Chapter 324 Approaching 24
The distance between Prince Qi's Mansion and Hanshan Temple is not too far.

But definitely not close.

Song Rui led Su Wan, directly chose the convenient way of riding a horse, and arrived at the destination soon.

Outside the gate of Hanshan Temple, it was still as deserted as ever.

Such a place is very suitable for seclusion and practice, but life is really poor.

A thought popped into Su Wan's mind instantly, "Song Qi, it seems that Mrs. Yuan Jing has been here for many years, why didn't you bring her back to the palace?"

Although it is far away from the hustle and bustle, it is on the edge of the capital, so it cannot be completely away from the hustle and bustle.

The relationship between Song Qi and Mrs. Yuan Jing is obviously very good, why can't they go back directly.

"She doesn't want to leave here." So he didn't force it.

Su Wan nodded, expressing her understanding.

So Song Qi actually wanted to pick him up.

"Knock, knock, knock" Song Rui knocked on the door patiently.

Not in a hurry to get in.

Looking at Su Wan's clothes, he couldn't help reaching out and pulling her collar towards him.

The weather has started to gradually enter winter.

It's going to get colder later.

"It seems that the two of you have a good relationship." Mrs. Yuan Jing's voice suddenly came from behind.

Su Wan turned around and smiled awkwardly.

Looking at Song Qi's appearance just now, he was a little absorbed, and he didn't even notice that the door had been opened.

"The concubine I have worked so hard to get, naturally has a good relationship." Song Rui didn't hide it at all, and was very frank in front of Mrs. Yuan Jing.

He also never had any thoughts of trying to hide it.

He has a good relationship with Su Wan, he wished that everyone in the world knew about it.

Especially Mrs. Yuan Jing.

Song Qi often came to see her.

At first she was not used to it, but after a long time, in this lifeless life, she is not hard-hearted.

Seeing the relationship between Song Qi and Su Wan is good.

Mrs. Yuan Jing was also happy.

Open the door a little more, "It's cold outside, come in quickly."

"Okay." Su Wan spoke first, slipped out of Song Qi's arms, and ran into the courtyard.

Mrs. Yuan Jing's living room is in the backyard.

It is close to the mountains, and the weather is even colder for several minutes.

Mrs. Yuan Jing's body is not good, and she has already started to use the brazier early.

Therefore, as soon as Su Wan entered, she felt warm.

"Song Qi, you go out first, chop some firewood for me, and I will have a chat with Su Wan alone." Mrs. Yuan Jing did not regard Song Qi as an outsider.

Now that he's here, just treat him like a coolie.

Song Rui nodded. Naturally, he wouldn't mind if the two wanted to be alone for a while.

It's best to get along well, that's the best thing.

"Master's health is not very good, why do you still stay here in Hanshan Temple?" Su Wan fiddled with the charcoal fire in the brazier to make the flames more vigorous.

Although when she was in the Su Mansion, the conditions here were not much better than those here.

Even when it is cold and snowy, there is not even a brazier.

That cold feeling is really uncomfortable.

But she was still young after all.

The situation with the teacher is different.

The teacher is too old, and the body will not be able to bear it.

Subconsciously, Su Wan felt that Song Qi brought her here today, somehow he meant to be a lobbyist.

I hope she speaks up and persuades me?
"Usually it's fine, but in this cold winter months, people will freeze to death." Su Wan rubbed her hands, facing Mrs. Yuan Jing in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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