly slipped in front of Zhan Yiyang.After a while, there was something to watch, but nothing to drink. He stared at him resignedly, resting his chin in a daze.

The only thing to blame is that this man has a very strange temperament, and it's not just her who is caught by his indifference?He had just sprinkled fine salt on the tiger's mouth, and before he had lowered his head to lick it off, a woman came over.

He chatted and laughed happily with strange women, free and easy like a fish in water, no wonder the woman quickly had the audacity to ask him to go to another table, Hu Mo sighed how this man was so gentle to other women, and silently thanked the strange woman who saved her in the water and fire , but at this moment, he said, "Sorry."

Don't be sorry, go with her, let me go!Hu roared in his heart.

She wished she could put her hands together and pray, but at this moment, someone grabbed her palms and dragged her to the bar from the dark.

Seeing this, the strange woman only had a dry smile on her face, and she left in a sensible manner, with a beard and a bitter face.

How could this man blatantly force her to clasp his fingers?Hu Xia vowed to defend his rights to the death, and tried to break his hand, but he was no match for him in terms of strength.This confrontation completely angered her: "If you don't let go, I will sue you for harassment!"

He didn't care about it, he just hooked his lips into a smile: "Miss Hu, is she asking the villain to sue first?"

Hu stared in shock.

He slowly swallowed a slice of lemon and drank the tequila, and then gracefully turned around in the feasting and feasting, and turned to her: "I didn't want to pursue what you did to me last time, since you were drunk, but you Yue's actions, including the secret filming, including the confession at noon, give me every reason to believe that this is a planned and premeditated sexual harassment in the workplace."


Hu almost fell off the high chair.

Fortunately, he held her hand, which made her barely stabilize her center of gravity, but her reason fell to pieces in an instant with a "clang clang".Losing his senses, Hu snatched his wine glass with his hands and pointed at his nose: "What the hell is going on with you, old lady? Are you going to sue me?! Touched you?"

"More than that?"

Hu was taken aback for a moment.

In his eyes, full of presumptuousness.Hu Yiming's anger was dissipated by his bone-shattering palm, and only her uneasiness remained to support her to continue: "Kiss you?"

"More than that?"

Now being in a daze can't save Comrade Hu's rapidly necrotic reaction nerves. After staying for a while, her voice became more and more unsteady: "I...that you?"

He laughed without saying a word.

Hu Yi completely lost her backbone, and reminded her rationally, calm down, calm down!

"How many bases did we... go to that night?"

"What do you think?" he asked ambiguously.

He obviously didn't touch her, but why does Hu Yi feel that he has been played with by his gaze from inside to outside, from top to bottom?Out of the instinct of self-protection, Hu shook his voice and forced himself to question: "You, you, what evidence do you have?"

I thought he was going to pretend to be mysterious again, but unexpectedly he answered very bluntly this time: "Jinhuan, Hengsheng, Li's, Tengtai International, the managers of the four companies are witnesses, is that enough?"

It took Hu a long time to digest his words, and he felt like crying to death: "I, in front of so many people?"

——So I have such a heavy taste?
The blow was so severe that Hu Yiming had long been able to bear it, but he still wanted to continue: "They witnessed the first base. Do you need witnesses for the follow-up link? My driver can."

Hu Yi, who was in a cloud, just listened to him go back one by one like this: "Do you remember that after the dinner party, you insisted on asking Li's manager for a nightclub refill?"

The biracial manager?
"Do you remember who pulled you off someone's body and put you in a car?"

Is this evil capitalist in front of her ruining her good deed?

"Do you remember that you rushed towards me before the car had time to accelerate?"

Sitting on him, begging softly, good brother, Xiangxiang mouth?
"Do you remember who stuck to me like brown candy, saying in one mouthful: You just obeyed me?"

Talking and talking, up and down?


The sum of the things he said to her in the past month is not as much as tonight, and the blow to her was unprecedentedly strong. Hu was speechless for a while, and the memory that was washed away by alcohol that night was finally here. It was pieced together under induction.

At that time, she only felt that the cushion someone was sitting on was extremely soft, and knees didn’t hurt at all when kneeling on it; It took a lot of effort for the fingers to sneak in; someone's chest was as hard as a stone and hot as fire, and the fingers stroked along the clear lines of the barrier, almost obsessed; Feel the blood rushing under the skin; and someone's lips...

Hu Yi's gaze unknowingly aimed at the lips of the man opposite.What does it feel like to slowly move the tip of your tongue, and then draw that thin outline?How did she forget this alone?

As he was wandering, he suddenly caught a glimpse of him beckoning the waiter to come over, as if he was about to check out and leave.After a moment of being stimulated, Hu Yi returned to her body. Seeing that he didn't forget to pull her up when he got up, she felt agitated in her heart, and finally her heart broke down. She grabbed his wrist tightly with both hands, and refused to leave.

Zhan Yiyang paused, and looked back at her, only to see that the woman's eyes were filled with tears.

"Is it okay for me to compensate you for your mental damage? You can set a price, how much is free, is it okay? My family still relies on me to support, my old Hu's family still relies on me to honor their ancestors, I am not married and have children, I You can't surrender yourself!"

Zhan Yiyang paused, the corners of his mouth twitched again and again, he was almost about to smile, he was restrained, and with difficulty, he straightened his face again, and forced her to leave without saying a word.

She naturally refused, no matter how unreasonable she was making trouble, she almost lay on the ground and hugged his thigh to prevent him from leaving. "If you do this again, I'll call the police directly and let them escort you into the police station."

Zhan Yiyang looked down at her, with the same indifferent tone, but his eyes were full of threats.

Hu Yi was suffocated by him.

She pinched her thigh so that it hurt so much, and she burst out so many tears, couldn't she win any sympathy from him?This man's heart is made of stone?
The spectators spent all their time watching the good show, and it was a shame. This man was immune to cruel tricks. He slapped his mouth, pulled his sleeves, and wiped away his tears and nose unceremoniously: "I will invite the most expensive and the best!" My lawyer will file a lawsuit for me, hum!"

Glaring at him, especially relieved, Hu Yi walked out of the bar first, leaving him behind with proud steps.

Zhan Yiyang looked at her back, smiled and shook his head.But soon, the smile faded away.He hid a part of her drunken talk.The complete one should be: Xu Fangzhou, you just follow me...

Xu Fangzhou...

(End of this chapter)

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