Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 343 The Mysterious Celestial Master 3

Chapter 343 The Mysterious Celestial Master 3
It's just that Su Wan gave him very different feelings every time.

This eldest daughter who was related to Su Cheng in the backyard at the beginning is actually much more interesting than Su Qingqing who is well-known in the capital.

He has seen that woman Su Qingqing several times, and he can tell at a glance what a woman like that is thinking and what she can do.

But Su Wan was different. Su Wan seemed harmless, but she was actually the same kind of person as them.

Hide yourself very deeply.

What she was thinking and what she wanted to do, she couldn't see or guess.

Men, they are always more or less interested in things they don't know.

He is also included.

It's just a pity that such an interesting woman is already married.

And it happened to be his brother's woman.

"Song Xiang, she is not a woman you can imagine. Put away your thoughts." Song Rui's ability to read people's hearts is really sharp. When Song Xiang was in a trance, his sharp voice directly penetrated his thoughts.

Song Xiang trembled all over.

He was overwhelmed by Song Rui's powerful murderous intent.

He was just making a little joke.

There is no need to be so serious.

However, from this point of view, is the fourth brother really tempted?

The woman who can make Song Qi fall in love is really not easy.

After Song Rui finished warning, he didn't continue to worry about what Song Xiang was thinking.

left directly.

The palace, behind the rockery in the Royal Garden.

There is a small hidden door.

It just blocked the outside line of sight, and it was a good place to hide people's eyes and ears.

Ye Qin casually tore off the mask from his face, and threw it directly on Song Rui, "What the hell, next time this happens, don't look for me."

It turned out that the so-called Song Rui in the palace was actually Ye Qin in disguise.

He also has no choice.

If Song Rui wasn't there every time he showed up, he would have fooled him once or twice, but as time went by, it was inevitable that Su Wan would not doubt it.

"Who made you skilled, no one will notice." Song Rui pursed his lips.

This disguise is false, if anyone is said to be the master of the middle school, it must be Ye Qin himself.

The human skin mask he made was rarely discovered by anyone.

Let him disguise himself, and it is not easy to be discovered.

Ye Qin looked at Song Rui in bewilderment, and couldn't understand how Song Rui could say this shamelessly.

"Song Rui, why don't you try it, I'm going to feel guilty!" Especially Su Wan, who always stared at him from time to time.

He was so scared that he didn't dare to make any eye contact with Su Wan.

Obviously the real master is right next to him, but he is always staring at this fake.

Ye Qin said that the pressure was too great to bear.

Besides, if this was discovered in the palace, it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor.

No matter how powerful he is in the world, he still has some fear of the emperor.

"Why are you guilty, this king thinks it's good." No need to try, isn't he just pretending to be another person all the time?
Never had any issues either.

Ye Qin felt that a mouthful of blood was stuck in his throat, and he was about to spurt it out in minutes.

He forgot that the master in front of him lived as someone else every day.

This psychological quality, he can't match.

He conceded.

"Song Rui, you are amazing, I admit defeat." Ye Qin resigned to his fate.

It is very clear in my heart that such things will only happen more and more in the future.

Who let himself be one of the few people who knew that Song Qi was pretending to be Song Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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