Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 390 Su Mian's Fame 20

Chapter 390 Su Mian's Fame 20
"This is something you just handed in. Only one person can become the winner today."

His subordinates folded the rice paper one by one and put it in Meng Wenzheng's hand.

It will not let the people below see these.

Then, the subordinates continued to speak to the others, "The general who won has already been selected, and all of you were called here because there were two people who handed in the same answer sheet. So the general wants to know who wrote this one." .”

As soon as the words fell, Su Wan immediately frowned.

The others couldn't help but started whispering.

This hit answer sheet must be the winner without a doubt. If it is not the winner, there should be no need to call everyone here.

Almost at this moment, Su Wan could be sure that the one who bumped into her should undoubtedly be her share.

But what she drew was...

Few people had seen that thing, and no one knew him except Meng Wenzheng himself.

Either someone copied her.

But it was Meng Wenzheng's subordinates who took out her test questions just now.

The one who can safely let his subordinates participate in this matter must be Meng Wenzheng's confidant.

Therefore, the possibility of his subordinates being bought is not very high.

Then either, there is only one last possibility left.

It's a ruse.It was a trick deliberately thrown out by Meng Wenzheng.

Su Wan narrowed her eyes, and subconsciously glanced at the person beside her, as if asking for his opinion.

Song Rui naturally understood what Su Wan meant, but it was inconvenient to talk too much with Su Wan right now.

Pulling Su Wan's palm from under the table, Song Rui's warm fingers gently wrote a word on Su Wan's palm, Ji.

Su Wan nodded slightly.

Just as she thought.

With the support of the people around her, Su Wan instantly became more confident.

No matter what ghosts and monsters come, she is capable of dealing with them.

What's more, all of these are considered to be within her grasp, and those who want to set up a trick for her should first take a look to see if they have fallen into her tricks.

However, after Su Wan was in a daze for a moment, the people in the seat had already spread out the two similar answer sheets.

The center of the rice paper has nothing but a hand-painted token.

Sure enough, it was her token.

Before Su Wan could speak, a man in a white shirt not far away immediately stood up, with a look of urgency, "Who is this, dare to steal my answer?"


Su Wan didn't care about the anger of the man in white shirt, but instead looked at the person sitting above.

Meng Wenzheng looked completely unsurprising.

Looking at Su Wan's heart, she knew it instantly.

I am afraid that this person should be Meng Wenzheng's subordinate.

But since it was a good show rehearsed by Meng Wenzheng, if she didn't cooperate, it would be too much to justify.

In the end, under everyone's gaze, Su Wan stepped forward slowly, without any sense of nervousness or fear.

"Young master, I think you stole my answer. This painting was drawn by me." Su Wan's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and she was completely confident.

Jumping with the man in the white shirt has completely become two extremes.

The calmer Su Wan was, the more the man in white couldn't calm down.

He looked at Su Wan's eyes, as if he wanted to help her see a hole.

"You are lying, this painting is clearly drawn by Lao Tzu. Where did you come from? How dare you steal Lao Tzu's things? You don't want to live anymore, do you?" Although the white-clothed man looked handsome, his temper and hands behavior, very rude.

(End of this chapter)

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