Chapter 319 Approaching 19
It's completely their own.

Su Wan frowned.

It was obvious that he felt the current Song Qi, which was a little strange.

"Song Qi, what's wrong with you?" Su Wan asked, relaxing her body.

He didn't reject being hugged by Song Qi.

After all, they are already a married couple.

Song Qi already respected himself enough.

But she still kept it from Song Qi and secretly went to see Song Rui.

In Su Wan's heart, there was an instant feeling of guilt.

Guilt towards Song Qi.

"Song Qi, I want to tell you something." Su Wan hesitated for a while, looking at Song Qi in front of her, she felt an inexplicable urge to tell him.

"What's the matter?" Song Rui didn't let Su Wan go.

It's just that the strength in the hand is slightly weaker.

Su Wan rested her chin on Song Rui's shoulder, "When you went to court just now, I went out for a while."

She suddenly didn't want to hide from the person in front of her.

Not because of anything else, but because Song Qi has been helping him so much, but he still has so many things to hide from him.

If it was just a relationship of mutual use before, that's fine.

But clearly not now.

She is not a person with a heart of stone, so she can naturally feel that Song Qi is sincere to her.

It was because of sincerity that he was so cautious in front of her.

But the more it was like this, the more guilty Su Wan felt about hiding things from him.

"You are Princess Qi, you can go wherever you want." Song Rui knew what Su Wan wanted to say.

Even on the surface, she is very guarded against him.

But deep down, she was still the original Su Wan who had no scheming and soft heart.

If others treat her well, she will let go of her guard after all in time.

as it is now.

"Don't you want to ask, where did I go and who did I meet?" Su Wan frowned.

Song Qi obviously didn't want to know the meaning behind these words.

If you really want to know, you should just ask her where she went.

But that's obviously not the case now.

"Su Wan. You can say what you want to say. If you don't want to say it, I won't ask you." Song Rui felt a little sad.

Su Wan thought that everything was under her own control.

But in fact, everything is under his nose.

What Su Wan knew, what she didn't know, what she did and thought.

I know everything about myself.

It's not that he doesn't ask, it's just because he knows, so there is no need to ask.

If he was still the same Song Rui from the past, Su Wan would never be allowed to have so many men thinking about her by his side.

But it's different now, she is surrounded by herself from beginning to end, no matter how many identities she has, she is the only one.

This made Song Rui feel at ease, but at the same time made Su Wan hover between them.

Circling between the so-called Song Qi and Song Rui.

"Do you trust me that much?" Su Wan inexplicably felt a little funny.

Especially listening to Song Qi's words.

Song Qi's trust in her seemed to have gone beyond the normal trust category.

As long as it was said by himself, Song Qi never seemed to ask more questions, and all said that he believed in himself.

He really didn't worry about doing anything that would hurt him.

"You are my concubine, so I trust you naturally." Song Rui said.

What he said was another stab in his own heart.

Because she knew Su Wan's temper too well.

(End of this chapter)

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