Chapter 27
The women's toilet in the bar is really lively. Hu Yi hid in the corner and still attracted a lot of attention. While being watched by people like an exhibition, while holding on to the mobile phone, he was speechless. Work? I won’t bother you, the vice president!”

Zhan Yiyang was silent, and the low air pressure was transmitted to Hu Yichi through the radio waves.He was flattering himself like a slave, but he never showed any sympathy. Hu became angry when he thought of this, and he changed his mind and said: "It's time to get off work, you are too lenient!"

Before waiting for Zhan to answer, Hu quickly hung up.

The mobile phone Zhan gave her is really powerful, and it cannot be set to vibrate. After a while, this time she learned to be smart and turned it off directly.The little heart thumped and jumped, and finally suppressed the inexplicable feeling of betrayal, and cheered up to himself in the opposite mirror: Get Xu Fangzhou!Get rid of the capitalists!
Shun Shun went out of the toilet and returned to the booth. Xu Fangzhou was sitting opposite him, looking at him tenderly, and his mind wandered for a while.

"Why don't you speak?"

His voice was as attractive as ever, but when he listened to it, his scalp felt faintly numb—she couldn't find a topic, and after thinking about it, she still didn't know what to say, so she had to comfort herself that this was someone taught by Zhan. Her "pretentious mystery".

Fortunately, the waiter came to the rescue in time. The wine Xu Fangzhou ordered was not low-alcohol, but thanks to the tip, the waiter mixed a higher-alcohol wine in his glass.

Time passed quickly with the help of alcohol, Hu ordered a test tube of wine, a whole row stood in front of him, the color was alluring, Xu Fangzhou answered the phone in a secluded place halfway, and when he returned to his seat, he happened to see her tilting her head up and pouring the last a tube.Misty eyes, bright red lips, slender neck, and soft collarbone are all sexy weapons.

Noticing his staring, Hu Yi didn't mention how refreshing he was, and smiled at him when he looked up.Xu Fangzhou was taken aback for a moment, then slowly withdrew his expression and returned to his seat.

After drinking, Hu's mouth became sharp, and she chatted about the current situation, her father who was eager to miss her, her calmness, her work, and her strict boss...Of course, some topics were dead. Bogey, I still know how to avoid it after a while.

Xu Fangzhou didn't get drunk after drinking so much, and after a while, he gradually became anxious. Uncle Xu drove her father's car for more than ten years, and she had been hanging behind Xu Fangzhou's ass for more than ten years, but this was his first time. He asked her out to eat and drink as a man, so Hu Xia didn't really know how much he drank.

While he was busy winking with the waiter, he suddenly called out softly, "One moment."

Hu was startled for a moment, and hurriedly collected his expression and looked back.Xu Fangzhou seemed to be slightly drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have looked at him so unscrupulously.Hu looked back at him for a moment, the muscles around his eyes became sore, and he thought to himself: I will shock you to death, and I will shock you to death.

He put his hand into his pocket, but his eyes still stared at her for a moment: "I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't spend your birthday with you. I have a gift to..."

Huh, his auditory nerves were all tied to his mouth, and he was so nervous that he was about to sweat, but at this moment, a waiter came out of his mouth and said, "Excuse me."

This waiter was not the one she gave the tip to. Hu frowned and gave him a look. In order to convey the message of "don't spoil my old lady", her eyes were about to cramp.

The waiter didn't know how to be funny at all, and put a bottle of red wine on her table: "The gentleman over there invites you to drink." He also passed a coaster to Hu.

Written on the coaster: Come here.Hu was taken aback for a moment by the short but vigorous font, and looked in the direction pointed by the waiter——

Zhan at the bar was clearly smiling at her, but why did she feel like a dark cloud was covering her?
Zhan Yiyang suddenly raised his hand and gave her a European-style military salute, which completely woke Hu up.At this moment, I was very fortunate that Xu Fangzhou was sitting with his back to the outside. He was about to turn his head, but Hu Yi raised his hand in desperation and knocked over Xu Fangzhou's wine glass.

Xu Fangzhou quickly dodged most of the brandy, but his shirt was still mostly wet, so he stood up awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll get you a tissue!"

"Ask the waiter to bring it over—" Xu Fangzhou raised his head while talking, and the Hu Yi that was in front of his eyes a second ago has disappeared.

Turning his head, he only had time to see her back disappearing on the dance floor, and couldn't help being startled.His hand was still in his pocket, and his fingertips were rubbing the sharp-edged ring box, and he retreated for a moment.

(Exclusively published by Jinjiang Original Network)
Hu Yi crossed the dance floor like an arrow from the string, dodged to the bar, pulled Zhan Yiyang past him and hid in a remote place, his face tense: "You, you, how did you find this place?"

