Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 446 His Royal Highness King Qi Over the Wall 4

Chapter 446 His Royal Highness King Qi Over the Wall 4
"Let them know for a while, and avoid it for a while, what kind of tricks are you playing?" Su Wan felt puzzled and frowned.

Song Rui didn't answer, but stared at Su Wan for a while.

Soon, Su Wan was stunned.

Inexplicable, as if he had reacted to something.

"Oh, did you do it on purpose? Are you testing them on purpose?" Su Wan suddenly realized.

"Yes." Song Rui responded lightly.

The reason why he came in over the wall was to see if his hidden guards would find out.

Facts have proved that it was not found.

In comparison, this directly brought a great hidden danger to them.

Obviously, if someone with martial arts comparable to his sneaked in, they wouldn't be able to find out at all.

Just now, he deliberately made a sound to warn them that he had already entered.

Su Wan bit her lip, and looked outside the room sympathetically.

Although she didn't know where those hidden guards were hiding, Su Wan knew it well.

Those people are probably beating their feet and chests now.

Being hit by his master like this.

Although Song Qi's point of view is not wrong.

But Su Wan still felt very harsh.

Song Qi's martial arts is already rare in this world, few people can match it.

What's more, those people were trained by Song Qi himself.

To Song Qi, wanting to evade the surveillance of his subordinates couldn't be easier.

Song Rui just saw Su Wan's tangled expression, and immediately understood what Su Wan was thinking.

Then he said, "These are not excuses for lack of ability."

He was not found this time because of the ineffective supervision of these people.

There is no other excuse to say.

Su Wan was dumbfounded.

Once again, I am glad that I am not Song Qi's subordinate.

Such a method of training people is really too perverted.

For a moment, Su Wan thought of Song Rui.

It's really a family.

When Song Rui trained his subordinates, he usually used such perverted methods.

That's why Song Rui's troops were one against ten, and they would always win in subsequent wars.

"You're lucky not to be under this king?" Song Rui interrupted Su Wan's thoughts lightly.

Su Wan jumped up instantly, and looked at Song Rui in horror, "Song Qi, are you a roundworm in my stomach! Why do you know what I'm thinking?"

She didn't seem to say it, did she?

Song Rui raised his hand and rubbed the top of Su Wan's hair, with a doting look on his face, "Your little thoughts can't be hidden in my eyes."

Su Wan pulled a smile on the corner of her mouth.

This reason, she really has some, can't refute.

"Okay, okay, what you said is right." Su Wan responded casually.

"You are the wife of this king, so you will naturally be protected by this king, so you don't have to be as invulnerable as them." Song Rui added.

Su Wan's heart suddenly became happy.

Although he knew that Song Qi said this, it still meant to coax her.

But Su Wan was still very happy to hear that.

She understood what Song Qi meant, with him by her side, she could be a rice worm waiting to die.

As long as she wants.

However, she is still more willing to watch herself pull down those people she hates one by one.

Then she will feel happy!
All those who wanted her dead.

(End of this chapter)

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