Chapter 326 Approaching 26
"Luck is something that outsiders see. Whether you live a good life or not is up to you." The teacher took a look at the people outside, "I can see that Song Qi is sincere to you. So much In the past year, you were the only girl he brought here to show me."

There is also a belt twice.

Every time more solemn.

Although Song Qi is just one of the most powerless among the princes.

But no matter what, he is the prince of a country.

If you want to marry, you can have as many women as you want.

But unfortunately, there is only such a person in Song Qi's mansion.

"Well, I know that." Su Wan felt warm in her heart.

Song Qi cared about her very much, this Su Wan knew.

How could she not feel something that outsiders could see?

It is precisely because she knows that she will cherish it even more.

"Although the royal family is a cold place, it is not a child without serious feelings. I can see that you two care about each other very much. Since you care, you must take good care of it in the future, and don't be caught by a momentary emotion." Blindfolded." Mrs. Yuan Jing seemed to be in some kind of deep thought, and couldn't help but began to admonish her.

Maybe it's a gut feeling.

Although now Su Wan and Song Qi feel really good to her.

But behind this kind of goodness, there is always a faint threat.

What's more, the two of them have always been at the core of the vortex.

Even if you want to stay away, it is impossible.

The only thing he can do is to watch the two of them silently join hands to overcome these difficulties.

Su Wan's heart skipped a beat, although Mrs. Yuan Jing was talking about nonsensical things.

But vaguely, she really has some intuition.

She felt that one day in the future, something she didn't want to see might really happen between her and Song Qi.

"Master, don't worry, I will get along well with Song Qi." But looking at Mrs. Yuan Jing at this moment, Su Wan subconsciously didn't want the old man to worry.

Master Yuan Jing nodded, supported her body, felt a little sleepy, and fell asleep slowly.

Seeing that Master Yuan Jing was too rested, Su Wan didn't stay too long.

The first to go out to get some air.

She has been in the house for too long, and she still feels a little hot.

The whole body is a little sticky.

Seeing Su Wan coming out, Song Qi threw away the tools in his hand, looking at Su Wan's flushed little face, he couldn't help but feel soft, "Is it hot?"

"It's okay." Su Wan shook her head, "You asked me to come here as a lobbyist, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Su Wan was a little unhappy.

Although she could guess what Song Qi meant, why didn't she tell her about these things in advance.

It's good to even say a word.

As a result, she didn't say a few words now, but she was brought in by the teacher instead.

On the surface, the teacher seems to be easy to talk to.

But in fact, this is obviously still a very stubborn temperament.

Basically, what the teacher decides on his own, others can't persuade him to come back.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so long, still living here, without any progress.

Song Qi must have been here many times.

It's just that I can't be persuaded.

So this time, I thought about bringing her here too.

(End of this chapter)

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