Chapter 3
After finally being in the area where 9 copies were sold, Hu took a moment to realize that the strange man's gloating was really justified.Who would have thought that she would get into the most marginal department of the company if she messed around and messed around?

This sales of 9 units is simply a department to be abolished. What is even more tragic than the poor office area on the poor first floor is that the next door to it is actually the site of the cleaning team.

Hu Yi finally met the legendary cleaning aunts with good temperament and appearance.

The door of the office area was closed, and one looked in through the glass window on it, and after a while, he looked at the sky speechlessly.

A half-centenarian man is reading a newspaper with glasses thicker than the bottom of a beer bottle, a young woman is happily chatting on QQ, a young man is sleeping soundly with a beautiful Playboy magazine on his pillow—this is her, new colleague?

How could the famous Aishi Ruili have these top products?
Hu Yi really wanted to turn around and leave, but at this moment, another person came outside, saw her poking around, and immediately raised his voice, "Who are you looking for?"

Hu Yi was startled, the three souls lost the seven souls, and he looked back with a guilty conscience, only to see a man in his 30s, wearing a printed silk scarf, with his hands full of drink glasses.

Hu Yi quickly cleared up his face: "I, passing by."

The soles of her feet were oiled and she was about to run away, but unexpectedly, the man with a sharp eye saw the work card on her chest: "Oh, you're newly transferred to our department? Come on, come in quickly."

Hu secretly yelled that it was not good, only a stiff smile remained on his face.He had already kicked the door open for her.Hu thought about it for a while, gritted his teeth, and followed him into the office with his eyes closed.

He was really enthusiastic, and before he had time to put down the drink glass in his hand, he yelled: "Master Glasses! Look, the fresh blood of our 9th film!"

Only then did the glasses man take his eyes off the newspaper, adjusted his heavy glasses, and squinted at Hu.

"That," Hu Yichi had already greeted Jesus' eight generations of ancestors in his heart, and his pious appearance on the surface pretended to be quite serious. I go to work every day, I hope all the seniors..."

The voice was interrupted by the QQ girl: "Hu—Yi Xia, right? Who did you offend and was assigned to our 9th department?"

Hu Xia's mind is usually very fast, but now she is so helpless that she can't take this talk. The QQ girl decided that she didn't understand, and pointed out with regret on her face: "As for me, it's because a pig head wanted to lure me, and after being kicked by me, he wanted to kill me again, and it was spread everywhere that I was relying on being him. Secretary, I was transferred here by Executive Zhan."

Hu Yixia always thought that he was an awesome person who pretended to be gentle, but this QQ girl was even better. When she was silent, she could make all male creatures fantasize, but when she spoke, the man's daydreams all stopped.

Hu didn't speak for a while, and everyone present felt that the newcomer was too young, so they were bluffed.The others were naturally not polite, and started talking, and poured everything into their ears: "As for me, it was because I accidentally sent the contract executed by Zhan as waste paper into the shredder, and in the end it was sent into the shredder by Executive Zhan. here."

After he finished speaking, the other side spoke again: "As for me, I used the company computer to log on to the pornographic net and attracted hackers. Half a year's marketing data was hacked, and Manager Zhan just threw me here at 9 Departments."

So many surnamed Zhan?They said that Hu was dizzy, but at this moment, the glasses master also came to intervene, and slowly put away the newspaper: "As for me, I was transferred here voluntarily."

He spoke with confidence, but unexpectedly he was immediately exposed: "Come on, Mr. Glasses, you used to be doing well in Department 1, but you were kicked here by Director Zhan because you took the lead in robbing customers from Department 6. "

The glasses master was choked by someone, and immediately yelled and argued, the room was noisy, and he was so ecstatic that his ears started to ring when he was humiliated. He was angry, and he stopped pretending to be a little white rabbit, and immediately growled: "Brothers, sisters, gentlemen, please let me go!" Can I ask you first?!"


Finally quiet.

Hu wiped off his sweat and cleared his throat: "Isn't Ai Shirui a multinational company? When did it become a family business? Don't tell me that all the top executives are named Zhan."

When the QQ girl heard the words, she immediately looked at the rookie with a broken smile: "It seems that my sister is not in the same situation as us. You are not demoted here, and it's normal if you don't know the situation. What we just said is all alone. .”

Hu Yi looked confused, and after listening to these points, he said: "You don't understand this, do you? Our 9 films exist to witness the history of someone who quickly became a pervert."

Hu Yi took a brief digest of their words, nodded openly, and sighed secretly, "Then... what is the full name of this pervert Zhan?"

At this critical moment, the few people who were bluffing just now remained silent as if they had discussed it.

The only drinking man who said anything was earnest to his pretty sister, but he didn't tell her the answer, he just handed her a cup of coffee: "Our water dispenser has been broken for several months and no one has come to fix it. I smuggled it down from the 37th floor, good stuff, drink it while it's hot!"

With a simple desk, an obsolete computer, and four excellent colleagues, Hu Xia has no other choice but to comfort himself to live with the situation.

But until 11 o'clock, they still read newspapers, slept, surfed the Internet, and even the naturally lazy ones couldn't stand it and wanted to exercise their muscles: "Senior, what do I need to do?"

