Chapter 329 Approaching 29
Even though it gave her a very bad feeling just now, she doesn't like the feeling of being forced.

But she was immersed in the pain of her previous life every day, maybe she agreed to Song Qi and tried to let herself accept it wholeheartedly.

Even though it was the same overbearing, it gave her a different feeling.

"Master has already rested, let's go home." Song Rui felt that his emotions were a little out of control.

Perhaps because of his relationship at Hanshan Temple today, he couldn't control it.

Come back home.

Su Wan's heart softened slightly, and she looked back into the room, "Is it really not necessary to say hello to the teacher?"

"No. In the future, the king can bring you here often." There is no need for these empty rituals between him and the teacher.

When I came here today, I originally wanted to persuade the teacher to go back to the palace with them, but if I didn't succeed now, it meant that I would come here more often in the future.

come often?

"You really don't give up." Su Wan withdrew her gaze.

How long has it been? Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid I have been here more than once.

"She has lived here for many years, and this king will never allow her to stay here any longer." Song Rui's eyes were filled with determination.

He searched too late back then, so when he found it later, his body was already severely damaged.

No matter how expensive the medicinal materials are, they can't save the already depleted body.

So this time, no matter what, he will not repeat the same mistakes.

Su Wan is like this, and so is Mrs. Yuan Jing.

"It's very good here, it's good if you don't enjoy the splendor and wealth in the palace." Su Wan didn't agree with Song Rui's extreme approach.

Since Master Yuan Jing likes the freedom here so much, why must she be forced to leave?
"Song Qi, I think you can think about it from Mrs. Yuan Jing's perspective. If she really doesn't want to leave, you don't have to force her." Su Wan tried to persuade Song Rui.

But these words, in Song Rui's ears, had a completely different meaning.

Not force.

Does that mean that if Su Wan insists on leaving his side, he can't force it?
Song Rui's face darkened instantly.

"Su Wan, are you talking about yourself?"

Speaking of herself?

What do you mean?
"If one day, you insist on leaving, will this king not be able to force you to stay?" Song Rui's eyes sparked a storm.

It seemed that Su Wan was going to be swept away.

Su Wan was frightened by such Song Rui.

The body shrank slightly.

She said just now that she would not leave, why did she come up with this question now?
"That's not what I meant." Su Wan frowned, feeling a little panicked inexplicably.

"Song Qi, I think you can relax a bit. I was just talking about Mrs. Yuan Jing's affairs, not about myself. I said that I wouldn't leave, but I wouldn't. Why don't you believe me at all? "

Don't believe her?

Yes, indeed.

To be more precise, he didn't believe in himself.

If she didn't believe in her past, Su Wan would not mind and would really let go of herself.

"My lord..." Song Rui was stunned for a moment, stunned by Su Wan's question.

"What are you worried about? Or what are you afraid of?" Su Wan looked up at Song Qi.

Her intuition told her that it was not for nothing that Song Qi became like this.

There must be a reason.

But Song Qi has never done anything to be sorry for himself, why should he be so worried and fearful?

(End of this chapter)

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