Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 461 Protecting Her from the Wind and Rain 1

Chapter 461 Protecting Her from the Wind and Rain 1
In about a quarter of an hour, Su Wan seemed to have tidied herself up, and carefully changed into a woman's attire.

She didn't come back for several days, even though Song Qi could see herself some time ago, she was basically dressed in men's clothing.

I'm afraid that if he doesn't show up again, Song Qi will forget what she looks like in women's clothing.

I am still young now, with a fair complexion, how can there be a man who doesn't love a delicate and charming woman?
Facing himself in men's clothing and his masculine face, Song Qi was really embarrassed.

Su Wan smiled softly, and when she was about to arrive at Song Qi's study, she began to tiptoe around, not letting the servants report.

In the Meng Mansion, there were too many people watching both openly and secretly, so she inevitably had a tense expression.

It's hard to relax.

Now that she has finally returned to Prince Qi's Mansion, only here is the time when she is most at ease. She doesn't need to hide anything, and no one will hurt her.

Because Song Qi knew all her thoughts and ideas, and all her secrets.

The people in this mansion also regard her as their master, they will only protect her and will not harm her.

When Su Wan was living a cautious life in the Su Mansion, Su Wan suddenly arrived at the Prince Qi's Mansion, and felt very good, after all, it was easier than ever before.

After a while, the relaxed feeling obviously faded a lot.

But now, after living in the Meng Mansion for a while, when I come back again, this feeling of relaxation is stronger than before.

It's more comfortable.

Sure enough, only by going out to experience it will she understand that Prince Qi's Mansion will be her real home, and she will understand how good it is here.

While Su Wan was still in a trance, Song Qi's voice seemed to come from inside the room, "Su Wan, why don't you come in?"

Su Wan came back to her senses and looked at herself standing at the door in a daze. The goal was too big and she was discovered.

Feeling ashamed for a moment, he pushed the door open with a smile and went in.

After trotting, he arrived in front of Song Qi in a few steps, with a bright smile on his face, "How do you know I'm here?"

Although he knew it well, he still couldn't help but ask a few questions.

This feeling is like being in love, even if it is something I know, I still can't help sharing it with the person I love the most.

Always like to ask some seemingly idiotic questions.

Just like she is now.

Looking at Su Wan's appearance, Song Rui couldn't help but feel his heart flutter slightly. He became more and more fascinated by Su Wan who looked like a little girl.

So I am willing to answer her questions.

"Standing outside the door for so long, what are you thinking?"

One question and one answer, it can be regarded as answering Su Wan's question, and by the way, asking his question.

Su Wan sat beside Song Qi in front of the desk, and lay down on the table.

Song Rui's heart was immediately filled with her appearance.

In Su Wan's bones, she actually had such a lively and cheerful personality, which was deeply buried because of herself back then.

Now at this time, it seems that little by little, he has been supported by him again.

This is undoubtedly Song Rui's greatest sense of accomplishment, bringing back Su Wan's temper a little bit.

What he was most willing to look at was Su Wan's heartless appearance, occasionally acting like a baby with him.

It is his greatest satisfaction.

If possible, he hopes that in this life, Su Wan's temperament can continue like this.

All the wind, frost, rain and snow, all the darkness let him resist.

Shield her from the wind and rain.

Su Wan just kept quietly hiding behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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