Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 372 Su Mian's Fame 2

Chapter 372 Su Mian's Fame 2
Indeed, he is a normal man.

Facing his woman all day long, there is no way not to be distracted.

But since he promised Su Wan that day, he would naturally keep his promise.

Originally thought that Su Wan would understand after a long time.

However, after a few days, Song Rui finally realized that Su Wan's little mind hadn't thought about him at all.

If she doesn't take the initiative, I'm afraid she will keep procrastinating, unwilling to go to that step.

To some extent, it was also due to some past lives, because I deliberately took advantage of her sympathy.

It was a matter of course.

Su Wan listened to Song Qi's explanation behind him, but the anger in her heart still couldn't dissipate.

"But you lured me over on purpose, didn't you?" If even the medicine was calculated, Su Wan felt that she would be blown up in minutes.

"Yes." Song Rui would not deny this.

Seeing that Su Wan was still angry, she couldn't help comforting her softly, "I'm sorry, it's my fault this time."

He shouldn't have used this to deceive her and deliberately let her fall into the trap.

"Su Wan, you have been unwilling to take the initiative. This king has no choice but to force you to take the initiative." Song Rui leaned closer to Su Wan's ear, and there was a hint of caution in his words.

I was afraid that if I didn't say a word clearly, it would make Su Wan even more angry.

Su Wan's heart was slightly touched.

She also knew that in this matter, in the final analysis, she was a bit forceful.

In Song Qi's huge palace, he was the only woman.

There is no Tongfang, no concubines, and even less side concubines.

At his age, he is also at the age of youthful vigor.

It is indeed difficult for someone to be like this.

But that wasn't what she was really angry about.

Su Wan turned her head and faced Song Qi with a very serious expression, "Song Qi, you asked me to take the initiative on purpose. I'm not angry about this, I can understand it."

"I'm really angry that you lied to me. If you want, you can tell me what you think, just don't lie to me."

In her previous life, she hated liars very much, especially those who lied in front of her.

However, she married Song Rui, and later found out that his kindness to her was a scam from beginning to end.

This directly caused Su Wan to fall into the abyss of lies.

In this life, whenever someone lied to her, she no longer simply loathes it, but deeply hates it.

No matter who it is, with her, lies are intolerable.

Song Rui's face suddenly became very ugly.

Even though it was a fact that he had known for a long time, when he really heard Su Wan say it, his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

If she knew...

"Su Wan. I promise you that I will never lie to you again."

From now on, nothing will happen.

But before today, he could not recover his identity...

Su Wan listened to Song Qi's assurance, and the panic in her heart gradually dissipated.

The anger just now was still vague.

In the final analysis, the source of her anger, and more importantly, was her fear.

Bone-deep fear.

In her previous life, she was deceived so badly by the person next to her pillow that she felt that she was about to have a psychological shadow in this life.

Su Wan withdrew her consciousness, "Song Qi, I believe it."

This time, she really tried to believe it again.

Trust your pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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