Chapter 31
Hu made a fuss and couldn't understand why Zhan only annoyed her. With such a bad personality, shouldn't everyone be punished?
While ringing the bell, she was building up her emotions, and when Father Hu came to answer the door, she had already put on a bitter face and looked over with sorrowful eyes.In order to draw her father into the camp of "reversing the Zhan faction", she almost burst into tears, but it's a pity that Hu's father, who doesn't know how to read words and expressions, didn't notice it at all. He glanced at his watch and was instantly happy.

"The brat really did what he said, it's exactly 12 o'clock. Come in, come in quickly, your mother is in a beauty sleep, and I will eat cake with you." While talking, he looked outside the door, after confirming that someone hadn't followed He also praised him a bit, "Knowing that we can't disturb our father-daughter reunion, um, I'm quite sensible."

Hu Yi almost vomited blood, this time he was really depressed, he walked in with his head drooping, and dragged his father back by the way.

Fortunately, there was her beloved tiramisu, and she ate and ate, the small universe exploded again, her eyes rolled, and she thought from her heart: "Dad, why do you call me a brat, don't you like it..."

She cautiously sounded out her tone, but Dad Hu spread his hands without listening to what he said: "You also know that your old man has always had no status in the family. As long as your mother likes it, can I say 'no'?"

Before Hu could answer, Father Hu had already recounted the conversation with Mother Hu earlier.

Father Hu: That brat doesn't even have a smile on his face when he sees his elders, so he won't hurt anyone when he sees it. My daughter will marry in so rashly, and she will suffer in the future.

Hu Ma: What do you know, your daughter is spoiled by you, so you have to find someone who can calm her down.What's more, he is your precious daughter's boss!authority!Do you understand the authority?

Hu daddy -_-! : Even if he was barely qualified, his dad didn't see it as a fuel-efficient lamp, so he just occupied their elevator. As for leaving without saying hello?The parents-in-law are difficult to deal with, and the daughter will have a burden in the future!

Hu Ma: Do you have the nerve to say so?Not to mention that you have taken over the elevator of a private family, and you still make a bad face for them!In case your daughter can't please her husband's family in the future, you are the only one to ask!

Father Hu (⊙_⊙): ...


My lungs were going to explode after listening to Hu, but fortunately the phone rang halfway, she seemed calm, and immediately jumped up and ran into the room: "Niu!"

The calm and anxious voice soared straight up: "Why are you so high that the person disappeared, where did you go?"

"Go back to my father..."

Being saddened again, Hu Yi suddenly became miserable, Bi Duan calmed down but heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good, I'm afraid you'll get drunk and go molesting male creatures."

"My dad is full of Zhan BT now, I'm going crazy!" Hu looked at his watch, and then looked at Hu's father sitting on the sofa outside. Unfortunately, he met his starry eyes, and she quickly shrank "You all don't leave, I will find a way to sneak out, let's continue to the second booth."

"Forget it, we still have to go to work during the day, you played crazy enough tonight, calm down and spend time with your father, you made him anxious because you didn't come home all night last night. Bye!" The phone was dropped on her.

Hu listened to the busy tone for a long time before dawdling out, before the sofa warmed up, Hu's father started again: "I originally wanted my future son-in-law to marry me and help me take care of the business, hey... forget it, as long as he is right Hello, Laodou has nothing to say."

Father Hu was moaning and sighing one second, and looked forward to the bright future with a smile in the next second:
"During these days, your mother has not allowed me to give you financial support, and you too. You ran away from home and took nothing but beautiful clothes. Now it's all right, just tell me what dowry you want. A house is estimated Not enough, it’s inconvenient for you to go back because your natal home is too far away, and you have to find another place to go when the young couple has conflicts. Dou came and chopped him up."

Hu Yixia yawned exaggeratedly and got up: "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep so much, Dad, you go to bed early too, good night!" The sentence was quickly finished, and she also quickly flashed into the small bedroom.

The door slammed shut, and Hu's father said, "I heard that Azhou is here too. You have been playing games since you were young, how can you say that you won't contact me if you don't contact me? If you have time, call Xu Bo and ask about Azhou's situation." , if you are wronged, if you don’t come over so soon, you can still ask Ah Zhou to help you out.” She was isolated outside.

Hu Yi has always been able to fall asleep with the pillow on her head, and often sleeps until dawn, commonly known as pig physique, but this night she slept very lightly, even Hu Yi himself was very puzzled.

The first time I woke up and got up to look at my phone, it was 1:2.The second time I woke up, the phone was in my hand, I took a look at it, 19:3.After waking up for the third time at nearly [-] o'clock, Hu Yichi finally realized that he could no longer wait for Xu Fangzhou's birthday wishes.

Momo sat up, stared at the phone screen for a while, and suddenly felt a little scared. It was not until he left the hotel and took a taxi that he felt better. He dialed Zhan Yiyang's number, and he was connected after a while. It's a female voice: "Hello?"

Hu was taken aback for a moment.

"Little fox?" In the next second, Zhan Yiyang's voice was replaced again. This time, Hu Xia had already forgotten all the words he had planned. Zhan Yiyang paused for a while before she responded, "Come on I'll go home."


"Now." Then he hung up on her.

Then the busy tone sounded, which was especially harsh. The more Hu thought about it, the more angry he became, and all his fears were forgotten: "I'm not going to your place now because I'm afraid of you, but because I'm going to find you in the first place!"

