Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 356 The Mysterious Celestial Master 16

Chapter 356 The Mysterious Celestial Master 16
"Just now, you said it hurts." Song Rui said, while extending his palm to Su Wan's side.

trying to get her...

Su Wan felt that her whole body began to become very awkward.

"No, I, I'll just do it myself." Su Wan raised her hand and grabbed the small medicine bottle in her hand.

She is very uncomfortable, but it is not enough to let Song Qi do it.

Really, it's embarrassing.

"It's inconvenient for you." Knowing that Su Wan has a thin skin.

But it's inconvenient for her to come by herself, maybe it will hurt herself even more.

Su Wan gritted her teeth, her face flushed with blood, and she was in a stalemate with Song Rui.

Just not moving.

Song Rui didn't dare to force her, for fear of accidentally hurting her again.

There was a circle of bruises on her body, and she saw it when she took off her clothes just now.

A burst of regret welled up in my heart.

Last night, when he heard Su Wan keep calling Song Qi's name, he couldn't control himself.

Although he was telling the truth, he just couldn't hold back.

Forgot she was the first time...

Regardless of what to say, Su Wan didn't move for a long while.

Song Rui's face darkened, and he said half-threateningly, "Be good, or this king will seal your acupuncture points."

In fact, he didn't want to. If he really wanted to, he could do it just now.

Just tapping the acupuncture points will make Su Wan's body even more tense.

This medicine is not easy to take.

Su Wan froze, staring at the man in front of her.

I understand that I can't hide from my good talk today.

It's not that she doesn't know the condition of her body, but she just feels very uncomfortable.

Even though the two had already done intimate things, she still felt a little bit unacceptable psychologically.

Seeing that Su Wan was distracted, Song Rui immediately went to work.

Su Wan's breathing was stagnant, and her body tensed up.

This is not medicine, this is clearly torture.

Song Rui himself was not feeling well, but he had no choice but to keep his voice hoarse, "Take it easy, just take the medicine."

Su Wan gritted her teeth, it made her feel uncomfortable.

I had no choice but to follow Song Rui's movements and slowly relax my body.

A cold feeling slowly swept over, replacing the hot feeling before.

Su Wan felt less pain than before.

On the other hand, Song Rui kept his eyes fixed on giving Su Wanwan medicine wholeheartedly.

Nothing can be seen on the face.

But only he himself knows how uncomfortable he endured.

Facing the woman he loves, this is comparable to torture.

But what made him even more uncomfortable was that he knew well that this kind of life would last for a long time.

Because Su Wan's injury was much more serious than he thought.

Last night, I really went too far.

It wasn't Su Wan's fault, it was him who was angry with himself, this jealousy was unreasonable, but he vented his anger on Su Wan.

She obviously didn't know anything.

Song Rui held back his thoughts, gave the medicine to Su Wanwan, raised his hand to pick up her clothes, and helped her put them on one by one.

Su Wan was like a marionette, letting Song Rui play with her.

Anyway, the most embarrassing thing is over, and she really doesn't want to move when someone is waiting on her.

"Song Qi, where did you get this medicine?" Su Wan asked belatedly.

"Get it at the Imperial Hospital." Song Rui replied without changing his face and heartbeat.

Too hospital?
"Sun Cheng?" Su Wan's face darkened.

"En." Song Rui responded, and his subordinates continued to move.

(End of this chapter)

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