Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 353 The Mysterious Celestial Master 13

Chapter 353 The Mysterious Celestial Master 13
Song Rui's movements couldn't help but be a little softer, and he explored in his heart, couldn't help asking Su Wan over and over again, who was the person in front of her.

But once Su Wan said about Song Qi, Song Rui's actions would become more ruthless.

Until the end, Su Wan finally couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep.

Song Ruicai finally let go of Su Wan reluctantly.

Looking down at her palm-sized face, covered with sweat, her hair sticking to her face.

Song Rui couldn't help but hugged Su Wan even tighter, and kissed her forehead.

There is a little satisfaction in my heart, but what can be followed immediately is a greater emptiness.

Stabilizing his mind, he gently hugged Su Wan, looking at the sticky and sticky area under his body, mixed with traces of blood.

Holding her in the bathtub, she was wiped clean carefully.

He couldn't hold back for a moment, and used all his strength.

"Sorry, it's my fault." Regardless of whether Su Wan heard it or not, Song Rui apologized.

After tidying up Su Wan's body, Song Ruicai held Su Wan in his arms.

He didn't move around anymore, but he didn't let Su Wan go either.

A good night's dream.

The next day.

When Su Wan woke up faintly, she felt as if she had been crushed all over her body, it was so sore.

My thoughts slowly turned around, and I finally remembered what happened yesterday.

Song Qi was drugged, she couldn't bear it, so she sacrificed herself.

Although she was willing, but Song Qi's posture was almost driving her to death, which really made her unbearable.

Now my whole body hurts, especially in a certain place, which is burning hot.

But there is nothing uncomfortable on her body, it seems that Song Qi helped her clean it up last night.

Thinking of Song Qi, Su Wan couldn't help but blush on her cheeks.

Although her current body is new, she is actually not psychologically.

But in such things, she has always been on the passive and shy side, and now is no exception.

Now the last line of defense has been broken.

Between her and Song Qi, they are really a real couple.

She was still a little uncomfortable with this change of mood.

"Princess, are you awake?" Hong Fu's voice rang in Su Wan's ear.

I don't know if it was Su Wan's psychological effect, but I always felt that there was a little bit of teasing in Hong Fu's voice.

Su Wan subconsciously slipped her body into the bed.

There was a muffled hum.

To show that I heard it.

Others may not know it, but Hong Fu has been by her side all the time, so she really knows everything.

Although it has been a while since they married Song Qi, they have always treated each other with respect.

What happened last night was also a surprise.

But Hong Fu must have known about it.

Seeing Su Wan's embarrassed look, Hong Fu couldn't help joking, "My lord, my lord has ordered me not to disturb you today, and let you have a good rest."

The implication is to tell Su Wan directly.

No need to keep hiding.

The prince went up to the court with a refreshed look early in the morning.

He also ordered all the people serving outside the princess's house.

Anyone can see what happened last night.

So there is no need to hide it at all.

Hong Fu said that everyone understands.

Su Wan gritted her teeth angrily.

"Wash me up." As agreed, there is still business to do today, how can Song Qi delay it so much!
Hong Fu covered her lips and smiled, "Yes, this servant obeys."

Seeing this smile, Su Wan instantly felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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