Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 388 Su Mian's Fame 18

Chapter 388 Su Mian's Fame 18
Then trace it carefully on the rice paper.

It's only the size of a small piece in the middle, but it's depicted very finely.

It's just that it's been a while, Su Wan realized that she didn't remember very clearly.

Draw for a while, think for a while.

Wobbling around, she didn't appear to be in a hurry.

About half an hour later, Su Wan had finished drawing on the paper, then marked her name, and called the people outside the house in.

"Come on, I'm ready."

The servant heard the sound and entered, and looked at Su Wan in surprise.

It's only half of the hour, isn't it a little too fast?

However, the surprise was the surprise, but he quickly packed up the things in front of Su Wan and took them out.

During the whole process, Su Wan didn't even see Meng Wenzheng.

It is very similar to the usual imperial examinations.

Very tight.

But Su Wan also understood Meng Wenzheng, not showing up was the greatest protection for him.

But later, the few selected by Meng Wen will definitely meet him.

I just don't know how many people came today.

Song Qi has been outside for so long, it should be investigated clearly.

As Su Wan thought about it, she soon went outside and saw Song Qi.

Turn your back on her.

Su Wan's heart suddenly felt a little mischievous. She quietly stood on Song Qi's left side, but reached out and patted his right shoulder.

"Clap" sound.

Song Qi turned his head from the left, and his eyes locked on Su Wan.

Not deceived at all.

Su Wan suddenly lost all those small sense of accomplishment just now, she curled her lips silently, "It's boring."

Song Rui looked around.

There was no one around but the two of them.

It's understandable that Su Wan's delicate appearance won't be noticed by others.

Coupled with her cold men's clothing, it also makes people feel a little different.

"Next time you want to lie, don't walk so loudly." Song Rui couldn't help reminding Su Wan.

Even if you want to scare people, this technology should be better.

The footsteps were so loud that she had already noticed it the moment she came out.

It's hard not to know.

Su Wan snapped, "Do you think they are all just like you, are they good at martial arts?"

She doesn't know how to do light work.

What she has, at most, is a little bit of three-legged cat kung fu for self-defense.

In front of a master like Song Qi, he naturally has nothing to hide.

Seeing Su Wan's brisk appearance, Song Rui's mood was instantly infected, "It's so easy, is it a matter?"

That is natural.

Su Wan nodded hurriedly.

Her painting skills are not very good, and she didn't learn much in her previous life.

When she came here today, she was still a little worried. The painting was just finished, but it was much better than she imagined.

It was exactly the same as the thing I had seen in my impression.

Even if other people can't see it clearly, but Meng Wenzheng is a general of the Song Dynasty, he will definitely understand.

So this time, she is definitely sure to win.

"So far, you still don't plan to tell me?" Song Rui looked at Su Wan's bright eyes and couldn't help asking.

In fact, Song Rui saw it when the servant took out the scroll just now.

Song Rui knew exactly what Su Wan could draw in such a short period of time.

Almost anything, he can guess.

To be able to figure out how to use that, Su Wandao also has a bit of cleverness.

It's just that Song Rui didn't point it out, and if Su Wan didn't say anything, he would naturally pretend not to know.

(End of this chapter)

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