Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 402 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 2

Chapter 402 I Never Betrayed You In The Past Life, And I Won’t Be In This Life 2
He hugged Su Wan in his arms.

Su Wan was shocked.

Immediately aware that something was wrong with Song Rui, he suddenly raised his head and asked him, "Song Qi, what's wrong with you?"

Why did the mood go wrong in an instant, and the way she looked at her was also very frightening.

Song Rui looked at Su Wan, suddenly cupped her cheeks, and kissed her bright red lips deeply.

Su Wan was stunned by this sudden kiss, unable to resist Song Rui's strength, her waist was tightly wrapped by him, and she passively endured it.

The air in his mouth seemed to be squeezed out by Song Rui.

Su Wan's breathing became more and more difficult.

Song Rui kissed her, and she was always forced to bear it.

Even if it is a breath change, it is only a small amount.

But today, Song Rui's posture seemed to rub her into his flesh and blood.


Su Wan's face turned red, and she gradually couldn't bear it anymore.

The hands holding Song Rui's shoulders also started to wave wildly, beating desperately on Song Rui's back.

His feet were also kicking wildly, hoping that Song Rui would let him go.

The more Su Wan struggled, the more panicked Song Rui became, and the more he couldn't help but want to prove that the woman in his arms would never leave him, that it belonged to him and would always belong to him!

However, Su Wan's hands and feet moved wildly, and Song Rui was worried about hurting Su Wan, so he was stunned for a moment, and Su Wan stepped on the painful place.

Song Rui let Su Wan go.

Su Wan took a sudden breath of fresh air, pushed Song Rui away, and took a big gulp of air to ease her breathing.

The flush on her face slowly receded, Su Wan tried her best to calm down her mood.

There are tears in the eyes.

He stared at the person in front of him stubbornly, his face was rosy, his eyes were moist, but he lost a little bit of anger.

After calming down a bit, Su Wan calmed down, but this time she was really angry, "Song Qi, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Almost suffocated her to death.

It's not like he didn't do anything before, but this time, he just beat her to death.

Sometimes, she would be a little afraid of Song Qi like this.

It was as if he had suddenly changed into a different person.

Taking such a plunder from her is like the person she has always been afraid of in the past.

Seeing Su Wan's really uncomfortable appearance, Song Rui took a step forward, wanting to touch Su Wan.

Was thrown away by Su Wan at once.

Ugly face.

Song Rui came back to his senses, looked at Su Wan in front of him, and said hoarsely, "Sorry, this king was just now..."

He just didn't hold back.

As long as it involves the past, Su Wan, all his emotions will be out of control.

"Why are you going crazy all of a sudden? Do you know that you were about to suffocate me just now?" Su Wan was really angry this time.

very angry.

Song Rui looked at the mark on Su Wan's mouth, stepped forward and hugged her.

Su Wan broke free immediately, "Let me go."

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have treated you like that just now." Song Rui and Su Wan apologized.

Looking at the marks on her face, she felt a little distressed.

Just now, she should really be suffering.

Hearing Song Rui's apology, the anger in Su Wan's heart dissipated somewhat inexplicably.

It is rare to hear Song Qi apologize, and his behavior just now was indeed impulsive.

Therefore, at this time, she wanted to know why the person in front of her suddenly acted like this, "Song Qi, what's wrong with you? I want to know the reason."

(End of this chapter)

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