Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 341 The Mysterious Celestial Master 1

Chapter 341 The Mysterious Celestial Master 1
"Then what should we do now?" Su Wan glanced around, the princes were all there, Concubine Xian had already been taken down, but the emperor didn't speak, no one dared to leave first.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing.

Su Wan felt very uncomfortable.

Especially this matter always gave her a bad feeling.

"Don't worry." At most a quarter of an hour, they can leave.

Su Wan frowned, and patiently waited in her seat, her eyes fell on Song Rui who was opposite from time to time.

From the beginning to the end, Song Rui acted as if she didn't exist.

As if it had nothing to do with her, this should have been what Su Wan wanted to see, but for some reason, she always felt a little uneasy.

That's why I can't wait to get out of here.

Being in the same room with Song Rui, even if there is no intersection, she will feel very uncomfortable.

Especially when Song Qi was still by her side, he would feel inexplicably uneasy.

Maybe she really is just guilty.

But Song Qi couldn't see this guilty conscience.

"From now on, the crown prince is confined in the mansion, and he is not allowed to go out without an edict." In the inner room, the voice of the eunuch came again, that he had just punished the concubine Xian, and it was on the crown prince's head so soon.

But it was only a ban, which was already a very light punishment in comparison.

After all, the emperor still favored the prince in his heart.

These, Su Wan is no exception.

After all, it is not such a simple matter to bring down the prince, nor will it be so easy to succeed.

They still have these mental preparations.

Song Rui put down the teacup in his hand, led Su Wan to salute the emperor, and then left.

The emperor asked them to come here today, but he wanted them to watch the consequences of this matter.

Take this as a warning.

Song Rui took Su Wan by the hand and bowed to the inner room.

Leave immediately.

Su Wan also didn't like the oppressive atmosphere in the house.

"Song Qi, I want..." Su Wan hesitated, wondering if she should speak to Song Qi.

In Song Qi's eyes, this matter may be very common.

But Su Wan knew that there was a problem.

So she wanted to find out who was behind the scenes in this life.

Let so many of them become pawns behind the scenes.

"There are too many people in the palace, now is not a good time." Song Rui lowered his head and spoke to Su Wan.

He naturally knew what Su Wan wanted to do.

But today, there are so many people in the palace, and the eyeliners of all the princes are almost all gathered together. If there is any movement, it will be easy to be discovered.

Even if you want to check it, it should be at night, which is a little more appropriate.

Su Wan was shocked, "Song Qi, are you a roundworm?"

Why no matter what she thinks or does.

Even today, Song Qi could guess what she hadn't thought about to say.

Song Rui smiled lightly, and casually put his palm on Su Wan's shoulder, "Because, that's what this king is thinking now."

"Then how did you guess there was a problem?" Su Wan asked.

Since Song Qi had guessed that she had a purpose, there was no problem in asking now.

What Su Wan didn't understand was how he could see it.

Clearly there is nothing on the surface.

"How do you know, that's how this king knows." Song Rui gave Su Wan a meaningful look.

Su Wan curled her lips, "Okay, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

She knew it because of her rebirth, could Song Qi have the same reason as hers?
(End of this chapter)

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