Chapter 305 Approaching 5
"Song Qi, thank you for being so kind to me." No matter what happens in the future, at least for now, Song Qi is the best person to her.

Listening to Su Wan's muffled words, Song Rui felt as if his heart had been hit hard.

Such words are undoubtedly poison to Song Rui.

The bitterness in my heart was extremely bitter, but on the surface, I couldn't say a word.

Because he can't tell.

Su Wan, if one day you know who I am, you won't feel that I'm treating you well.

I'm just making it up, making it up...

Su Wan was immersed in her own emotions, and didn't notice Song Rui's strangeness.

Since she was a child, she has never spent too long with her mother.

The people in Su's residence didn't treat her well at all.

In the previous life, it was because Song Rui had suffered so much. The touching and beautiful things she thought were all deceptive.

After living two lifetimes, she has been hurt and deceived too much.

It also means that her feelings will be more sensitive.

But the more this happened, the more it meant that she would be more wary of the people around her.

But she didn't feel that way about Song Qi. Although she couldn't say why, Su Wan could feel that what Song Qi just said was sincere.

Because it's good to protect her just now, because it's also good to help her all the time.

At this moment, Su Wan was willing to believe that Song Qi was serious.

Song Rui looked at the little woman in front of him who was extremely dependent on and trusted him, and somewhere in his heart was soft.

The current situation is not only what Su Wan is greedy for, but also what he wants to get.

It's a pity that he obtained it with someone else's identity. Although he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

There is no way.

He reached out and gently patted Su Wan's back.

I want to calm down her current mood.

Su Wan was the first to feel the warmth brought by the palm on her back, suppressing her voice, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Song Rui's voice rolled in his throat a few times, and his expression was slightly complicated.

"This king knows."

Knowing that she is fine, it is him who is in trouble now.

Just when Song Rui was in a trance.

Su Wan felt a cold war all over her body, and with a "sneeze", she sneezed on Song Rui's body.

The very gentle atmosphere just now became a lot more awkward in an instant.

Su Wan suddenly raised her head from Song Rui's chest, looking at the piece of his clothes that was soiled by herself.

Feeling flushed in the face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I..." She really couldn't hold back.

Before Su Wan finished speaking, Song Rui's eyes darkened in an instant, and he hugged Su Wan horizontally, "Zhao Che, let Doctor Sun come over."

She just sneezed, so there's no need to invite Dr. Sun to make a big Buddha.

Su Wan immediately resisted in Song Rui's arms, "Song Rui, I'm fine. Physician Sun doesn't need to come over."

Imperial Physician Sun is the leading imperial physician in this palace, it is not very good to always let him run towards Prince Qi's mansion like this.

They are not suitable for such a high-profile right now.

It is even more unsuitable to be transferred all the time, Song Rui's imperial physician in the past.

It made her feel a little uncomfortable all the time.

"You caught a cold." Song Rui's eyes darkened.

It was because he was negligent just now, he only cared about Su Wan's expression, and completely forgot that she had just been rescued from the pond.

In such a cold weather, with such cold clothes wrapped around his body, even with his coat outside, it really couldn't resist the cold air entering his body.

Where is she so weak?

(End of this chapter)

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