Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 394 Su Mian's Fame 24

Chapter 394 Su Mian's Fame 24
Right now, there is nothing to support oneself.

But he was not willing to admit defeat just like that. After all, this was the only chance to show his face in front of General Meng, and he didn't want to just give up so casually.

Otherwise, he would never be reconciled.

Thinking of this, the white-clothed man maintained his aura and said to Su Wan, "You preemptively asked me these questions. How did I know? Do you really know the answers to these questions? If I answered Didn't I tell you the answer in vain?"

Indeed, Su Wan was pre-emptive.

For such a question, the person who speaks first will often have an advantage.

Just like she is now.

However, she is not only imposing on the surface, she is really imposing in secret.

Because she is full of confidence.

The one in front of her is fake, but she is real.

"Then what do you want?" Su Wan was not in a hurry to say the answer, and asked the person in front of her leisurely.

This unhurried attitude made the people in front of them flustered even more.

Especially with Shang Su Wan's eyes that see through everything.

It's even more confusing.

However, the man in the white shirt quickly calmed himself down.

"Say it first. Since you asked these questions, you must say them first, otherwise how would I know if you were bluffing?"

Let her speak first?

Su Wan smiled helplessly, did she really look that stupid?

How could she jump into such an idiotic trap?
Su Wan said slowly, "Let me tell you first? How can I know that you didn't plagiarize your answer later, my lord?"

If you want an empty-handed white wolf, the means are not a little bit smarter.

With such a simple method, the person in front of him really is a representative of a simple mind.

The man in the white shirt also seemed to have been told what was on his mind all of a sudden, and his face turned into a liver color in an instant.

"You, you are..." The insulting words have not yet come out.

Meng Wenzheng, who had been silent all this time, spoke first.

"Then, what can Mr. Su do?" To be able to deal with it calmly at such a time.

And this person has no martial arts.

But with such an unfathomable person by his side.

This is indeed what a military division should look like.

In Meng Wenzheng's mind, his impression of Su Wan was much better.

Almost exactly what he was looking for.

These temptations are just stepping stones.

Meng Wenzheng finally spoke.

Su Wan smiled coldly. Since Meng Wenzheng wanted to help her out, it was obvious that he was helping her.

It seems that she is undoubtedly the one.

However, the current problem still needs to be solved, and these people must be convinced, so as not to continue to trouble her in the future.

Thinking of this, Su Wan directly grabbed a writing brush on one side, and said, "Since this young master and this subordinate are at a stalemate, it's good to write down the answers just now. After a stick of incense, write them down." Now, if you read it in front of everyone, you don't have to worry about it."

Since you want to solve it, it is a one-time solution.

Su Wan didn't give the person in front of her another chance.

The white shirt man's face turned pale, and now it was really about the same color as his clothes.

"I, how do I know that your answer is the correct answer!" However, he was still holding on.

Even if it is written out, who knows the authenticity of this answer?
(End of this chapter)

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