Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 464 Protecting Her from the Wind and Rain 4

Chapter 464 Protecting Her from the Wind and Rain 4
Su Wan's body was limp, and she was completely unconscious at the end. When it finally ended, Su Wan had already fallen into a deep sleep.

During the entanglement, the mask on Song Rui's face loosened slightly.

Although the mask wasn't very thick, every time he put it on Su Wan's cheek, he couldn't feel the warmth on her face.

I can only touch the cold mask forever.

Su Wan was considerate of him, and never said a word to make him take off his mask.

Even while falling asleep.

Su Wan was worried about his mood, but he himself did not dare to appear in front of Su Wan.

He still felt that Su Wan's behavior undoubtedly made him feel more guilty.

Song Rui took off his mask, hugged Su Wan tightly, and whispered in her ear, "Su Wan, look clearly, your husband is Song Rui."

Su Wan fell into a deep sleep and didn't respond.

Song Rui sighed lightly, and kissed Su Wan lightly on the cheek.

My heart became more and more congested.

In the past, I didn't know how to love a woman, thinking that it was enough to give her what I thought was good.

Before ascending to the throne, most of Su Wan and him were fighting everywhere, or conspiring with the court.

After ascending to the throne, he and Su Wan spend even less time spending each other tenderly.

He thought he could do that.

It wasn't until he actually saw Su Wan die in front of him, the moment Su Wan really disappeared, that he finally understood.

Many people and many things will disappear in the blink of an eye.

The same goes for those you love.

Song Rui understood very clearly.

God gave him such a chance, so he began to change.

Even though it was difficult to change his temperament, in front of Su Wan, he learned to relax and face Su Wan with the most authentic emotions.

He will also accompany Su Wan, and is willing to slowly develop a relationship with her.

This is something that has never happened in previous lives.

In the previous life, Su Wan guarded him, so he didn't feel it.

Now, he is the one who guards Su Wan, cautiously, worrying about gains and losses.


Probably because Song Rui hugged her a little too tightly, Su Wan undoubtedly snorted, Song Rui was so frightened that she quickly let go.

Habitually holding the mask on one side, I want to put it on.

Looking back, she saw that Su Wan hadn't woken up at all.

It's he who's over-hearted.

Sighing slightly in his heart, he picked up the scattered clothes on the ground, put them on for Su Wan, and carried her towards the bedroom.

In the house, there is already hot water prepared.

Seeing the marks all over Su Wan's body, Song Rui felt a little distressed.

Every time he couldn't restrain himself, he just tried harder.

Gently put Su Wan into the tub, and carefully wiped it off for her.

It wasn't until Su Wan was dry that he carefully put her into the brocade quilt, and reached out to hold her in his arms. She looked petite and slept deeply.

Song Rui was extremely satisfied from body to heart.

That kind of feeling is like owning the whole world, which makes people feel happy.

The corners of her lips could not help but curl up slightly, and she hugged Su Wan, "Soon, you will know who this king is."

The Meng Mansion has collapsed, and the Su Mansion and everything else means that it will not be too slow.

So Su Wan will know soon.

He has been helping Su Wan take revenge, but he is actually taking revenge on himself.

Because the faster Su Wan moves, the faster Su Wan will know his identity.

By the time……

"Su Wan, even if you know the truth, don't leave me." Song Rui murmured softly, his gaze fell on Su Wan's lower abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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