Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 436 Everything in the past is like a nightmare 1

Chapter 436 Everything in the past is like a nightmare 6
Too often, even if he knows where the problem is, he has no way to solve it.

Either because of anything else, or because he couldn't solve it.

Don't dare to ask too much.

"Okay, Song Qi, I'll do it myself." Su Wan's wandering thoughts were suddenly brought back by Song Rui's movements.

She was lost in thought, and she didn't know what Song Qi was thinking.

Also in a trance.

The towel in his hand was almost rubbing in front of her.

This stop position is really...

Song Rui returned to his senses slightly, and what caught his eye was the snow-white patch of Su Wan's chest.

His eyes subconsciously heated up.

Compared to him, Su Wan always seemed to have an uncontrollable magical power that made him unable to stop.

It was so in the past and it is so now.

"Song Qi, you, you go out first, I'll do it myself." Su Wan couldn't stand being stared at, and snatched the towel from her hand.

Song Rui let Su Wan pull the towel from her hand, without moving.

Su Wan gritted her teeth.

Wanted to get up, but couldn't get up in front of Song Rui.

Even though the legs are still limp and weak, they are much better than before.

Then he was stared at by Song Qi.

Su Wan always felt like meat on a chopping board.

He will be torn apart and eaten by him at any time.

It's too dangerous.

"Song Qi, I'm so hungry, can you go out and get some food?" Su Wan spoke softly, tugging at Song Rui's sleeve.

Say nice things about him.

Knowing that it's useless for her to say it directly, the person in front of her will not walk away.

Su Wan then changed the method.

As expected, Song Rui got up slightly.

But he was still looking Su Wan up and down, as if he was questioning the authenticity of her words.

Song Rui is really too difficult to deal with.

Even an excuse can be looked at for a long time.

Su Wan was also unwilling to show weakness.

"Song Qi, I was really hungry after being tormented by you like that just now. With my current appearance, you can't let others in, right?" Su Wan was sure of Song Rui's point.

As long as you are in this house today.

He will never allow a second person to come in.

So no matter what he wanted, only Song Rui could get it by himself.

It's true, she has been tossed by herself for a long time, and she should indeed be hungry.

Song Rui had a smile on his lips.

He knew in his heart that she was intentionally distracting himself, but in his heart, he was also willing to let her go.

"What do you want to eat?" Song Rui got up, ready to go out.

In this Meng Mansion, almost every yard has a small kitchen.

The master in the compound will have the cook in the compound.

On Su Wan's side, there was also a small one alone.

Although it's not big, it still prepares Su Wan's meals.


He was always worried before.

After all, this Meng Mansion is not a good place.

But Su Wan will be assassinated.

Now the cooks in Su Wan's courtyard are also his subordinates.

is his man.

"It's all right, I like to eat whatever you brought here." Su Wan smiled, knowing that Song Qi had seen through her little plot.

But he didn't expose himself, and let her go, and went to serve the meal.

She was still very happy.

For so many years in the Su Mansion, she has not really lived the life of a young lady for a few days.

In terms of meals, she always eats what she has, so she is not very picky.

This time is naturally the same.

Seeing Song Rui's leaving figure, Su Wan immediately stood up quietly from the tub.

Holding on to one side, his legs softened and he almost knelt down.

I couldn't help but scold Song Rui secretly.

But still, taking advantage of Song Rui's absence, he hurriedly put on his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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