He didn't say a word, with an indifferent expression on his face that could piss off a god, he almost bowed to him after a while: "Vice President Zhan, Mr. Zhan! I'll go back first, you hide here for the time being, don't, don't Can Xu Fangzhou find out?"

She didn't have time to tell her, she was about to leave after finishing speaking, Zhan Yiyang grabbed her and glanced at the booth: "Are you sure you can handle him alone?"

Hu Yi was asked.

When he hesitated, he hung a pair of bluetooth headphones on his ears.He even straightened her hair to block the bluetooth: "What do I say, what do you do."

After Zhan Yiyang finished speaking, he pushed her shoulder to let her go back.Hu half pushed and half pushed back to the booth with the bluetooth on.The good atmosphere was completely ruined by someone from Zhan. Hu Yi was feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles at the moment, he took out a tissue from his bag and handed it to Xu Fangzhou: "I almost forgot that I had a tissue with me."

At this moment, Zhan Yiyang's voice suddenly sounded in the earphone: Don't stay so far away from him, sit closer.

Hu Yi suddenly became stiff all over, and moved to Xu Fangzhou's side like a robot: "Um... what gift did you just say?"

Her technique of changing the subject was extremely blunt, but Xu Fangzhou always looked at her with a good temper: "I'm flying to South Asia tomorrow for business, what gift do you want, I'll give it to you when I return home."

She couldn't help being disappointed, just said "Oh." Then the earphone rang again: smiled and said it's okay.

Hu Yiyang twitched the corners of his mouth and did so, and he felt that his smile was fake. The music on the dance floor had just calmed down, and Hu Yiyang had just relaxed a little, but at this time Zhan Yiyang's cold voice sounded again: Take your little shawl Take it off, look at him with your chin up, and say you want to dance, remember to slow down your movements and tone.

Hu helped Bluetooth, with a bitter look on his face, seeing that Xu Fangzhou didn't know how to speak, but Xu Fangzhou couldn't help but feel worried when he saw this: "What's wrong?"

She secretly swallowed, took off her shawl and lazily said, "I want to dance."

The moment the words came out, Hu Yi found that Xu Fangzhou's eyes on her had changed. Against the background of light and shadow, his eyes became ambiguous and sexy, which was by no means an illusion.When Xu Fangzhou took her off the dance floor, he secretly made an OK gesture towards the bar.

Teacher Zhan’s conscientiousness made Comrade Hu completely worship him, and he dare not neglect the instructions from the earphones. Let her put her arms around Xu Fangzhou’s neck, and she will never put her arms around his waist; let her look up at Xu Fangzhou’s eyes, and she will never look at them. His lips; let her step up to Xu Fangzhou's ear and breathe three times, but she will never breathe four times.

Hu Yi clearly felt that Xu Fangzhou's hand on her waist was tight and tight.At the end of a dance, Xu Fangzhou seemed to have just finished a long journey, and his voice was already slightly hoarse: "One moment."

Lord Zhan instructed: Don't talk, just smile at him, and you go back to the booth first.

Hu Yi naturally complied, and thought it was an incomparably wonderful turn around.Going back to the booth first, he immediately revealed his true colors, "Master Zhan, you are too amazing, he just looked at me like he was on fire!"

Zhan Yiyang still kept a calm tone: I asked the bartender to serve you twice the wine, the red glass is for you, and the blue glass is very strong, for Xu Fangzhou.

"Of order!" Hu Yi had just finished speaking when he caught a glimpse of Xu Fangzhou coming back, and hurriedly sat upright.

Her glass of wine was very strong, and her tongue became numb after only half a sip. At first, she thought she had taken it wrong, but after a closer look, it was indeed red. The person ordered, licked the corner of his mouth, then bit his index finger and looked at Xu Fangzhou: "Why don't you drink?"

Hu Yi felt a little dizzy, and couldn't help shaking his head, not shaking his head was not that serious, and shaking his head was even more serious, and when he looked closely, two Xu Fangzhous appeared in front of him.

"What's wrong with you..."

Xu Fangzhou's voice was getting farther and farther away, and gradually he could no longer hear clearly, but Xu Fangzhou's face was getting closer and closer, and in an instant, Xu Fangzhou's face turned into Zhan Yiyang's...

Hu blinked his eyes, sure that he was wrong, and wanted to call Xu Fangzhou's name with his tongue, but what he shouted was: "Capitalist?"

It was really dizzy, I didn't know what was going on for a while, my body lightened, as if being picked up by someone, and after a while, Zhan Yiyang, who was originally above her, was suddenly crushed beside her `Next.

A voice that was originally far away just pressed against her lips like this: "Who am I? Don't move, don't shake your head, look clearly, don't admit your mistake..."

(End of this chapter)

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