Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 345 The Mysterious Celestial Master 5

Chapter 345 The Mysterious Celestial Master 5
If it's really that simple, why should he ask Ye Qin to investigate first.

Now, his status is really inconvenient.

If someone finds out, there will be endless troubles.

Xuan Qing?

Hearing this name, Ye Qin immediately put away his playful smile from before, and turned serious.

"Do you suspect that he did it behind?" If it was really him, the matter might not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

"The son in Wang Guiren's womb is the dragon and phoenix among the people. He figured it out."

Xuan Qing was a celestial master who was enshrined in the palace by the emperor and was highly valued.

"He figured it out? When did he care about these little things?" Ye Qin also felt a little strange.

Xuanqing is a person who doesn't eat oil and salt, and doesn't eat soft and hard food.

Unless he has his own purpose, it is absolutely impossible to help Wang Guiren.

Wang Guiren obviously wanted to find a reason to make the emperor value his children.

The only amazing thing is that she actually has the ability to ask Xuan Qing to help her open this mouth, which is already easy to doubt.

The possibility of Wang Guiren being able to bribe Xuanqing is almost zero.

Otherwise, with so many women in the harem, they would have gone to Xuan Qing long ago.

Relying on the emperor's trust in Xuanqing, almost as long as Xuanqing said a word, the fate of those women could be changed.

Unfortunately, this time it was Xuan Qing who made the move.

Ye Qin frowned and looked at Song Rui, "Do you suspect that it wasn't Xuan Qing who was found by Wang Guiren, but Xuan Qing who found her?"

Deliberately helping Mr. Wang.

"There's only this explanation." Song Rui didn't deny it, that's exactly what he suspected.

But what exactly is Xuan Qing's purpose is unknown.

This person hides very deeply and cannot see through.

No one knew why the emperor trusted him so much, let alone where he came from.

Even in the palace, very few people have seen Xuan Qing.

Not to mention someone who can get Xuan Qing out of the mountain.

There's something even weirder behind the scenes.

Because Song Rui knew that in his previous life, Xuan Qing did not intervene in this matter.

Even in the struggle for imperial power, he didn't help any of the princes, and he always sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight.

In this life, Xuanqing appeared, obviously intending to intervene.

Is it really because of the rebirth of him and Su Wan that many things have started to undergo brand new changes?

Song Rui doesn't like the feeling that things are out of control.

Since he didn't know what the opponent's purpose was, the only way he could do it was to take the initiative.

It is definitely not Song Rui's style to passively wait for others to come to him.

"I understand. I will investigate this matter, but I don't have much hope." Ye Qin knew what kind of person Xuan Qing was.

Too mysterious.

His Night Pavilion and Huichun Hall are well-known in Jianghu, and the only commonality is also very mysterious.

But these, compared with Xuan Qing, seem to be a little insignificant.

His Ye Pavilion has received almost half of the world's news.

He will know any secret news.

But, he couldn't find any news about Xuan Qing in the palace.

Haven't even seen the face.

Over the years, he never gave up on investigating Xuanqing, but they all returned in vain.

Xuanqing seemed to have done nothing on the surface, but he always threatened them the most.

Fortunately, what Xuanqing did would never have any impact on his Ye Pavilion, so Ye Qin and him basically belonged to a state of non-interference with each other.

Even if he went to investigate this time, Ye Qin really had no hope.

(End of this chapter)

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