Chapter 422
Because of what he insisted on staying yesterday, Song Qi had already quarreled with her.

Just because she was worried about her safety.

But right now, after only one night, Su Qingqing was forced to do this.

You have to rely on Song Qi to get out of the siege.

Although the result can be regarded as a surprise.

But Su Wan understood.

If there is no Song Qi today, if there is no protection from these people in the dark, if Song Qi is found in time.

She is indeed more ill-fortune than good.

Alone in this Meng Mansion, she is able to do a job with ease, but she really doesn't have that strength yet.

Today's events are the exception, but they are indeed the norm.

Who put her in the very center of danger.

Although Song Qi just helped her, but right now, he is completely in the posture of wanting to settle accounts after the fall.

Su Wan said it was understandable, understandable.

With a guilty conscience, he took a step forward and sat beside Song Qi with a smile.

The smile is also very doggy.

"Song Qi, it's really thanks to you that you came in time, otherwise I would definitely be in trouble."

Because she was facing Song Qi, Su Wan naturally used her own voice.

Soft-spoken, delicate.

Hearing this, Su Wan felt goosebumps all over her body.

In this posture, she herself felt that she was not herself.

It's just that today's matter, in the final analysis, is still her fault.

Seeing that Song Qi helped her solve such a big trouble, she really had the upper hand.

So it's right to coax Song Qi now.

Song Rui was still drinking tea in a serious manner. If he hadn't prepared for what happened today, it would indeed be dangerous.

So after hearing Meng Wenzheng and others left, the worry in my heart disappeared instantly.

All that was left was the anger towards Su Wan.

Seeing Su Wan come in, on the surface it was calm and breezy, but in reality, the anger in his heart was enough to set Su Wan on fire.

Naturally, he didn't want to talk to her and pay attention to her.

But Su Wan sat next to her, and rarely had the heart of a little girl in front of him.

Talking to her in such a tone suddenly shocked Song Rui.

Almost uncontrollable.

The teacup in his hand swayed almost inaudibly.

Fortunately, there wasn't a lot of tea in the teacup, so it wouldn't be spilled out, directly ruining his image.

After calming down a little, Song Rui decided to ignore Su Wan.

Continue to remain silent, silently looking at the tea in his cup.

Su Wan twitched her lips, realizing that this time, she seemed to have really pissed off Song Qi.

He was so humble that he ignored himself.

There is no way, it seems that the only way to do it is to use a big move.

She couldn't believe it, if Song Qi faced her, could it be Liu Xiahui?

Su Wan glanced outside the house.

With Qi Er watching outside, no one would come in in time.

And after the quarrel just now, Su Qingqing wouldn't come over so soon.

So today, her courtyard should be safe.

Su Wan raised her hand and directly removed the human skin mask from her face.

Revealed his original face.

In the end, it was the feminine posture of a woman, and I had a masculine man's face on my own.

No wonder Song Qi didn't respond.

Therefore, she directly took off the human skin mask temporarily.

without hesitation.

Although Song Rui had made up his mind not to talk to Su Wan, he couldn't help but secretly looked at her from the corner of his eye.

(End of this chapter)

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