The glasses master saw that it was the head here, and Hu asked cautiously. The glasses master had read the newspaper all morning, but he was still stuck on that page. Have you ever heard a saying that if you don’t do it, it’s good, but if you do more, it’s wrong? In short, it appears at [-]:[-] and disappears at [-]:[-], and you want those people upstairs,” he said without forgetting to point at the void, “ Make them feel less aware of your existence, will not pose a threat to them, they will not report you, and it will not be your turn when the company downsizes and lays off employees. Only in this way can it last for a long time, and you can retire!"

strong logic.

After a slap, he was about to vomit blood, so he simply sent a text message: "Calm down, save me."

Calmness is extremely calm this time, with a simple word: "Get lost."

Hu Yi was about to go back, when there was another message from Calmness: "Don't go back again."

It's so comfortable that it's almost moldy, and it's hard to make it to lunch time, and everyone else is in a hurry to leave. After all, for ordinary employees, the good things in the employee cafeteria are first come, first served, and the drink man knows to take care of her a little bit: " Shall I bring you food?"

I feel aggrieved and full, how can I still have the appetite to eat if I mess around?She put her head between her arms, lay on the table, and said lazily, "Thank you. No need."

The three of them left together, after dinner was over, and when they came back in a file, one said, "It's raining outside."

Hu sighed in his heart: God still has eyes, knowing how to shed two tears for me.

Another said: "Today's mango sago is really unpalatable."

Hu Yixia secretly slandered: It's unpalatable and you still pack a portion back?
In contrast, the QQ girl who came back last paid attention to much higher-level events, and her trembling voice resounded through the office area with excitement: "Big news! He was promoted to vice president! The transfer order announced today!"

She said this while looking at Hu Yi, and out of politeness, Hu Yi said unwillingly: "He? Who?"

"Who else is there, Vice President Zhan!"

Hu Yi shook his head, the drink man saw something, and took over the QQ woman's words for her: "We are quite well informed about the news on the first floor."

"Correct me, it's not us—it's me who is well-informed," the QQ girl never shared credit, even if she talked about it, she didn't share it. He said it. There is no way, who made him an eternal topic among our female colleagues?"

Hu Yixia didn't want to be a part of this topic. As soon as it arrived at 5:[-] p.m., as the glasses master said, all these people disappeared almost instantly, and Hu Yixia didn't even have time to say goodbye. She was alone in the office.

The drink man stayed behind: "It's still raining, do you have an umbrella?"

Hu Yixia has always claimed to be the president of the Beauty Boys Association, a full-fledged face-controlling woman.Now, of course, she smiles faintly and distantly at the drink man.

"The garden in the middle of the street in front of the building is being rebuilt, and there are potholes everywhere. How about I drive you back?"

"My honey will pick me up later, so I won't bother you senior."

While talking, he got up to get his bag, and sent a text message to Calm: "Honey, come pick me up."

The calm answer can be imagined, so I won't repeat it here.

It's raining, it really fits the occasion.Among the small group of people waiting for the rain to stop under the eaves, Hu Yichi was naturally indispensable.At this time, I realized that I regretted being too stubborn before leaving home and didn't ask for a car.

Well, he gritted his teeth, put the bag on his head with a huff, and rushed into the rain like that.

The rain seemed light, but in a blink of an eye, Hu felt drenched, and when he ran, he saw a billboard along the way: "The heart is cold, the heart is flying!" Hu Yi wanted to scold the street.

The road around the garden in the middle of the street was indeed difficult to walk, and her shoes were covered with mud. She endured the attack and just wanted to get in the car quickly.

What really forced her to swear in the street was when she ran down the sidewalk to call a taxi, the car that sped up suddenly, and the large swath of muddy water that the car splashed.

It turns out that when people are unlucky, cold water clogging teeth, Taoist gown bumping ghosts, etc. are trivial things. At this moment, there is a pothole in front of Hu Xia, and she is almost doused from head to toe by the splashed sewage.

"Depend on!"

The body of that SUV was so black that it made people hate it, and the speed at which it left was so fast that people hated it. After a huff, my lungs were about to explode. There was no place to relieve it, so I could only throw the bag violently in anger. Shouting at the rear of the car that was about to disappear in the rain curtain: "Bastard!!! I wish you a flat tire!!!"

Almost as soon as she yelled, the SUV miraculously stopped.

Did it really blow out?
Thinking about it for a while, Hu Yi almost wanted to clap his hands, but unexpectedly, it started up again suddenly, and it was—reversing.

After a while, the car reversed back in front of Hu Yichi.

Just right, settle accounts with this arrogant car owner.It's great to drive a Cayenne. My family takes this car to walk the dog!Hu Yichi had even thought about his words, and he was keeping them in his throat, ready to give the other party a bad blow as soon as the car window was lowered.

Unexpectedly, when the car window was lowered, what Hu looked at was a beautiful and strange profile.

Perhaps, it is not too strange.


This person still has a neither salty nor weak tone, and still has the face of Hei Superman.Hu froze for a moment.

The man who had only seen two sides before asked her to get in the car. Did she get in?Or not?

(End of this chapter)

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