Reborn God Emperor Daddy

Chapter 320 Lucky Pig

Chapter 320 Lucky Pig

Although yellow jadeite is rare and precious, it depends on what it is compared with.

Although green jadeite is the most common type, imperial green is absolutely extremely rare. Many people in the jade industry have never seen imperial green once in their entire lives.

Now a glass seed water is added, and the two are superimposed, and the value is doubled.

Qin Li swallowed hard and said, "Old Xue, don't panic, maybe it's just a little bit, if it's too small, it won't surpass our yellow jade."

Hearing what he said, Xue Huaili calmed down somewhat.

You must know that the formation principle of jadeite is extremely complicated. Some jadeites only have a small layer on the surface and nothing inside, so the value will be greatly reduced.

The stone-cleaning machine continued to make harsh noises. The stone-cleaning master was also very excited when he encountered such a good material, and rubbed it carefully, for fear of damaging it a little bit.

Under the gaze of everyone, this stone finally appeared in front of everyone.

Master Jieshi ignored the sweat on his forehead, poured a basin of clear water on it, and immediately a piece of imperial green jadeite, which was smaller than a volleyball, appeared in front of everyone.

All of a sudden, the arena was quiet, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the piece of emerald in front of them. The green color was so beautiful, and under the sunlight, it was simply captivating.

Although it doesn't look too big, it is a glass type of imperial green, which cannot be compared with other jadeites.

After a long time, the skinny appraiser came over, stroking the emerald with both hands, even trembling a little.

As a jadeite appraiser of the Jade Gang, although he has appraised countless jadeites in his life, this is the first time he has seen imperial green glass.

In comparison, only Song Haotian was relatively calm. As the God Emperor of Haotian, he has seen all kinds of treasures, let alone a piece of emerald.

"Master, quickly estimate the price."


Only then did the appraiser come back to his senses, swallowed and said, "This piece of glass is imperial green, with a preliminary estimate of 2 million Xuanyuan coins."

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar in the audience.

"2 million, my god, is it really 2 million? Did I hear correctly?"

"I made 2 million Xuanyuan coins in a blink of an eye. Is there anything faster than this? It's faster than robbing a bank..."

"I'm really envious of me, why can't I find the ice emperor green..."

Everyone present behaved differently, some stomped their feet and beat their chests, some were envious, and some shook their heads in sigh.

The mustache also looked excited, looked at Song Haotian and said: "Sir, do you want to sell this piece of imperial green? Our Jadeite Gang is willing to pay a high price for it."

"I don't sell."

Song Haotian is not short of money now, and he has no plans to sell it. Amidst many envious eyes, he stepped forward and took the piece of ice-species emperor green, turned around and threw it to Liu Zimei.

"Here, I'll give it to you."


The people present were stunned again. This is the imperial green glass species worth more than 2 million yuan, and it was given to a woman casually.

"Thank you little brother."

Liu Zimei took the piece of jade, and excitedly kissed Song Haotian on the cheek.

Mustache swallowed, withdrew his envious eyes, and began to perform his duties.

"Mr. Song wins this bet!"

This was the final word, and Qin Li lost again in the second round.

Xue Huaili and the two were so aggrieved that they were supposed to choose a top-quality yellow jadeite, which was extremely rare and precious, but they didn't expect the other party to come up with a glass kind of imperial green.

What the hell happened to that pig?Why can it unlock imperial green when it just hits a stone!

If this is the case, what kind of appraisal master is needed, just go and buy pigs.

As soon as they thought of this, more than a dozen people immediately surrounded Song Haotian.

"Little brother, will you sell this pig?"

"Little brother, as long as you are willing to part with your loved one, you can pay whatever you want..."

The first time Dabai chose the rough emerald stone, everyone attributed it to luck, and felt that it was unlikely to happen a second time.

As a result, another piece of imperial green has been produced now. Even if it is luck, this is a good pig full of luck.

Facts have proved that the bullshit master Xue is completely inferior to a pig. With it, he no longer needs to rely on rough stone consultants, and only needs to count the money.

"Don't sell, don't sell, don't sell for nothing."

The two little guys regarded Dabai as a friend, and when they heard that someone wanted to buy it, they immediately opened their two little hands to protect Dabai behind them.

Song Haotian said: "You have also seen it, this is my daughter's pet, not for sale."


Hearing this result, everyone shook their heads. It is a pity that such a powerful pig is kept as a pet.

After the crowd dispersed, Qin Li gritted his teeth and handed over a 5000 million check.

"Song, do you dare to bet on another big one?"

Song Haotian reached out to take the check, and smiled coldly: "Tell me, how big is it?".

"2 million, do you dare to bet?"

Qin Li gritted his molars and said, he made a big decision this time, and bet all the money that Daqin Jewelry gave him to purchase rough stones.

He had his own thoughts in his mind, this time the purchase of rough stones failed, and he lost more than [-] million in one after another. If he went back in such a disheartened way, he might not be able to keep the position of general manager, and he would be rejected by the family.

If he gambles big again and wins back [-] million yuan, he will be able to make up the gap immediately, and he can still make a fortune.

In addition, the most important point, he felt that the opponent chose the rough stone twice by luck, and it was impossible to have a third time.

Song Haotian looked at him with a playful look in his eyes, since the other party wanted to kill him, there was no need for him to be soft-hearted.

"Okay, let's gamble."

Seeing the two bet again, the people around were in an uproar. They invested [-] million yuan in gambling at one time, which is also a big deal in this year's jade fair.

Mustache was also excited. As long as the other party bets, no matter who wins or loses, he will make money. With a gambling capital of 1000 million, the notarization fee is [-] million.

Because the amount of funds this time was too large, the Emerald Gang first verified whether the two people had the funds, and then signed a gambling agreement, and the third stone betting started again.

"Dabai, come on."

The two little guys once again cheered for Dabai.

"Lucky pig, come on!"

At some point, the onlookers gave Dabai such a nickname and began to cheer for him.

The previous Lucky Cat was just a legend, but they saw this Lucky Pig with their own eyes, and it created hundreds of millions of value for this young man in the blink of an eye.

Dabai shook his ears, showing extreme disdain for these people, then wriggled his buttocks and walked towards the original stone.

As before, its speed was still extremely fast, and it came to a grayish rough stone and arched it with its mouth.

Song Haotian said: "I want this stone."

To be honest, the appearance of this stone is not good. It looks like a gray piece, more like a piece of granite, and the price is only 2000 yuan. It is probably brought over as a scrap.

However, people knew that the previous two achievements were there, and no one dared to underestimate it. After paying the bill, two staff members pushed it over.

On Xue Huaili's side, this time, he took out all his breastfeeding energy.

He knew that this was a crucial battle, if he lost again this time, his reputation as inferior to a pig would be completely locked up, and he would never be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life.

Because of this, he chose very carefully, and spent all the 30 minutes allowed by the rules before finally choosing a rough stone.

(End of this chapter)

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