She screamed into the microphone, scaring the driver so much that he almost made a sharp turn and crashed into the fence. He didn't dare to drive sluggishly anymore, so he cheered up and accelerated, sending the woman out of the car as fast as possible.

The wind tonight was really strong enough to blow soberly that Hu could not wake up again. When she took the elevator upstairs, she kept gesticulating with the mirror on the elevator wall, silently reminding herself that she must teach him a lesson after meeting Zhan , but when she actually knocked on the door of the apartment, she stood there in a daze.

What made her startled was not only the fake foreign girl who opened the door for her, but also the OK bandages on the face and arms of the fake foreign girl.Hu Xia hurriedly probed into the hallway, but he couldn't find Zhan Yiyang's figure no matter what.

Changing shoes and entering the house, I avoided the eyes of the fake foreign girl the whole time, and finally got to the living room, and when I looked up, I saw Zhan sitting on the sofa like an uncle, just looking at her silently, with wine in his eyes and……

Hu Yi didn't have the time to care whether his eyes were in pain or not. Seeing him as if he saw a savior, he immediately rushed to the sofa and leaned into his ear: "Take a step to talk."

Seeing that Zhan Yiyang was motionless, Hu became anxious: "It's about Xu Fangzhou..."

This time Zhan Yiyang moved, but he suddenly put his arms around her shoulders, following the trend, forcing her to face the fake foreign girl again.

Hu Yixia couldn't help but lament that the fake foreign girl's eyes are really big, especially when the tears were shining, she was stared at by the fake foreign girl so guilty that she could only laugh dryly.

"My girlfriend is here, don't bother you to take care of me, should I find someone to take you back or..."

The fake foreign girl left just like that, and Hu Yi was very sure that he saw the fake foreign girl's tears just before she turned to leave.Zhan Yiyang obviously saw it too, but he just pursed his lips tightly, as if trying to bear it.

Master Zhan, who is vigorous and resolute, also plays Qiong Yao's tricks?Hu thought it was unbelievable, just as he was about to speak, he stood up and went straight into the bedroom without saying a word.

Hu Yixia naturally followed him for a moment, and he followed him to the darkroom.

The large photo frame that used to hang on the wall is now "dead" on the ground. The red maple in the photo is still so beautiful, but the photo frame has been damaged.

"Should I throw it away?"

"..." Hu pointed to his nose after a while and asked, "Are you asking me?"

Zhan Yiyang seemed to be smiling, and it turned out that laughing is uglier than crying...

He squatted down to pick up the photo frame, Hu was stunned for a moment, a little unsure that he saw the blood stains on his head, subconsciously reached out to touch it, Zhan Yiyang gasped immediately.He raised his head and pushed her hand away.

Zhan, who has always been aloof, looked up at her now, and looked a little pitiful. He took a look at the wound on his head, and couldn't help but think of the two OK bandages of the fake foreign girl, and then looked at the mess on the floor: " Did you fight her?"

He looked at her that way again, silently opened the photo frame, and rolled up the photo. Seeing how careful he was, he thought he would put the photo away, but he just threw it into the trash.

"Don't tell me that the woman in the photo is her!"


"Is that you want to destroy the photo or is she trying to destroy it?"


Well, she was treated as a transparent person again.

Seeing his back disappearing outside the darkroom door, Hu Yi felt the urge to slap the wound on his head again: Just stumble, the pain will kill you!But seeing him administering the medicine himself, Hu couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

I have to admit that a person who is always strong is vulnerable once in a while, but he is still very lethal. Hu Yichi slowly moved to his side and coughed twice.

Someone didn't respond at all.

Hu gritted his teeth, and sat down next to him: "If you ask me to help you with the medicine, I won't stand idly by."

Zhan Yiyang really stopped, glanced at her, and said: "Make me laugh."

"Huh?" Hu Yi was overwhelmed by his request, how can he still bear such an arrogant face when asking for help?A little reluctantly, "I'm not Guo Degang."

"Then don't touch my head."

Hurry up about that anger, who are you begging for? ?But when she thought about it again, the magnanimous herself would not care about an injured patient.

"Then let me tell a joke." Hu Qingqing cleared his throat, "A puppy jumped onto the owner's dining table and crawled towards a roast chicken. The owner was furious: If you dare to do anything to this roast chicken, I will dare How about you! In the end, the puppy licked the ass. It’s funny, it’s funny, hahahaha..."

Zhan Yiyang's mouth twitched.

Hu Yi jumped up from the sofa in an instant, pointed at the corner of his mouth: "Ah, ah, you are laughing!"

Satisfied, she sat back on the sofa, her posture was more arrogant than before, and while pulling the small medicine box, she said: "Look, I made you angry again and got rid of her, gave you medicine, and made you laugh, you How should you repay me?"

Zhan Yiyang lowered his head slightly so that it would be convenient for her to apply the potion, and replied casually: "I don't mind making a promise with my body."

Hu made a disgusted expression and looked at him carefully.The drunkenness and sincerity in his eyes slowly merged into a whirlpool, almost sucking her gaze away, and he coughed dryly again: "If you really want to repay me, when Xu Fangzhou comes back, you can tell him..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, but he lost the dangerous aura before. Hu paused for a moment and then continued directly: "Just tell him that you took me away last time when I was drunk, and you deliberately misunderstood him, because you -"

It takes a lot of courage to say the last sentence, please allow Comrade Hu to pause again: "- crush on me."

(End of this chapter)

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