Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 483 Pardoning the Prince 1

Chapter 483 Pardoning the Prince 1
After Meng's birthday passed, Su Wan had already returned to the Meng Mansion.

The guard who pretended to be her could pretend to be her for a day, but he couldn't pretend to be her all the time, so Su Wan went back to the Meng Mansion.

As she expected, Meng Wenzheng had been studying the art of war last time, but she had never been allowed to go to the barracks.

It's just that I am slowly practicing.

Su Wan was in the Meng Mansion, still looking at the book of war every day, studying it carefully.

Because of military training, Meng Wenzheng slowly began to be absent from the Meng Mansion for a lot of time.

This directly gave Song Rui a chance.

Originally, when Meng Wenzheng was still there, Song Rui often came in over the wall.

Now that Meng Wenzheng is not around, Song Rui directly treats the Meng Mansion as the Prince Qi's Mansion, as if entering the land of no one.

That night.

Su Wan looked at Song Rui on the opposite side, bit the chopsticks in her hands, and became more and more speechless, "Song Qi, are you being too arrogant for staying in the Meng Mansion all this time?"

Although the guards of the Meng Mansion are not as good as those of Song Qi, they can still be regarded as the residence of the Great General.

Song Qi was fine, he came here every day, but it was almost the same as in Qi Wangfu.

It's okay if the number of times is less, but if there are more times, she will inevitably still be a little worried.

Although he believed in Song Qi's ability very much, but sometimes, he still felt a little worried.

After all, at some point, Meng Wenzheng came to find him.

Somehow, she was still a little guilty.

But when these words fell into Song Rui's ears, it directly became Su Wan's dislike for Song Rui.

How long has it been since she started to despise herself?

Song Rui's complexion suddenly became ugly, "Su Wan, do you hate me?"

Su Wan was taken aback.

Where is this all?

She just felt that this was the Meng Mansion, which was inconvenient.

However, he instantly felt the low air pressure around him.

Su Wan realized belatedly that she probably said something wrong.

He quickly changed his words, "No, no, how could it be? Song Qi, you are my husband, how could I hate you?"

It was she who forgot that Song Qi had a lot of opinions about her stay in the Meng Mansion.

Recently, because he can come here every day, Song Qi didn't mention this matter much.

But not mentioning it doesn't mean Song Qi doesn't mind.

Fortunately, she directly hit the muzzle of the gun.

It became more and more speechless.

Sometimes, she really found that Song Qi's temper was like that of a child, very difficult to coax.

Especially when such things are involved, it is even more difficult to deal with.

Right now, she seems to have really touched Ni Lin.

However, these words fell into Song Rui's ears and had no soothing effect.

Sometimes, it's not that he doesn't understand that Su Wan just did it unintentionally, but he seems to be frightened already, and what he hates the most is these words, especially when they come from Su Wan's mouth.

So as time passed, he became more and more reluctant to hear it.

Even unintentional words, for him, may one day become true.

It is because of such worries that Song Rui's heart becomes more and more repulsive.

Su Wan sighed. Although she felt a bit of a headache, she felt inexplicably happy in her heart.

Whenever Song Qi gets angry, it's basically because he takes her too seriously.

Such attention in the palm of your hand, what more can you ask for?

So, just coaxing, she is still willing to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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