Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 418 Verification of Zhengzheng 6

Chapter 418 Verification of Zhengzheng 6
The point is such a short time.

All she could do was delay letting Song Qi come over.

As for what kind of method he has to help her, in fact, she also has no idea in her heart.

When he came in just now, he saw the light that Song Qi deliberately shot on the ground, and showed it to her.

She understood in an instant.

The most daring, but also the most flawless way.

In front of this person, the civet cat was replaced by the prince.

But this person below.

Su Wan suddenly thought of something, and wanted to turn her head to look at Song Qi, but she was helpless, her eyes were blocked by him, and she could only see the darkness.

Such a short period of time cannot be enough for Song Qi to find someone like Su Mian again.

The only possibility is that this person has always been by Song Qi's side.

In other words, Song Qi had prepared it early in the morning.

Use it to help yourself, in case you need it.

After all, no matter how much she pretended to look like on the outside, even the imperial physician might not be able to find out if Ye Qin did it herself.

But after all, she is also a daughter.

That's why Song Qi prepared a replacement for Su Mian, waiting for him at any time.

Just to help when you can use it.

For example, today's situation.

The more Su Wan thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was too high.

But he was also secretly startled, his understanding of Song Qi was really too little.

His scheming and planning are far deeper than what he thought.

Right now, he was directly on the beam of the house, watching Meng Wenzheng's confidants go out to report, and even Meng Wenzheng himself came in to take a look.

She heard voices.

But no one has noticed that there are still them on it.

This is typical of darkness under the lights.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The most dangerous methods are often the most reliable.

On the one hand, Song Qi had a delicate mind, and had prepared a counterfeit early in the morning to help him deal with the situation.

On the other hand, he is bold and careful, and uses the simplest and most direct way to get her out of trouble.

Shocked, but also somewhat fortunate.

At the beginning, what she liked was Song Qi's aloofness from the world.

I thought he would be the one I could best control.

But gradually, she found that it was herself who was being controlled.

What she was thinking and doing, Song Qi was more profound and more perfect than she would think.

Fortunately, it was a mistake, originally it was just a relationship to take advantage of, but now it can be regarded as a happy relationship.

She bumped into Song Qi, such a deep-minded master by mistake.

But it is not her enemy, but has been helping her deal with the enemy.

How fortunate.

A scene of authenticity was soon over.

The people in the house also just went out.

Song Qi immediately put Su Wan down.

Immediately after that, he hid on the beam of the house.

Su Wan clasped her belt with one hand, pretending to be dressed just now.

Go out slowly.

The person just now was also smart, and he only said a few words from the beginning to the end.

Meng Wenzheng's guards were not familiar with her, so naturally they couldn't see any flaws.

This hurdle has indeed passed.

In the future, no one will ever believe Su Qingqing's words.

As soon as Su Wan went out, as expected, she saw Su Qingqing who was already mad.

His face was unbelievable.

After Meng Wenzheng's confidant came out to report, she dragged her desperately and insisted on going in by herself.

The Meng family refused to let it go, so Meng Wenzheng had to compromise and go in.

It's just that the result obtained is still not the answer Su Qingqing wants to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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