Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 360 The Mysterious Celestial Master 20

Chapter 360 The Mysterious Celestial Master 20
"Then, is Xuanqing one of your people?" Su Wan stopped hiding and asked her doubts directly.

"It's not certain yet." Song Rui's words were not fake, Xuan Qing was indeed an unpredictable person.

However, it will not be his opponent.

"This time, Mr. Wang's miscarriage was really helped by him?" Su Wan could still vaguely guess.

At the beginning, Wang Guiren came to Xuanqing, and Xuanqing was willing to help, saying that the child in her belly was a pillar of talent.

Everyone in the world knows how much the emperor trusts Xuanqing.

His words can completely determine Wang Guiren's future path.

But Xuanqing never participated in any battles in the harem.

This time is so abnormal, there must be a reason for it.

"Well, now it seems that Wang Guiren should be deliberately lured over."

If it wasn't for Xuanqing's initiative, Mr. Wang would not have the guts to go to Xuanqing privately.

She is just a little noble in the harem, with no power or power.

Even if he had the idea of ​​looking for Xuanqing, he would never dare to act.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Xuanqing guided Wang Guiren to go there.

"Who does he want to deal with? Concubine Xian?" From this point of view, the matter of Concubine Xian being framed must have been sent by Xuan Qing.

A mere nobleman would not let Xuan Qing go to war like this.

Concubine Xian, on the other hand, directly affects the crown prince.

From this point of view, at least Xuanqing is not on the side of the prince.

Su Wan felt a little uneasy.

I don't know if this new person is an enemy or a friend.

Today, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But apart from them, there are Song Rui and Song Xiang, many opponents.

Song Rui played with Su Wan's hair boredly, "No. His target is you."

"Me?" Su Wan was surprised for a moment, she got up from Song Rui's arms, and her hair was pressed all of a sudden, her eyebrows raised in pain.

He reached out and pulled the hair out of Song Rui's hand.

"This king is going to see him, the only request is to bring you along." Song Rui didn't intend to continue to hide Su Wan, and told her directly.

What's more, Xuan Qing has always been regarded as one of his people.

This time, only Su Wan was brought along.

In the previous life, in order to protect Su Wan, she didn't want her to touch those things in the dark.

Even what Su Wan came into contact with was just superficial things.

But in the end, he failed after all, he failed to protect Su Wan well.

In this life, he understands that blind protection is not enough, so he will take Su Wan to get in touch with these things slowly.

This time, he was by his side and protected him.

Not letting her hide behind, nor letting her face it alone.

"Why did you bring me?" Su Wan had an inexplicable feeling that she had fallen into a trap.

Also, why did Xuanqing know her?
"I don't know yet." Song Rui raised his hand, changed direction, and continued to play with Su Wan's hair.

Have fun.

Su Wan pulled her hair back, frowning unhappy, "Song Qi, don't keep pulling my hair. It hurts."

"Sorry, I couldn't hold back." Song Rui withdrew his hand, raised the curtain on one side, and glanced at the scene outside the carriage.


Su Wan regained consciousness and glanced outside, "Isn't this the palace?"

Isn't Xuanqing in the palace?

"This is the backyard of the imperial palace. Xuanqing is here." Song Rui took Su Wan off the carriage, put a ring around her waist, and jumped in directly.

(End of this chapter)

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